New Moon in Pisces
Welcome to the #NewMoonInPisces One of the most powerful cosmic shifts this year is here! Whatever you have been working on lately is going to get an extra dose of itself for better and worse. Chaos energy is afoot for those not awake enough to see it for its gifts or for some, they won't have a choice like in Ukraine Let's take a moment to #PrayForUkraine #SaveEarth Stay out of energy traps and away from vampires. It is time to let go and sacrifice what is stagnant and must leave to achieve your purpose. It will probably hurt if it's a true sacrifice. Hind sight is here for most of us to show us the fruit from our past actions and beliefs and allows us to reframe those difficulties into nuggets of peace, resolution and understanding. This moon demands a new direction, maybe its taken everything away from you so you can realise that, perhaps so you can build resilience to push through obstacles or discover how you really feel about something instead of just being crushed by them. Ignoring your own responsibilities in this life won't work out well, but neither will ignoring your happiness, it's time to find a way that actually works without compromise on either side, it's called finding the #WinWinWin
Truths are seeping out from everywhere, from politics to prophecy. There's no more denying it. Not in the world or in our own lives and our awareness of those things together with integrating new plans is necessary to futureproof a more aligned life for all. The ripple effects of changing our beliefs now to suit our own healthy destiny is going to have beautiful far reaching consequences, so make sure the quality of your words, thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions are pure. Catastophising is total self abuse of your imagination and brain function. It's time to dream big dreams but also to apply realistic progress to achieve those goals so for that you need a vision board. When last did you update yours? Do you even still want what is on there? Mine has drastically changed since the plandemic and some things just don't resonate with me anymore whilst new things have totally got my full attention. To claim your rewards, you have to excel at being YOU! Time to recognise your own talents, your fingerprint, your worth and shine that light! Celebrate feeling empowered by yourself. Check your blindspots and construct yourself with honesty and integrity void of blame or woe is me! |
Season: Autumn (South) . Spring (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What needs to be reframed for my highest good? 2. Who am I when I accept my shadow to balance my light and dark? 3. How can I get out of this toxic flow I'm in? 4. Why is this toxic pattern still repeating? 5. When I clean what is stagnant, what will become clear? 6. Where are my blindspots that keep me from my purpose? 7. What is limiting my highest potential? 8. What is right in front of me that I can't see and need to? 9. What is devolving me or digressing my progress? 10. Where should I adventure to release my fears? 11. What do I mostly need to know about my relationships? 12. What is my trinity (body brain soul) really saying? 13. How has this pandemic changed me? 14. What must die this moon so I can truly be me, myself and I? MOON IN PISCES MANTRA "I live a life where I am free to be who I really am because I allow the necessary changes to my life and beliefs to reframe my perceptions into a future that I know I deserve for the highest good of all. I am in perfect flow with the abundance of life and my gifts when I release my greatest fears and embrace my shadow to balance my light and my dark which eliminates all blindspots and limitations. I create new healthy patterns by seeing everything as it is before I see what it could be, by learning fast and integrating my new knowledge so that I can fulfill my purpose on earth easily and with joy. I listen to what my soul, body and brain tell me because I am changing and nothing is the same as it was, which is more than okay, it's wonderful to have a new opportunity to become an even better version of me, myself and I" |