New Moon in Taurus
Welcome to the #NewMoonInTaurus This is a lengthy one because it's kind of a big deal y'all. . It's the second new moon in one month and it's super powered by a Solar Eclipse, packed with a bunch of cosmic activity including season Sabbat change and Pluto retrograde right at the start of the new month bringing a new game to the table. What to expect besides a FK TON of painful and confusing growing pains and ascension symptoms...?
Actually quite a lot of cool stuff like learning how to ground yourself, how to feel sensual and become steady in your new self. We're all getting our call from destiny this shift and its up to each of us to accept the mission or ignore it again waiting for that right time. There is no right time. There's only now and right now you can probably hear a buzzing, a signaling inside your ears, brain, soul, a feeling deep in your gut... calling us all home to our authentic selves so rather enjoy the roller coaster ride for the fun it is over screaming and crying in the chaos of it. Nothing stays the same. Not good times or bad times. The wheel keeps turning us in the direction we must go. Acceptance will set us free. Faith will give us courage. Knowing ourselves will give us purpose. So what's yours? Why are you here? Your signs are all around you trying to awaken you. To remember who you are before the world shaped you. A new you is awaiting to blossom in a new era. Design a way for what you want to claim in this life. Kick those excuses in the butt. This is the gateway for you to take that leap of faith into yourself. Trust your posse, angels and creator to manage the big stuff and you get to the details of stuff in front of you. Connect with earth and your community. It's why we're all here. Relook at ALL the boundaries and promises you made to yourself when you were younger. Some are not okay anymore. You've outgrown them. Level yourself up now. It's time. Love beauty value money perseverance are all hot topics going into May, so embrace that... Ask your angels to SHOW YOU those things. Ask those this to USE you to make the world better and just watch your life expand in ways your imagination hasn't thought of. Allow yourself to be surprised by yourself. Create new boundaries and promises for the future you... the one you know in your body brain and soul that you already are without all those things standing in your way. |
Season: Winter (South) . Summer (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What am I in stubborn denial about? 2. Who am I when I am being authentic? 3. How do I get to know myself more deeply? 4. Why is it so hard to embrace my true self? 5. When I am grounded, what will I see in myself? 6. Where do I need to focus my attention now? 7. Give me clues into my next right steps? 8. What is holding me back? 9. What do I need to accept with faith? 10. What are my purpose and destiny clues? 11. Why am I learning these lessons right now? MOON IN TAURUS MANTRA "I am deeply authentic with myself and steadfast in my vision in futureproofing my life. I am grounded in my truth and know my purpose so I follow all the clues like they are the breadcrumbs to my destiny. I embrace both my light and dark, my masculine and feminine, I yin and yang so that I am always taking my next right steps with balanced intentions. I focus my attention on myself, my tribe, my community and my earth home and don't allow anything to stand in my way, I learn the lesson, ride the rollercoaster and use it to get to the next successful challenge in this game of life. Love faith beauty safety value health money support perseverance and fun... USE ME! Show ME how to live." |