New Moon in Capricorn
Welcome to the #NewMoonInCapricorn No matter what star sign you are that means NEW START BEGIN!!! If you're not working on yourself right now, chances are you're wasting your precious time and energy. Even rest is self work. The focus this month with the stubborn is goat is on YOU, YOURSELF and YOUR FUTURE. If it doesn't have anything to do with your future, you're not allowed to care about it. Rough! I know y'all! But necessary You have to get this brand new years energy focused 100% on where you want or need to go and start working out a plan to get yourself there. With a lot of scheduled fun and smelling the roses along the way, as long as its what YOU want for your future The mold is being broken to accept new truths about yourself, your existence, life, earth and your purpose. Those of us with courage to embrace a new upgraded version of ourselves will be rewarded with a new level of possibilities. It's important now to see what's standing in the way of that growth Globally we will see justice and lessons in abuse, classism, stereotyping and toxic hierarchies, for crimes against balance, mother nature and earth's highest good as well as the collectives.
Time to spend some time alone with yourself, in an epsom sales bath preferably. Light candles, incense, sage and visualise what needs to leave and what wants to come. Don't force it, let it create itself let your posse show you... Really feel your gratitude for your blessings that you do have and have had in the past. Thank yourself, your creator and posse. Listen to the meditation and then journal which of these questions got answered? SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. What is worth my time, energy and future? 2. What needs to be delegated so I can get my act together? 3. How can I consistently create success towards my goals? 4. Why am I not following through on some commitments? 5. Give clues into important projects and how to stick with it? 6. Where can I master my challenge within imposed limitations? 7. Am I focused on what is important to me? 8. How can I be okay with upgrading my perspectives? 9. What is TOO much right now? 10. Where is burden, guilt and judgement hurting me? 11. How can I be ready for things I cannot control, predict or plan? 12. Give clues into my shadow program, so I can understand myself better? 13. How can I have the confidence to transform my denials into magnified breakthroughs? 14. How do I work smarter and not harder? MOON IN CAPRICORN MANTRA "I am operating at my highest good because I only give valuable energy and time to things that are in my future. I delegate everything else to a capable network that I've personally created so I can work smarter, not harder. I futureproof my life by creating consistent successful steps towards my goals, dreams and desires, by following through on my commitments needed for myself, tribe and community to flourish and be supported in my future. I understand that failure is a necessary ingredient for my healthy victories. I easily receive clues on my next right steps for important projects and people. I follow through and gain the motivation to stick with it so I can master my challenges within all limits and focus on what's really important to me. I have the courage to transform my denials into magnified breakthroughs, embrace my shadows, release toxins and upgrade my perspectives after sufficient research. I put down anything that is too much for now and reprogram my priorities. I am calm, happy, healthy and ready for anything that comes my way because I am pro choice, confident in who I am, maintain my boundaries, I know what I don't want and I'm on the fence about everything else I haven't personally explored yet." |