Full Moon in Libra
Welcome to the #FullMoonInLibra The #Easter Hunter Moon down south and the Pink Moon up north brings us blessings and challenges about the relationships we have with others and ourselves. It will be a cycle to focus on love, growth, wellness, finding sustainable solutions for all, burning old bridges and building new ones. Whether our relationships come together or separate, strengthen or dissolve, it just be so for the highest good of all and that's something we have to just find a way to accept in our own ways Namaste Amen A'ho Inshallah and So it is xoxo
The trick to this challenge is to believe in your calling, your creator and in your posse to get you exactly where you need to be! To find our #WinWinWin with balance, peace and harmony. It is time to return home to yourself and that is the definition of SPIRITUALITY. Finding YOU! Loving YOU! Supporting YOU! In perfect balance and perfect trust y'all. The more you know about Earth and yourself, the easier it is to find your place in this world. Sounds like a pipe dream!? It isn't. We are all here for something different. This new dawn demands ORGANIC AUTHENTIC REAL... What you resist will persist. Get into your original fingerprint flow to escape the harsh extremes of this next period. Those with love will dive deeper into what they are passionate about. Make sure that's in the highest good of all and equal and be at peace, trusting the universe is on track with its plan. Listen to your inner self, your trinity and your angels, they walk with you wherever you go... so try have a LOT of fun with yourself first and then others! SPOTLIGHTS Season: Autumn (South) . Spring (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/enSMKyKRkoU |
1. What is calling for transformation in me? 2. Who or what am I neglecting that I need to refocus with? 3. How can I safely connect more deeply with myself and others? 4. Give me clues into my lessons this cycle? 5. When I am in healthy balance, what will I experience? 6. What to release to experience healthy relationships? 7. What is at a turning point that needs my attention? 8. Where can I become more aligned with myself? 9. How are my needs and wants clashing? 10. What can I do to return to myself? 11. Where are my priorities unbalanced? 12. How can I experience more healthy fun? MOON IN LIBRA MANTRA "I am in perfect balance and perfect trust with my future self, as I transform what must now be created and release what no longer serves my highest good. I embrace all that is meant for me, realign and refocus my intentions as I am guided to by my intuition, instincts, posse and creator. My priorities are balanced as I awaken more everyday and learn the lessons I need to return to myself and experience healthier relationships while having some fun and resting well between. I allow the flow of my transformation with peace, love, joy and harmony as I believe I am part of bigger picture that isn't always clear, so I trust in my path and my faith to unfold as it should." |