Full Moon in Leo
Welcome to the #FullMoonInLeo ... Get READY for a Sexy, Sassy, Saucy #Leo #FullMoon Y'all Warning, its going to HEAT up so make sure your passion fire is more LOVE, creation, warmth and a lot less bite and destruction. Whatever your mindset is this moon, it will SHOW! So who are you when no one is looking? This Leo #Moon is about being PROUD of who you REALLY are and actually SHOWING that authentic self to the world. To stand your ground in your territory and ROAR the respect into your boundaries so you can allow your inner Alpha to CLAIM your rightful title as King or Queen of your own world. If you aren't, who is? Is your pride limiting you or expanding you into your best self? What is contradicting your purpose? What is your philosophy? BIG CAT QUESTIONS with BIG ALPHA answers and EPIPHANIES coming y'all Make sure the ONLY BOOSTER you get this year is the one for your COURAGE.
Lion energy steps into its role very easily so expect a dose of energy boosting your purpose and extra credit for anything you create this cycle which will mean ditching some stuff like it's HOT. If you don't choose, then it will be chosen for you. Basically y'all, it's extracting your USP! So what's your Unique Selling Point? Why is your fingerprint here on Earth? What are you doing about it? Observe yourself and circle, hunt down what you need and resting well is the name of this full Moons game Lion LOVES himself, and knows his place on earth, so definitely give yourself at least 10 compliments eye to eye in that mirror today. Like real deal shit. Like well fkn done for surviving 100% of your worst days you beautiful beast, look at what those paws of yours do on earth, let yourself HEAR your own roar as your ALPHA HEART bursts wide open... and do your hair, a lion's maine is a big deal y'all It's time to become the leader you've been needing. PAY ATTENTION for what is happening right now, destiny, fate and karma are giving important clues and details. SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/CwZHX-q4eng |
1. What does my Lion heart want to say? 2. Who am I when I am standing in my power? 3. How can I find my authentic Alpha Heart purpose? 4. Show me how to be the leader I have needed? 5. How can I feel more confident to be me and trust myself? 6. Where can I be more creative even if I think I'm not? 7. What needs to be dropped because it will bite me? 8. What do I need to manifest for my highest good now? 9. Who is my highest good soul pack? 10. What does love really look like to me? 11. Show me how to use my bite for my highest good? MOON IN LEO MANTRA "I show up for myself, my life and my pack because I honour my Lion Heart and my Divine place on earth. I stand in my power easily with clear boundaries because I know who I am and I am proud to show the world and claim my territory. I am the Alpha of my own life by being the leader I've always longed for. I am confident because who I am is in alignment with my purpose and I create whatever I need, to make my reality what I know it should be. I manifest my highest good for myself and my environment in perfect balance. I know exactly what love looks like to me and I know I need to use my bite to maintain a healthy eco system in my inner and outer worlds. I am Alpha, hear me roar!" |