Part of my healing journey was to create a portfolio of my life that showcases my achievements in a way that a parent would adore a child, witnessing the moments in their lives that were important to them, no matter how small or big. I chose to do mine here online as an example to my flients who are on Namaste's Therapy Journey completing the same exercise. I've also doubled up and this is also part of my homework for the screenplay I'm writing.
This task is especially cathartic for those who didn't have parents or anyone witnessing their evolution in the world. When those achievements go unnoticed, a person learns over time that what they do isn't important to their tribe and often can even fall silent and feel like being proud of their achievements is boastful, vain or they label it as stupid things and so they push it away, when in reality, anything we complete is a big deal, even getting your driver's license. Everyone's journey is both a magnificent and devastating one, and we really should be proud and adoring of ourselves for all we have been through to get us to the place we believe we are destined for. I personally enjoy formatting everything by timeline, so take a look at mine and make your own for yourself in a way that makes you happy, perhaps a video, a scrapbook, an album, paintings? Whatever your craft, indulge in your milestones and memories with gratitude for yourself, Earth and all your life teachers. Enjoy a trip into My United States of Halimacowall xoxo
This task is especially cathartic for those who didn't have parents or anyone witnessing their evolution in the world. When those achievements go unnoticed, a person learns over time that what they do isn't important to their tribe and often can even fall silent and feel like being proud of their achievements is boastful, vain or they label it as stupid things and so they push it away, when in reality, anything we complete is a big deal, even getting your driver's license. Everyone's journey is both a magnificent and devastating one, and we really should be proud and adoring of ourselves for all we have been through to get us to the place we believe we are destined for. I personally enjoy formatting everything by timeline, so take a look at mine and make your own for yourself in a way that makes you happy, perhaps a video, a scrapbook, an album, paintings? Whatever your craft, indulge in your milestones and memories with gratitude for yourself, Earth and all your life teachers. Enjoy a trip into My United States of Halimacowall xoxo
My thirst for variety and need to know all, together with survival mode, has lead me to exploring diverse industries that seem unrelated but all contributed to the services I offer today. I am so grateful for all my teachers in throughout my school and work careers, thank you for showing me the way! In order from latest to first.
My thirst for variety and need to know all, together with survival mode, has lead me to exploring diverse industries that seem unrelated but all contributed to the services I offer today. I am so grateful for all my teachers in throughout my school and work careers, thank you for showing me the way! In order from latest to first.
Interviewed by Media
Thank you to Gabriel Porromento for his lovely TV5Monde news piece on our business
The empty nest gave me space to start investing in myself and my future full time, gathering the skills I needed to refine and specialise in my service.
The empty nest gave me space to start investing in myself and my future full time, gathering the skills I needed to refine and specialise in my service.
Psychoanalysis Loading...
Menopause Coaching Loading...
Chaplaincy, My Earth Duty
After a massive devastation, I ended up with a chaplain who helped me find my feet again and I just knew that I could do the same for others, so my interfaith spiritual journey in peacemaking and theology began, which really helped me to channel my teachings and services in a way that is meaningful and useful to each individual.
After a massive devastation, I ended up with a chaplain who helped me find my feet again and I just knew that I could do the same for others, so my interfaith spiritual journey in peacemaking and theology began, which really helped me to channel my teachings and services in a way that is meaningful and useful to each individual.
Marriage & Family
Got married and my job as a wife began, so I really focused on building a family life outside of survival mode. We have had many highs and lows and sometimes we thought we may not make it, but we did what it took and made it work. I am always going to be grateful for where I've come from and what has come from me and I look forward to enjoying the rest of my life with my favourite people who make it all worthwhile. The is nothing like my son's humour, nothing like my daughters wisdom, nothing like my Alpha's support and there is no love like the love I experience from these souls.
Got married and my job as a wife began, so I really focused on building a family life outside of survival mode. We have had many highs and lows and sometimes we thought we may not make it, but we did what it took and made it work. I am always going to be grateful for where I've come from and what has come from me and I look forward to enjoying the rest of my life with my favourite people who make it all worthwhile. The is nothing like my son's humour, nothing like my daughters wisdom, nothing like my Alpha's support and there is no love like the love I experience from these souls.
Officially registered Namaste as a business
Wow! This industry really leveled up my 5 Star Game. I've had the pleasure of working for and with Southern Sun Grayston (Tsogo Sun Maslow), Holiday Inn, Mount Grace, Crowne Plaza Tashas and Sun International. Really loved working with the hotels because they were always involved with Social Responsibility, which has always been right up my alley.
