Hello #DoGoodDecember It is time to reach out to your community because Dec is one of the best and worst months of the year and the festive season is about taking care of one another as well as ourselves, flip through the images to get an update on what to expect this month Feed your soul, JOIN in the FUN with your loved ones or community Take a look the places we support #NamasteSR to get some ideas for yourself. Watch out for Mars and Mercury causing family melt downs towards the end of the year. Stay in your peace, calm, joy and love vibes, if you take the aggression bait, it's going to get you a triple karmic smack down. So stay awake, alert and alive. Play nice y'all and have a FANTASTIC end to the year #DontBeADoosBeLekker
#December brings us the blessings from #Holly and #Narcissus also known as the #Daffodil or #Jonquil with their powerful meanings of wealth, hope, good fortune, ambition, fun, faithfulness, respect, honesty, boosting their striking flower, that when gifted says, stay as sweet as you are or welcoming in someone's new beginning The Stones to use this season are #Tanzanite heightens our intuition, intellect, innocence and dignity with #Turquoise known by ancient cultures to be purity, prosperity, positivity and it protects against demon infection and of course #Zircon brings us healing, happiness, honour, protection The #DecemberColours this season are stunning #Turquoise #Blue #Green #NamasteNails
Moons . Cosmos . Seasons
04 Full Moon in Gemini SuperMoon (North Cold/South Strawberry) 10 Neptune Direct 13-14 Geminids Meteor Shower 19 New Moon in Sagittarius Micro Moon 21 December Solstice North Yule Winter/South Litha Summer) 21-22 Ursids Meteor Shower 22 Enter Capricorn Season Retrogrades Uranus Neptune Chiron Jupiter Spiritual Days 01 Roman Liturgical New Year 01 Hindu Geeta Jayanti 06 Jesus St. Nicholas Day 08 Buddhist Bodhi Day 14-22 Jewish Hanukkah 16 Day of Reconciliation 16 Hindu Dhanu Sankranti 21 Pagan Solstice 24 Jesus Christmas Eve 25 Jesus Christmas 28 Jesus Holy Innocence Day 31 African Watch Night The Whole Month Festive Safety Awareness Month |
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