Full Moon in Capricorn
Welcome to the #FullMoonInCapricorn The July Moon of Power! Our seasons are 100% in shift, we're already seeing signs of spring and autumn on July which is really early. It probably has something to do with earth's evolution acceleration and the poles shifting, so expect to feel some changes coming through for you in your own life, body, brain and soul. This moon is bringing us energies of natural intuition, emotion and protection against negative or dark forces and connecting with yourself in new creative ways gives you extra protection because it means you have a good connection to your core self. Earth is changing and we must evolve with her. Mother Nature is a powerful force that we cannot control, she dictates our daily activities. Be useful and practical, using your spare time wisely. There are times for rest and times to invest in our future. Know which is when and apply yourself. It is time to connect to yours true hearts desires. It's time to take control of what is yours to control and leave nature to make her changes and find a way to blend that into balance whilst still being caring, kind, calm and sensitive, avoiding extremes.
Confidence comes with being truthful and honest with yourself about doing what makes sense for your future. Safety and self trust are the key elements this full moon and knowing that discipline often means sacrifice as your responsibilities become more clear under this moon. Know yourself. Know your path. Walk your talk. It's time to make those decisions and commit yourself to yourself. This moon is about will power, stamina, responsibility and discipline to push forward and overcome obstacles and achieve success. This moon is going to be your biggest push this year because its the biggest super moon and its in #Capricorn, so expect the volume to get turned up on what you're meant to be doing, despite the huge void that we're all feeling. Our highest growth potential awaits us. Earth needs us at our best selves. So y'all, get onto those To Do Lists & The NOT to do anymore lists! SPOTLIGHTS Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/QQ2U5yO7ksY |
1. What is my true hearts desire for my future? 2. Who am I transforming and evolving into? 3. How can I let go of my guilt and shame? 4. Why am I feeling dead or numb in some places? 5. Show me how to change and enjoy it? 6. Where is fear keeping me from my deserved future? 7. Give me clues into walking my talk? 8. Which is my best way to get grounded? 9. Show me new ways to rest well? 10. How can I apply myself more effectively? 11. What do I need to know about my awakening? 12. Where can I commit to myself more fully? 13. How can I be my best self? MOON MANTRA "I am always operating at my Best Self level because I am fully committed to myself and my deserved future. I follow my hearts true desire because I am awakening and invested in evolving and transforming with Earth as she does. I let go of guilt, fear, shame and insecurity so I can embrace who I really am and go after what I really want so I can feel truly alive and enjoy myself doing it. I balance rest with work and discipline myself whilst always remaining grounded in truth and honesty by walking my talk with confidence and honour." #MoonInCapricorn |