Full Moon in Gemini
Welcome to the #FullMoonInGemini #FullMoon, Strawberry moon for us down south and Cold moon for the North! The Solstice approaches, where Mars is retro and we are now being called to step into our power in preparation for new year!
Many of you are feeling it whether you recognise it or not. It feels a bit like a detox, or being ridden over by a bus or like your blood is made of lead, its like a spiritual surgery that our creator and angels are busy with on us. So it can feel excruciating, confusing and really weird. Head neck ear jaw pressure or pain, change in sleeping, eating and digression, also difference in taste, smell, feelings. Mars will bring conflict to all relationships to see which ones are toxic and which ones are healthy enough to move towards. Quality of thoughts are changing. Aches are your spiritual growing pains. If you've suffered a loss to death or separation, you're feeling it in an even more raw way. This is the COSMIC TURNING POINT where prophecy is now knocking at all our doors, so expect some family feuds to resurface or be created. Not everyone with blood deserves to be in your life, so our tribes will be redefined. Boundaries and rules are being reset globally and cosmically, so you'll be feeling that need now in your own life. Embrace being mischievous, innocent, playful and curious. Try all things that inspire you. Make this #FestiveSeason more about you and less about others. Now is the time to discover yourself and emphasise your importance in your journey and take active steps towards your purpose. If you need help with any of that, my #NamasteTherapy Journeys can give you that kick start www.namaste.co.za/therapy If you're not giving you to yourself for a third of your day, you're neglecting yourself, so start there and second is to immediately drop whatever feels forced, then expect epiphanies, breakthroughs and opportunities that must be acted on to achieve your own greatness. Put those final touches on yourself and your projects and your dreams and get those sails ready. |
Season: Mid Year Solstice: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/bdetnNk_DOg SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What needs to lighten up? 2. Who do I need to be to claim my purpose? 3. How can I be more playful? 4. What is my message in life about? 5. What must be left undone? 6. Where must I take things more seriously? 7. Message from my Angels & Creator? 8. Message from the shadows? 9. Give me a clue into my truth? 10. Show me another way to embrace my success? 11. How can I stay calm during chaos I can't comprehend? 12. What is worth fighting for? 13. What is my mission, purpose, destiny? MOON IN GEMINI MANTRA "I am lightening up and becoming playful to access my truth, my essence and my innocence. I wear the message of my life with pride, stepping into my future knowing that some things have to be left behind undone without closure because a new dawn awaits. I take myself more seriously and become more curious about life as I try everything that inspires my body brain and soul. I stay calm during chaos or confusion by listening to the messages of my Angels, Creator and shadows. We know what is worth fighting for and that is myself, my mission, my destiny and my purpose." |