New Moon in Aquarius
Welcome to the #NewMoonInAquarius It's a really busy one with the planets going direct, the year of the Tiger beginning, the moon in its current position as well as the 2222 manifestations at the cross quarter of Lughnasadh and Imbolc so it's quote a DUMP of energy you will receive so make sure you're releasing what isn't part of your future It's time for us to see limitations as challengers instead of obstacles or blocks and that comes from the peace of nurturing ourselves. It's time to get charitable, active, be conscious of your breathing, express your truth, meet up with your mates, network with like souled people. This moon is encouraging you to be honest with yourself to get you where your dreams are at. A dawn comes and a new you awaits, so be whoever it is you've been dreaming of Our Pappa #Madiba said its only impossible until its done
SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. What is standing in my way to encourage me not block me? 2. What can I do to make my transformation more peaceful? 3. How else can I achieve my dreams that I can't see? 4. How can I become the new me that I've been dreaming of? 5. What is still missing in my life that is essential? 6. How will I know which doors have closed for good? 7. What do I need to take more seriously? 8. What do I need to lighten up about?. MOON IN AQUARIUS MANTRA "I am standing at the start of my new life, with new understanding of myself and the world. I transform all the unhealthy into healthy, peacefully and easily. I achieve my dreams because they are in alignment with the highest good of my future and of the earth. I find all the missing pieces of my life by keeping locked doors closed, and walking through the open ones. I know when to laugh, when to cry and when to take life and myself more seriously. I am happy and proud in who I've chosen to become. Thank you to my Posse who are getting me there." |