New Moon in Virgo
Welcome to the #NewMoonInVirgo This is the season of reinventing yourself and for most of us, we need to do some trinity clean up #BodyBrainSoul #CheckYourselfBeforeYouWreckYourself Be super mindful of the the things triggering you. Another way to describe it is being puppeteered. Time to cut those strings of things that aren't of love, trust or essential to your future and wellness. It's time to get into nature and absorb all the newness of the new cycle.
Significant things are happening to you right now and to everyone around you, that is awakening a new perception on how we see ourselves, the world and our place in it. It's an exciting combination of anticipation and anxiety that's got us feeling more unsettled than usual. These are accurate descriptions of how it feels to expect big unknown changing times ahead. Almost like we're at the top of the rollercoaster, only a matter of moments before that freefall. Collectively, we're starting to search for the #WinWinWin for all the trinities within the #AirEarthOcean eco system. Excuses are not acceptable reasons in this millennial world anymore, We either evolve with it and enjoy the ride or we will be going against the new natural flow. South Africa is one of THE BEST places to be right now for this new dawn on so many levels, but that's another article. Tons of healing is on the way for all, it's on the other side of your authenticity... so the question really is... who do you really want to be for whatever is left of this incredible life? What a gift, to be able to pick... anything... Best of luck to y'all and remember, if you're hating the player, you can't see the game! Play like it's your best life xoxo |
Season: Spring (South) & Autumn (North) Moon Meditation: Moon Guide: SELF CARE QUIZ & JOURNAL PROMPTS 1. What is my vocation saying? 2. Where am I being who I was born to be? 3. How will my seeds manifest this season? 4. How do I step into my solid power? 5. Where am I being a total asshole that needs to change? 6. Where am I aligned with earth and nature? 7. How am I uniquely different to everyone else? 8. Where am I valued for my healthy way of perceiving the world? 9. Help me understand the importance of my own space? 10. Is what I'm doing sacred to me and Earth? 11. Where am I suppressing myself coz of what others think? 12. What contributions can I make toward a positive difference? MOON IN VIRGO MANTRA "I am aligning with nature and who I dream of being to step into my solid power. I embrace my vocation and what makes me different. My seeds are manifesting this season. I release what makes me an asshole and own my shit. I value myself if even no one else can. I understand my own importance on earth and need for my own space to cultivate and ground myself. I treat myself better than the person I love the most." |