Full Moon in Virgo
Welcome to the #FullMoonInVirgo This moon comes at the height of the chaos energy reigning down on us all right now. You would swear all the planets are retrograde right now even though NONE are This moon is any RELEASING the tension! PURGING that toxic pit! Throwing yourself OFF the merry-go-round. Ja no, it's not for sissies! Luckily in SA, we are surviving due to being hard-core warriors who eat PTSD for breakfast and still manage to be one of the friendliest people in the world! That is a true story! Google it! This particular #Moon requires you to go inward and EARTH yourself, earth what is triggering you for GOOD now. Skipping over this means it will slap you upside your head later, so ja don't recommend it #DontBeADoosBeLekker At the bottom of our barrels in the gutters of our lives, we will find our valuable things about ourselves. Treasure even! It's time to get accountable. It's time to get grateful. It's time to open those beautiful eyes y'all. It's time to look in your mirror. It's time to recalibrate our highest good to futureproof our lives. That kick in the balls, that next wave that knocked you down or that bully shoving your head in the toilet is moving you into a place with better boundaries, so you can stand up for yourself and show up for Earth and our earth siblings of all species. It's bound to feel like total crap, but it's meant to encourage you to become a part of the bigger heartbeat of our home... Earth so don't let it crush you, let it motivate you.
If you allow this moon to charge you with your purpose and the determination to drive your passions into reality, you'll be so proud of yourself. Allow this cycle to tweak your discipline and remove the carrots from your butt and the shards of glass from your eyes. Allow it to open your voice loud enough for you to hear yourself finally. What does your body, brain and soul actually really want? It's time for something new, someone new, somewhere new, a new improved version of you. This full moon brings a rare #Gift of #Sacred #Alignment so be ready for yours... It's time to cultivate your wellbeing and wellness Ascension symptoms are off the charts right now as it adjusts and atunes our spiritual, intellectual and physical bodies, you're not crazy, so take care of yourself and if you need to talk about it WhatsApp me You may be extra sensitive so rather stay away from others and nurture yourself through your intuitive intelligence transformation you may even feel curious and spontaneous, just remember safety first and also marvel at how far you've come and how wonderful you are xoxo SPOTLIGHTS Season: Harvest (South) . Worm (North) Moon Meditation: https://youtu.be/a7H-5LO-p0g |
1. What does my trinity (body, brain and soul) really want? 2. What does my trinity (body, brain and soul) really need? 3. How can I align more with what I truly desire? 4. Why am I experiencing this right now? 5. When I align with my destiny, how does it feel? 6. Where could I best be in service? 7. Who and what needs to be purged from me now? 8. How can I trust myself above all else? 9. Give me clues into my Sacred Alignment? 10. Where can I cultivate my wellness? 11. What is my intuitive intelligence gift? 12. What is my full moon message? MOON IN VIRGO MANTRA "I align myself with my true desires by actioning what is in the highest good of all to future proof my life. I understand that what is happening now is shaping my road ahead and giving me clues into what my next steps and boundaries are. I feel incredible and on top of the world when I'm going after my purpose with my passion, in service of myself and the highest good of all. I release all that no longer serves me now so that I am free to trust myself above all others in order to do what it takes for my optimum wellbeing. I show up for myself in all the ways that matter to validate my perspective and self worth and to honour my body, brain and soul with what it needs and wants. I am in sacred alignment with my intuitive intelligence gifts and I am grateful to be alive with love filling my heart." |