New Moon in Libra
Welcome to the #NewMoonInLibra This cycle's colour is PINK! It means it's time for beauty, love and harmony whilst you explore new territories and this usually is ignited drama, chaos and break ups which need boundary assessment to open up up for more healthy cultivation of current and future places, connections and relationships. The 7 retrogrades means these guys are going to extract how you REALLY feel about ALL YOUR STUFF. Time to balance your energy and emotions, watch what you spend your energy on. It's okay to have a pity party, you're just NOT allowed to make things worse for yourself. You're also allowed to party and have fun. Same rule applies, because good times are meant to enhance, not destroy and Libra energy is impulsive and restless, so make sure you are not self sabotaging and actually having healthy activities. Your fresh start is almost here, just got to wash off those last bits of ickiness stuck to you. Soon you'll be free to be who you really want to be and open up to new experiences without attaching old toxic patterns to your future. Embrace your new beginnings, no matter how hard or how much you don't want to. Apply patience and reframe your articulation to all resistance and investigate why you are resisting. Sometimes it's just self sabotage and not protection, so always make sure which one it is because Libra brings justice energy to imbalance.
SPOTLIGHTS Equinox Season: Spring Ostara (South) & Autumn Mabon (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. Where am I must fearful? 2. How does fear and conflict affect me? 3. What is the worst that can happen if I face my fears? 4. Why am I going through this break up? Bus.Love.Tribe? 5. Where can I create more harmony in my life? 6. What am I avoiding or afraid of confronting? 7. How can I face and overcome what holds me back? 8. How can I balance the toxic with peace? 9. How can I become more confident in decision making? 10. How can I manage my struggles in healthy ways? 11. How do I work with my ego to be my best self? MOON IN LIBRA MANTRA "I turn to face what I avoid and confront all that is holding me back and embrace the worst that can happen as payment to become who I believe I am. I become aware of how fear is the absence of love and I apply love, patience and reframe my articulation to all resistance in myself and others. I apply investigation and harmony to all chaos, drama and break ups and accept what is. I balance the toxic with peace. I am confident in making healthy decisions by working with my ego to manage my struggles to future proof my life." |