Full Moon in Pisces
This #FullMoonInPisces, the first of the Summer Season is gonna be WAKING US ALL UP from whatever denial we've been using to shove the truth into our basements. It's here to deemphasis who we were to create a new identity. It's gonna burst #Healing light into all those cracks that are keeping us wounded. You may feel physically unwell, might be getting less sleep and needing naps in the middle of nowhere or even feel like you're grieving your old life and even feel suicidal like there's no point. That's all normal and just part of the process. If it was easy, everyone would be healed. It's trying to give us another shot at being who we came to earth to be. Some of us will take the #RedPill and awaken further and some will take the blue pill because its just too much work and pain to wake up. This chance will come around again and again and again, as sure as the sun and moon do. The question really is, do you delay the inevitable or do you stand up for yourself and volunteer to go through that struggle now? Every moment we get older, it becomes more difficult, so basically it's a no brainer really.
To survive such a challenge, you will need compassion and understanding for yourself and others void of any of your past judgments, whether they are warranted or not. You either want to heal or you don't? Your dreams and intuition is going to be heightened so, depending on if you are friends with yourself or not will determine how pleasant or crap this #MoonPhase will be for you because your posse are bombarding you with messages, uploads and downloads so it can feel like anxiety, interference in the head or body or just feeling overwhelmed over not much at all. It's time to step into your new self and that means allowing your imagination to run wild in positive future proofing ways to grow into who you've dreamed of becoming. If it's negative, that's just a downward spiral. Ain't nobody got time for that kind of breakdown right now. You'll have a more pleasant #Healthy time just going with the universal flow. Mother nature is in charge of our environment and our creator and angels are in charge of the mission, so ja, those are two forces to reckon with and haven't seen anyone trump that power team yet. Have courage to surrender what muck in you that bubbles to the surface. Let it out and clean that shit up! Don't mess it anywhere expecting others to clean it up for you. Don't you dare even think about cleaning up anyone else's mess either. Helping them means letting them fix the things they break. VERY IMPORTANT! Even if the person doesn't mean to be an asshole, that excuse must be removed from your brain as an acceptable reason right this minute. It isn't one. Tie up loose ends. Clear confusion in yourself, clean up your perspective. You CANNOT clarify confusion for someone else, so don't waste your energy on anyone trying to misunderstand you, only those with seek to understand YOU. Watch the smoke and mirrors. Shape your thoughts into distinct goals. Your communication techniques will be challenged, not to make you feel stupid, but to get you to interacting with people in new ways. So go on! Try ALL THE NEW WAYS!!! Be clear and firm in speaking your truth #DontBeADoodBeLekker If you've said or believed in things that aren't true for you anymore, this is the time to reassess it and OWN it!!! Don't be afraid of admitting you were wrong, or things have changed, or followed someone or something blindly or just didn't know... LITERALLY EVERYONE on earth has been there. |
We have ALL been duped, mislead, betrayed, used, abused in different ways. No need to stay in hell just because you know the names of the road or because you spent years making that mistake. Just stop it. Right now. Change it. This is the time to embrace all of it and evolve with the new world. We must open up ourselves in order to experience joy and peace. They all go together. We just need to be more discerning about who we let in our doors in the first place. We definitely don't need to let everyone in who knocks. If you surf this just right, you should feel happy, contentment and blissful and a want to share what works for you with others, no matter what shit storm is brewing outside.
SPOTLIGHTS Season: Ostara Equinox (South) . Mabon Equinox (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/0COr4qjKm6U SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. Am I keeping my word? 2. What is my heartfelt mission? 3. Where am I succeeding in my path? 4. Where am I not giving myself enough? 5. Who am I becoming for my highest good? 6. What am I being delusional about that is hurting me? 7. How do I cultivate more integrity to honour myself? 8. Where are my relationships toxic and hurting me? 9. Am I communicating the way I think I am? 10. How do I balance things in a Tug of War? 11. How can I best handle and surrender to my awakening? MOON IN PISCES MANTRA "I surrender to my awakening and choose myself. I give myself enough of what I really need and want. I balance all my challenges with love and strong boundaries. I keep my word to myself and others because I don't make deals I don't mean or that aren't good for all. I allow delusion and toxic anything to disappear from my body, brain and soul to live and communicate more authentically in new ways with those I come into contact with. I succeed in my path by finishing my heart and soul mission by taking care of my physical self, as I cultivate the new me into existence for my highest good." |