Full Moon in Cancer
Welcome to the #FullMoonInCancer #FullMoon, the Buck Moon in South and Wolf Moon up north, giving us energy and making us feel alive again with inspiration. With that it brings FEELINGS to the surface so experiencing being overwhelmed is normal, don't let that break you, just take one bite and chew it and swallow before you take the next one, even if it means dropping balls. Rather do one thing well at a time for now. You'll notice this emotional surge run through everyone, flushing out what keeps them in toxic cycles with toxic people, moving away from toxic triggers that force you to make decisions based on fear instead of love.
Perceptions will be magnified now, so educate yourself with what is healthy for you and grow your seeds with your best of intentions. It's normal for sleep to be interrupted or even if you sleep well, you'll feel exhausted, that's because a lot of programming is happening, so you may feel anxious and irrational and experience weird physical symptoms. Allow those things to pass through you. We have 3 planets retro, including Mercury and Mars, so y'all know they like to shake ALL our trees. Embrace your shadow side It's part of you to help you build your life and construct your dreams. If you need help with this WhatsApp me www.namaste.co.za/therapy Notice what is being illuminated for you now? Giving and receiving must be equal or you will incur debts you don't want in the future. Nourish yourself and others, find your place in your community. It is time to lead and teachand learn, even if it is yourself by yourself. Leading isn't just for groups, it's for your own Alpha life. Avoid control and rather embrace the new flow of team and community #WeAreOne #UnoProOmnes Always be #ProChoice and #InterFaith to be balanced. SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/gbBFmI6ZSUs |
1. What makes me powerless? 2. Who am I really? 3. How do I reclaim my power? 4. Why am I allowing things to stop me? 5. Which of my perceptions must upgrade? 6. Where am I powerful? 7. How can I strengthen my connection to my highest good? 8. Show me how to deepen my understanding of myself? 9. How can I start to create what I came to create? 10. Give me clues into my real tribe and community? 11. What commitments are strangling me? 12. What in me and my life needs healthy alignment? MOON IN CANCER MANTRA "I am Powerful! I know who I am and I know why I'm here and I don't let anything or anyone stop me from achieving what I agreed to come here for. I upgrade my perceptions to accommodate an ever evolving world so I can always be my best and not stuck in old patterns or triggers that are part of a dying world. I educate myself to strengthen my connections and align my dreams with planned action. I deepen my understanding of myself, to know where I belong on earth so I can honour that position with love, giving, receiving and nurturing myself and those around me who are also lead by love, joy and peace. I honour my creator by creating what I agreed to create with and for land, humans and creature by releasing all that strangles me and my future because I know #WeAreOne. I am powerful and learning how to use that for the highest good of all." |