Full Moon in Sagittarius
Welcome to the #FullMoonInSagittarius Glorious Truth and Revelation come with this gorgeous #FullMoon in Centaur Sag under a Pluto Saturn Retrograde at the Solstice which means it's packed with creativity bringing honesty to life whether in artful ways or destructive ways. It's going to have you cultivating your authority and what that means for your future. Who do you really need to be to get where you've planned on going? You're going to be challenged to see if you have what it takes. Do you? How badly do you want something? It's going to get harder and harder to find excuses to embrace who we really are. Clarity comes with what doesn't work. Rejection is always protection and redirection, so make sure you're eyes are open to what your angels are guiding you to do. Whatever you do this cycle... make sure you SHINE doing it
SPOTLIGHTS Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/fYkTe7msM5I |
1. What is standing in the way of my optimism? 2. Who am I when I am my best self? 3. Show me how I can be more grateful? 4. Why is my wisdom manifesting this way? 5. When my energy is depleted, I need to...? 6. Where is my enthusiasm really? 7. Give me clues into my next exploration? 8. What is my new healthy philosophy? 9. Show me my next right adventure? 10. What is my truth? What do I stand for? 11. Where should I aim at right now? MOON IN SAGITTARIUS MANTRA "I aim for gratitude and my highest good with my next right adventure by piecing the heart of my truth, knowing without a doubt what I stand for. I pick my battles and choose my best self and future always. I embrace my optimism and enthusiasm by knowing that my wisdom manifests in ways I cannot predict and its my job to assimilate the new and release what doesn't work anymore. I update my philosophies and attitudes when it is in the highest good of all because life is for exploring, learning, sharing, caring, coming together and knowing our place and doing that with honour and wonder. Namaste Amen A'ho Insh'Allah Skål and So it is" |