New Moon in Scorpio
Welcome to the #NewMoonInScorpio 🦂⚫💕 It's time to upcycle our wardrobes, beliefs and lives y'all! How do we do that? By embracing our shadow for our highest good and and exploring our sensual side. Dark and shadows don't mean bad. It is more the unknown, the unanswered questions, the unspoken desires, the deep calling stirring within you. Who are you when no one is looking? Who do you truly want to be? Who are you if you were a brand? What does your own brand say about you? Are you projecting who you really want to be? Who do you hang out with? Why? Watch your money, it's tough out there right now, so be mindful and RISE from the ashes like a phoenix with new, different, innovate ways to survive and thrive. Its time to reinvent the wheel. Unless you're the writers of Riverdale, please stop reinventing the wheel.
Read more on the Solar Eclipse Selfhood, individualism and authenticity BECKONS us from beyond... let yourself to play ⛵🌊💕 Your new journey awaits. Your Posse is just waiting for you to make yourself the most important person in your life. It's time for the evolution revolution. It starts inside YOU. In all of us. Feel yourself gain your confidence as you delete outdated beliefs about yourself and what's happening around us and to us. LET LOVE REIGN SUPREME! 💘☮️ Do something sexy, sassy, mysterious, mischievous and fun. Do not abuse your intensity with douchery and destroy shit #DontBeADoosBeLekker, anything but love and peace is a trap... use love for what it's made for and use it more everyday... PASSION fuel for our highest good, to BURST TO LIFE... 🔥😎☀️ It is the season of fire and sun, so stay hydrated and expect those unexpected surprises y'all 🦂💋 xoxo Scorpio is so often connected to the subconscious, the innerworld, deeper truths and honesty – but it is also one of the most healing archetypal energies. As you sit with this New Moon energy which inspires such contemplative reflection, recognise the inherent healing that takes place when you allow yourself to change to the shape you were designed for. More importantly, if you are resisting these changes out of fear or habit, free yourself of the burden of having to maintain that veneer or performance ⏳️It's time! |
Equinox Season: Spring Ostara (South) & Autumn Mabon (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What needs to be dropped like it's HOT? 2. Who am I in my shadow? 3. How do I become besties with my shadow for my highest good? 4. How do I transform the tragedy into triumph? 5. Where can I access my intense passion for positive fuel? 6. Where could I have more constructive fun? 7. What needs to be revealed to me now? 8. What sting needs immediate healing attention? 9. What is my passion and rising phoenix? MOON IN SCORPIO MANTRA "I am now open to experiencing what needs to be revealed to me for my highest good. I drop toxic things like they're hot and attend to the things in me that need the most immediate attention. I become besties with all of myself, body brain soul, to embrace my shadow, to turn all my tragedy into triumph, to cultivate my intense passion into positive fuel, to let my love and light shine into my purpose. I transform, rise and have fun experiencing an unknown seduction with coming back to life in a brand new way." |