Taurus Season
2nd House . Self Worth
21 Apr – 22 May
Indicators: Things which are earthy, Money, Possessions, Material
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2nd House . Self Worth
21 Apr – 22 May
Indicators: Things which are earthy, Money, Possessions, Material
View latest on Facebook or Instagram
Welcome to #TaurusSeason No matter what star sign you are, we ALL feel the shift of moving through #Taurus which is all about friendship, money, truth, support, love, stability and boundaries so expect to feel snuggly, playful, affectionate with a little bit of no nonsense. It's about becoming aligned with earth and your purpose, working on your challenges to gain abundance. Finding your confidence and courage to do what makes you feel authentic. Defining what is solid and what is stubborn. Connect with crystals and nature to return to yourself. It's time...
"I am healthy, balanced and in harmony with myself, earth and my creator. I blend into my space peacefully by happily fulfilling my earth mission and embracing my purpose in the highest good of all. I experience love, luxury and abundance when I'm solid within myself and flexible where mother nature demands it. I am safely authentic and have the courage and confidence to transform into who I have always intended to be, to futureproof my life. Love, use me. Money, use me. Gratitude, use me. Ho'oponopono" |
Sign: Bull Season: Autumn (South) & Spring (North) Key: Possession Time: Night Chakra: Neck & throat Cards: #Coins #Pentacles Diamonds #TheHeirophant Element & Quality: Earthy Fixed Receptive Feminine Colours: #Green #White #Grey #Silver #Bling Ruling Planet: #Venus for luxury, love, beauty, prosperity and how that integrates in this material world Meditation: https://youtu.be/iVaC1f5Wy5k Flower: #Daisy for quiet, protection, innocence, deep roots, hardiness, prettiness #Rose for beauty, love, friendship, royalty, courage, joy and beginnings. #Poppy for eternal life, reincarnation and transformation. #Lily for purity, innocence, resurrection and divine love. Crystals: #Emerald for royalty, #LapisLazuli for energy, third eye, knowledge, truth, communication #RoseQuartz for love, compassion and no bullshit #Pyrite for wealth, positivity, the Sun and luck #Malachite for growth and transformation out of your comfort zone #Carnelian for comfort, leadership, power and courage #Rhodonite for the self and balance. A POWERHOUSE combo! SELF CARE QUIZ
JOURNAL PROMPTS Answer these questions to yourself. Spend time really thinking, feeling and knowing the answers. If you're stuck or need confirmation of your answers, I'm happy to pull some additional guidance. Definitely listen to all the vital video and info links below and scroll through the images for more free guidance. You owe I to yourself to tie up those painful lose ends and overhaul your boundaries and beliefs that no longer serve you so you can embrace what's best for you... 1. Who am I really when I'm happiest and balanced? 2. What can I do to connect with my earth purpose? 3. Where am I being stubborn that's hurting me? 4. When I am solid, what will I experience? 5. How can I become more safely authentic? 6. Why am I experiencing this transformation? 7. What can I do to cultivate more love, money, health and support? 8. Where do I need to become more healthy and balanced? WhatsApp now to order your Reading |
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