Libra Season
7th House . Relationships
23 Sep – 22 Oct
Indicators: Love . Self Care . Determination . Mental anguish . Movement , Enlightenment through pain
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7th House . Relationships
23 Sep – 22 Oct
Indicators: Love . Self Care . Determination . Mental anguish . Movement , Enlightenment through pain
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#LibraSeason is here and no matter what Star Sign you are, it's here to create balance, fairness, justice and resolutions to problems. It likes to focus on our relationships with ourselves and each other and that may bring abrupt changes for the purpose of alignment of your highest good, so expect the unexpected. These experiences can go positively or negatively depending on how grounded you are in yourself and your purpose. It's time to connect with your trinity #BodyBrainSoul in healthy ways with your future self. Surround yourself with flowers, drink flavoured natural teas, get creative, sing, dance, mediate, pray, have an epsom salt bath, journal, do a self care home ritual if you don't have enough bucks to pamper yourself at a spa. Especially if you're spiraling, avoiding, feeling detached, indecisive, judgemental or any other negative emotion, allow yourself to be cleansed from the toxin this season. It's time for diplomacy, honesty, constructive critiquing, understanding, sensitivity, compassion, reunions, friendship, fun, excitement, kindness, love, passion, community and togetherness. Know that peacefulness is only a breath away. Doesn't have to be with others, but it must absolutely be with yourself!!! Uncover some answers here, which questions resonate with you?
"I hear my trinity: body, brain, soul . I listen to myself. I honour myself. I balance the scales to be my best, most fair and just in all my dealings and relationships. I give what I get to maintain my boundaries. I cultivate patience to achieve peace, love, understanding and share my gratitude easily, because I am so blessed. I become more comfortable and calm when I equalise my life to align with my purpose. I am ready for things to turn out in any way because I am grounded, trust myself, embrace my gifts, engage and balance my light with my shadow in harmony, which makes me confident to succeed in whatever life throws at me. Let's do this in the highest good of all!!!" |
Sign: Scales Season: Spring (South) . Autumn (North) Key: Partner Time: Day Chakra: Kidneys (Solar Plexus) Cards: #Swords #Spades #Justice Element & Quality: Active Masculine Cardinal Air Energy Colours: Pink Ruling Planet: Venus Planets Retrograde: Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury & Neptune Meditation: Flower: Pansy because this season loves sunshine and shade equally to look and feel good to be is best. Crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Tigers Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Labrodite, Opal, Prehnite and Lepidolite Key words to apply to your mantra this season: Balance. Fairness. Relationships. Softness. Future flourishing. SELF CARE QUIZ
JOURNAL PROMPTS Answer these questions to yourself. Spend time really thinking, feeling and knowing the answers. If you're stuck or need confirmation of your answers, I'm happy to pull some additional guidance. Definitely listen to all the vital video and info links below and scroll through the images for more free guidance. You owe I to yourself to tie up those painful lose ends and overhaul your boundaries and beliefs that no longer serve you so you can embrace what's best for you... 1. What is my trinity (body brain soul) saying to me?
2. What is causing me to be unbalanced? 3. Where can I cultivate more patience? 4. Which ways can I show more gratitude? 5. How can I equalise to be my best self? 6. How can I prepare for unexpected change? 7. What makes me peaceful, present, calm and centered? 8. How do I honour both my light and my dark? 9. How can I embrace my gifts in my curses? 10. Which of my new ideas should I focus on? WhatsApp now to order your Reading |
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