Full Moon in Scorpio
Welcome to the #FullMoonInScorpio with a #BloodMoon #LunarEclipse so it's a pretty powerful one y'all and showering us with unavoidable cosmic truth. Especial at a Pluto and Mercury Retrograde, it's bound to be a bit bumpy but also pretty exciting because everyone is catching a wake up call in one way or another. Those things aren't always nice but they are for our highest good. Mistakes and failure is only evidence of your future success... keep the flow of abundance going by not resisting what wants to leave and also not stopping what needs to come. So what is the Super #BloodMoon #LunarEclipse contributing to this shift? Tap here now to see: www.facebook.com/165584116794079/posts/5708358112516624
This is the time for miracles, but they can only happen if you're actually working on them, praying, meditating, vision boarding, repeatedly and everyday little by little, your steps will be magnified at this time, so walk in the direction of your highest good and future proof your life. SPOTLIGHTS Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/Q0DTN3zPbRI |
1. What needs to transform now for my highest good? 2. How can I see my challenges as positive and not punishment? 3. How can I heal or move on from what is still raw? 4. Why am I afraid of being vulnerable, honest and seen? 5. When I honour myself, what does it feel like? 6. Where is my miracle hiding, that I cannot see? 7. Give me clues into my destiny? 8. What needs me to stand strong in my power? 9. What needs me to stand down and surrender? 10. How can I create safe positive change? 11. How can I flow in more healthy intimate ways? MOON IN SCORPIO MANTRA "I flow with the universal change in healthy intimate ways that help me to transform my life in the highest good of all. I recognise that all my challenges are fine tuning me into my best self and know that it isn't punishment, even when it feels like it. I honour myself, my body, my brain and my soul always and that includes taking action to heal and move past raw wounds that hold me back from my perfect health and who I came here to be. I embrace my path, my duties, my gifts, my calling, my power and my miracles by being vulnerable with those who show they have my best interests at heart and I hold equally as strong against anything that interferes with my earth mission. I stand strong in my power or safely surrender as required to future proof my life. I am the only one who can be me and for that to be successful I am true to myself and honest with myself." |