Full Moon in Aries
Welcome to the #FullMoonInAries If you've been looking for inspiration, this moon will bring it with clarity, so be gentle and kind with yourself as your eyes open. The point isn't to bully yourself or find blame, it's to course correct only. The rebirth begins now, can you feel it? Have you felt how the universe has been removing those who can't see you for your true value? It's not a new chapter, it's a whole new book y'all. So crack open that fresh book spine and start writing your new story. Today.
There are many ticking timebombs around us, some within us, some will cause destruction and others will create space for a new big bang that forces you onto your intended path to your purpose. When you go into darkness, know you are the light in that dark, keep going, trust the road is there in front of you. Change the things that are hurting you and yours. Holding onto pride, delusions, baggage, lies, ignorance will only hurt you. Some of us will be on fire, some burning to ashes and some rising like a phoenix from those ashes, the result will be based on what we choose to do about our toxic behaviours, thoughts, feelings, reactions, relationships, ideas. Let the fire burn those away, rather than your future. Pain and discomfort is weakness leaving your life, payment for something we loved and agreed to experience. The point is to find your gift in the trauma. It's there. So for as long as you can't see it, you can't heal it. It is time for you to step into your best self. The world needs you healthy. You and the people you love are counting on you. This moon will make or break your relationships in yourself, love, business and friendship... The purpose of this moon is to refresh the way you think, speak, understand yourself, others, Earth and your purpose to extract solutions, not rehash problems on the merry-go-round of hell. Peace is the ultimate end game. So ask yourself how you get there without allowing yourself to get fkd over to keep it because that's not peace. That's internal war. |
Season: Spring (South) . Autumn (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/OzpdIg7sW6c SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What is my driving force? 2. What must I drive towards? 3. How do I fuel my drive for my highest good? 4. What must I ride away from? 5. Where does my unstoppable strength lie? 6. Where is my soul's fire illuminating the darkness? 7. Who is my tribe that stimulates me? 8. How can I add more balance to my future? MOON IN ARIES MANTRA "I am my own driving force. My passion leads me to where I belong. My eyes are open as I drive on the fog trusting the road is in front of me. I ride towards my dreams and away from toxic roads that lead to danger. I am in my drivers seat. My soul lights my way and my passengers along for the ride are with me for my highest good to help me to future proof my life" |