Numerology Accessories
I will give you a Talisman...Then you will find your doubts and yourself melting away." Gandhi
I will give you a Talisman...Then you will find your doubts and yourself melting away." Gandhi
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Your birth date says a lot about you. This talisman is a summary of your number in the colour associated with that number and an extension of your personal power. Each one is hand-made with a lot of care and is blessed and charged with healing and protective energy. It is secured with Clear Quartz Crystals, which is an energising master crystal & general healer. It works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz can target all your Chakra areas and provides clarity in thinking and awareness. It is also a powerful healing stone for any condition. Wear it to attract positive energy, heighten your awareness, regulate, cleanse & amplify your own power.
Your personal key chain is empowered with your ruling numbers’ energy to amplify your power and increase your protective energies in this harsh world and attune you back to the safe arms of Mother Nature. Your personal charm includes three feathers, one to remind you that your ancestors & angels are always with you, the other representing communication of your highest good with celestial wisdom and the natural feather to remind your conscience to remain light and make good choices. A numerical talisman with number charms in your power colour. A Chinese iChing coin, to represent as above, so below, heaven & earth with all your treasures. The Mandala Dreamcatcher to connect you to your Great Spirit and is centered by five clear quartz crystals, one for each element within you (Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit). Learn to love your number and power colour and include them in your everyday life for maximum benefit.
Your personal key chain is empowered with your ruling numbers’ energy to amplify your power and increase your protective energies in this harsh world and attune you back to the safe arms of Mother Nature. Your personal charm includes three feathers, one to remind you that your ancestors & angels are always with you, the other representing communication of your highest good with celestial wisdom and the natural feather to remind your conscience to remain light and make good choices. A numerical talisman with number charms in your power colour. A Chinese iChing coin, to represent as above, so below, heaven & earth with all your treasures. The Mandala Dreamcatcher to connect you to your Great Spirit and is centered by five clear quartz crystals, one for each element within you (Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit). Learn to love your number and power colour and include them in your everyday life for maximum benefit.
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Key Chains
2018 . 2019
2018 . 2019
2016 . 2017
2016 . 2017