Full Moon in Aquarius
Welcome to the #FullMoonInAquarius This is a wild and wacky moon of exploration and innovation at season change. Expect your brain to feel itself expanding, your body evolving, your purpose shaping itself. This is a progressive cycle of tapping into your highest potential so you can connect with yourself and your community in healthy ways. Abundance, Magick and Wisdom are up for grabs for those with dreams, visions and goals! You're going to find yourself wanting to live more authentically, reconsidering what you've been taught as normal. Recalibration your life. Finding ways to be free. This moon is ALWAYS about integrating our light codes from Lions Gate www.namaste.co.za/lg and using our new upgrades to find the Win-Win-Win. It's a time to feel your infinite possibilities. Get invigorated by your own new philosophies as we all feel the breaking of the chains of the past. Step into your brand new confident self. Things will no doubt be amplified so expect breakdowns and breakthroughs... they are often 2 sides of the same coin y'all.
Free Moon Message SPOTLIGHTS Season: Spring (South) . Autumn (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/eCAP0bTd7-c |
1. What can I do to integrate my dreams? 2. Who is my best self? 3. How can I become unapologetically authentic? 4. Why am I going through this right now? 5. When I am free, what will I know and understand? 6. Where can I embrace my weirdness successfully? 7. Give me clues how to come back to myself? 8. Highlight how I can break free of the chains? 9. Show me my Win-Win-Win? MOON AQUARIUS MANTRA "I am free to integrate my best self into my highest good future by allowing the chains of the past to fall away. I accept and love all of myself, embracing all my weirdness and living unapologetically and authentically without harm. I live my best life by meeting my goals and understanding what needs to be done to find the Win-Win-Win. No matter how far I venture, low I go, or high I fly, I always come back to myself with peace, happiness, joy, purpose and clarity." |