New Moon in Sagittarius
Welcome to the #NewMoonInSagittarius A time for deep feelings. Soul star activations are possible. Google that shit to see which one resonates That's why taking this season for yourself is essential. All things happening now, no matter how crap are about liberation from what shackles you. So watch your boundaries and routines aren't too flimsy or so hard they hurt you This time period will show you the negative sides of your wishes for the dirty contracts they are and show you a new authentic way to vision board your life to go after your goals. It's time to drop your past like it's HOT because a new dawn requires a clean slate, so you can stay with your old baggage that hasn't made you happy or you can just STEP into the new you
#December is around the corner and it's the perfect time for that and this is the second last #NewMoon of the year Embrace the flow, ride the waves, eat well, move, smile, dream and go for it! It's time to LOVE and be KIND to ourselves and each other because we don't know how long we have with each other with our world leaders hell bent on removing choice from democracy (like how?) and making it seem like it's okay to fight with each other over our personal choices Watch out for the ones making you crazy. It's not you. So don't fall in those traps. We are riding shotgun with Mars for a while and it's aggitating your unhealed wounds, so heal them and don't make them worse. I encourage you to OPEN your heart and remember what the freedom to choose means to you? Because #WeAreOne and this is s simple case of divide and conquer. So do NOT at any cost allow that for yourself, not in your life, your home, your country, your earth... it's the time for togetherness, finding the #WinWinWin and having fun doing it, so let's do that! Let's get grateful y'all SPOTLIGHTS Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: |
1. What must go before new year? 2. What should I start now to prepare for new year? 3. How can I see beyond now into my highest possibilities? 4. What do I need to speak up about? 5. Where should I aim to target my highest potential? 6. Where am I being an asshole? 7. Which of my dreams are alive and realistic to go after? 8. How can I share my love safely and authentically? 9. What is my message from my soul star activation? 10. How can I find the true adventure in myself? 11. How can I be a good deed bandit of earth? MOON IN SAGITTARIUS MANTRA "I am a good deed bandit of earth because we are one and so I go after what is healthy, alive and ready for me to explore. I aim for my highest potential and target what is in the highest good of all. I embrace my new self, dreams and perspective by dropping what is too hot too handle and jump into my future self. I prepare to meet my new path by seeing beyond what is, to what might be my best possibilities. I speak up about important things without being an asshole about it. I share my love and kindness with those who I am safe with. I now have courage to embrace my authentic fingerprint and master design. I am totally open to adventuring into myself and to receive my soul star activation bayyybbbeeeee woooo! Yeah!" |