New Moon in Leo
Welcome to the #NewMoonInLeo of course at the powerful Lions Gate where we are aligned with Sirius, cross quarters around the Sun, bringing us to the Islamic New Year, Imbolc & Lughnasadh at Ancestor August as we say goodbye to July!!! We indeed are observing some truly fascinating times! Our eyes, brains and hearts are opening, expanding, creating, observing... Look into the #Leo #Mirror and get your #LionsGate Message
LEO MOON MIRROR MESSAGE Tis the season for passion, heart, courage, expansion, SO... Even if it's a dark moon, when morning comes, LET THE SUNSHINE IN!!! SPOTLIGHTS Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. Who is looking back at me in the mirror? 2. What am I authentically passionate about? 3. Where can I adjust my appearance or attitudes to alpha? 4. When I am off balance, what should I do to realign? 5. How can I bring more fun and sunshine into every day? 6. Why am I currently in this cycle with my pride/tribe? 7. What intentions must I set to achieve the life I deserve? 8. What has been silenced that needs a lions roar? 9. How do I nurture my inner cub to reach my best? 10. How can I unleash my infinite power and miracles? MOON IN LEO MANTRA "I love whose looking back at me in the mirror! It's not only my incredible body that is my earth vehicle which I got from my parents that I see, it's my unique soul that I feel, birthed to me by my Creator as well as my amazing brain that is so smart. It really is the whole trinity package that I'm so grateful for. I also look in the mirror and see my passions that drive me to complete my life mission and reminds me to stay authentic, to be strong, brave and courageous, if I am to become the Alpha of my life I am destined to be. I realign myself each time I am knocked off course. Everyday I attract more fun and sunshine and spend quality time with my Pride and Tribe, figuring life our together. I rest when I need to, so I have the energy to go after what I really want. I nurture and protect with my mighty roar and presence to unleash my highest potential and miracles!" |