Wow! This industry really leveled up my 5 Star Game. I've had the pleasure of working for and with Southern Sun Grayston (Tsogo Sun Maslow), Holiday Inn, Mount Grace, Crowne Plaza Tashas and Sun International. Really loved working with the hotels because they were always involved with Social Responsibility, which has always been right up my alley.
Health & Wellness
I began to learn about wellness and started healing myself, Namaste began unofficially, part time
I began to learn about wellness and started healing myself, Namaste began unofficially, part time
My sunshine daughter was born and became my inspiration and muse.
My sunshine daughter was born and became my inspiration and muse.
I always wanted to be a cop, but ended up becoming a Private Investigator with crazy hair.
I always wanted to be a cop, but ended up becoming a Private Investigator with crazy hair.
My shining star son was born and so my job as a mom began and gave me purpose.
My shining star son was born and so my job as a mom began and gave me purpose.
High School
The minute my braces came off, I hit the ramp! I really blossomed in high school. School was always about fundraising, you couldn't do anything without it, so I learned how to rally troops early to be able to do the things I wanted to do, Std 6 initiation meant each class had to put on a performance on stage for all the matrics, to be auctioned off later to fundraise. Our class got The Little Mermaid and I was chosen as Ariel and subsequently I was the most highest paid slave, bought for a blue R2 note! LOL! You couldn't enter Ms. Parkies without bringing in prizes and sponsorships as well as being involved in the set designs, so I really excelled at that and it was a dream come true to be finalist, never mind placing. My aunt made my dresses. I really wanted to enter Ms. South Africa, but alas, I fell pregnant in Std. 9 and had to leave school and give up my dreams of the ramp so I could be a mom and make money to survive. School was both awful and wonderful, I hated the academics and I loved the activities.
The minute my braces came off, I hit the ramp! I really blossomed in high school. School was always about fundraising, you couldn't do anything without it, so I learned how to rally troops early to be able to do the things I wanted to do, Std 6 initiation meant each class had to put on a performance on stage for all the matrics, to be auctioned off later to fundraise. Our class got The Little Mermaid and I was chosen as Ariel and subsequently I was the most highest paid slave, bought for a blue R2 note! LOL! You couldn't enter Ms. Parkies without bringing in prizes and sponsorships as well as being involved in the set designs, so I really excelled at that and it was a dream come true to be finalist, never mind placing. My aunt made my dresses. I really wanted to enter Ms. South Africa, but alas, I fell pregnant in Std. 9 and had to leave school and give up my dreams of the ramp so I could be a mom and make money to survive. School was both awful and wonderful, I hated the academics and I loved the activities.
Ms. Parkies Pageant 1995
1994 Drummies National Champions - FPHS
Ms. Parkies Pageant 1994
LOLing at the before and after braces. The photos look this way because I used to have them in a typical mandatory 90's teenage collage.
Primary School
I discovered that my long legs were useful in sports as well as England Ireland Scotland Wales! My love for the excitement of fundraising events was ignited during this phase of my life. Because I was a bit of a loner, I learned how creative and inventive I was and really enjoyed the group activities that were fun, but I enjoyed the solitary sports and projects as well, where I could measure my own progress and do my own thing. I met my first best friend Nina Mahner and miss her everyday.
I discovered that my long legs were useful in sports as well as England Ireland Scotland Wales! My love for the excitement of fundraising events was ignited during this phase of my life. Because I was a bit of a loner, I learned how creative and inventive I was and really enjoyed the group activities that were fun, but I enjoyed the solitary sports and projects as well, where I could measure my own progress and do my own thing. I met my first best friend Nina Mahner and miss her everyday.
Nursery School
My disciplinary record already began in nursery school when I was five years old. I used to wear other people's shoes home if I liked them and I also swapped my baking with someone else's if it was better than my baking and leave them mine. You couldn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. They battled to keep me quiet or to stay in class. I was already in love with story telling by this age and loved homework projects.
My disciplinary record already began in nursery school when I was five years old. I used to wear other people's shoes home if I liked them and I also swapped my baking with someone else's if it was better than my baking and leave them mine. You couldn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. They battled to keep me quiet or to stay in class. I was already in love with story telling by this age and loved homework projects.
Born 1978 to Geoffrey & Cheryl
I have traced my patriarchal bloodline back to BC, but my mom's side only to her grandparents. It has been one of the best projects I've ever worked on because it sparked intense research and I learned so much about history, theology and generational behaviours and karma.
I have traced my patriarchal bloodline back to BC, but my mom's side only to her grandparents. It has been one of the best projects I've ever worked on because it sparked intense research and I learned so much about history, theology and generational behaviours and karma.
Patriarchal Line
Matriarchal Line
The Cat of Many a Hat