Full Moon in Taurus
Welcome to the #FullMoonInTaurus Brings to us stability, protection, intensity and sensuality, so you may be having trouble sleeping for the next week whether for fun or anxiety bells ringing off the charts. Use the energy wisely to future proof your life. You may experience a desire to glow despite having zero energy. That's because you're in transformation. Allow yourself to upgrade. You weren't healing before because you can't go back to who you were, you're not that person anymore. A new version of you is emerging. Let it. Let yourself inspire yourself. It's a powerful one because it's an #LunarEclipse so it's bringing sudden change, stay grounded, peaceful and calm because you'll feel physical changes, some will be crap, like a detox, rise those waves, don't let them drown you. It is time to evolve to a higher level and a dive deeper into the connection with yourself or get left behind in a dark world that no longer exists. Trees are shaken to release what is ripe or vrot... it's pruning time. Cleanse, dance, move, love, experience, relax and build your dreams, starting with a plan... enjoy the cosmic shift pushing you to do new things in new ways with new people. Intimacy, alignment and authenticity are key.
SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/dekKpOsPJNk |
1. What can I do to find my inner peace? 2. Who am I really becoming? 3. How can I clear my regrets? 4. Why is this chaos happening? 5. How do I know what my purpose is? 6. Where does my life need to be futureproofed? 7. What are the first steps I need to take towards myself? 8. How do I stay motivated and on track? 9. What challenge should I focus on now? 10. What can I do to access my highest self? MOON IN TAURUS MANTRA "I am becoming who I really want to be and experience inner peace because I know I'm working towards my purpose everyday to future proof my life. I clear my regrets and stand strong in chaos because I can clearly see what's really happening for me by staying connected to my creator and highest self. I stay motivated and on track by focusing on the challenges helping me take the first steps I need to align me with my authentic self and path." |