New Moon in Gemini
Welcome to the #NewMoonInGemini Time to get social, curious and in tune! Reflect on how you communicate It's at the end of May crossing us over into a new month, so lots of fresh energy pouring in our way with Mercury Pluto Saturn shaking the trees to see what's dead or ready for us to attend to. Some of y'all may feel like you're losing touch with reality. You'd be feeling that correctly, although a better way to describe it would be, reality is losing its touch with us. The eyes are opening on a grand scale and whether you feel it or not, you are being bombarded right now with upgrades from your creator. Those who are feeling them, I know its like someone TURNED UP THE FREAKING VOLUME ON EVERYTHING good or bad lol... PLEASE, apply your circuit breakers on maximum so that your brain doesn't short circuit. If you don't know what your circuit breakers are, WhatsApp me Ultimately as confusing as it is right now, it won't always be this way and this is happening for the greater good of all, so it's pretty exciting if you're not raging against the machine. Going with the flow and having some fun in these crazy waves is what will make all the difference to your future. So dive into yourself and give yourself the best version of YOU... because you are worth it and life is for those ready to play with it...
SPOTLIGHTS Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. What needs to change in my mindset? 3. How can I do more of what uplifts me? 4. How can I embrace my curiosity? 5. Where could I be more creative? 6. Where am I in alignment with the universe? 7. Give me clues into a needed perspective? 8. Am I centered in my truth? 9. Show me what is to come? 10. How is my attitude hurting me? 11. What needs to be verbalised now? 12. What is my next right action? MOON IN GEMINI MANTRA "I am centered in my absolute truth. My eyes and heart are open to new and curious perspectives and experiences so that I can enjoy life doing what uplifts me and that requires a change in my mindset. I embrace my creativity to be in natural flow of the universe so I can be prepared for all new things that come my way to teach me how to evolve into my best self, sometimes that means dropping attitudes and behaviours that don't serve the highest good of my future. I verbalise what must come out to honour myself and then move into my next right action with love, money, support, joy and happiness." |