Emergency Contacts
If your situation is urgent and you cannot wait for a response from our Chaplain, or if you are battling to communicate or reach out to someone, please tap on the numbers below that resonate with your situation:
Animal Welfare Report Cruelty
Tap for list 🐝 Want to talk about it? Violence . Abuse . Mental Well-Being . Self Harm Insightful info sponsored by Netflix 🐝 Maletsatsi Foundation Child protection service for displaced children www.facebook.com/themaletsatsifoundation 071 352 1457 🐝 Child Line 0800 055 555 🐝 GBV Command Centre 080 042 8428 Dial *120*7867# from any cell phone GBVF Service complaints 0800 333 177 🐝 Woman Abuse Line 080 015 0150 🐝 ThuThuZela www.gov.za/TCC 🐝 Rape Crisis WhatsApp 083 222 5164 [email protected] 🐝 |
Hope Risen Foundation
Human Trafficking Prevention . Rescue . Rehab [email protected] 🐝 Human Trafficking Help Line 0800 222 777 🐝 SAPS Crime Stop 0860 10 111 SMS Crime Line 32211 🐝 Suicide Help Line 0800 567 567 🐝 Disability Help Line SMS "help" to 31531 🐝 AIDS Help Line 0800 012 322 🐝 Coronavirus Hot Line 0800 029 999 🐝 Department of Health www.health.gov.za 🐝 Institute of Communicable Diseases www.nicd.ac.za 🐝 World Health Organisation www.who.int 🐝 PDF DOWNLOADS List of Thuthuzela Care Centres Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Increasing Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault (ISSSASA) National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa |
Rape & Violation
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY & WARNING SENSITIVE INFORMATION: If you have just been raped, violated, abused or beaten, it will be hard for you to verbally use words to communicate this. This is normal. Your trinity (body.brain.soul) is in trauma and talking becomes challenging for the brain to comprehend because it is trying to process what is happening so talking usually involves needing to access your memory, which could start an unhealthy PTSD loop if you are bombarded with questions and your brain hasn't had enough time to process. This will go away later. Any time you battle to talk, rather focus on your breathing in and out slowly through your mouth. If you need to communicate, try text or write answers when you are being asked questions or you need something or someone. This will instinctively come from your body and soul and should keep your brain secure whilst you are writing, take breaks and remember your breathing if you begin to spiral into anxiety. Even small questions like answering your name could prove to be challenging and the brain will easily be triggered because it's over sensitive now and the idea is to keep your trinity (body.brain.soul) calm so you can be the best help to yourself.
Please visit your nearest Emergency Hospital or Clinic Trauma Unit or a ThuThuZela Clinic immediately from the incident, collecting as much of the evidence at the scene to take with you, put them in a sealed bag. Go straight to the hospital or clinic from the incident and do not clean yourself no matter how much you want to, don't tamper with any evidence you collected. Tell the nurses on your arrival that you need a violation kit (or write it), tell them to bag your evidence and ask them to call the police, your general doctor and your next of kin for you, let them communicate the hard stuff to your tribe for you so you can get the best care straight away and avoid falling into any toxic silencing cycles.
Your tribe will make sure you get the necessary professional help so you can give yourself time and space to process without worrying about that hurdle. If you can't get yourself to a hospital or you are witnessing an incident like this happening to someone else, please call 08210111 for assistance. Please note that if you see this kind of crime in progress, you can make a citizen arrest only if it is safe for you to do so, where your intervention is NOT going to end injuries. For future healing, please revisit this page if you feel you need some healing tips. Just remember, you have got this, no matter how damaged you feel now, it will not always be this way, your body, brain and soul will heal and the more you know, the faster you will help your trinity heal. I'm here for you if you need further assistance.
Please visit your nearest Emergency Hospital or Clinic Trauma Unit or a ThuThuZela Clinic immediately from the incident, collecting as much of the evidence at the scene to take with you, put them in a sealed bag. Go straight to the hospital or clinic from the incident and do not clean yourself no matter how much you want to, don't tamper with any evidence you collected. Tell the nurses on your arrival that you need a violation kit (or write it), tell them to bag your evidence and ask them to call the police, your general doctor and your next of kin for you, let them communicate the hard stuff to your tribe for you so you can get the best care straight away and avoid falling into any toxic silencing cycles.
Your tribe will make sure you get the necessary professional help so you can give yourself time and space to process without worrying about that hurdle. If you can't get yourself to a hospital or you are witnessing an incident like this happening to someone else, please call 08210111 for assistance. Please note that if you see this kind of crime in progress, you can make a citizen arrest only if it is safe for you to do so, where your intervention is NOT going to end injuries. For future healing, please revisit this page if you feel you need some healing tips. Just remember, you have got this, no matter how damaged you feel now, it will not always be this way, your body, brain and soul will heal and the more you know, the faster you will help your trinity heal. I'm here for you if you need further assistance.
Animal Welfare