Aquarius Season
11th House . Community
20 Jan – 19 Feb
Indicators: Determination, Mental anguish, Movement, Pain but Enlightenment
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11th House . Community
20 Jan – 19 Feb
Indicators: Determination, Mental anguish, Movement, Pain but Enlightenment
View latest on Facebook or Instagram
Welcome to #AquariusSeason No matter what sign you are, we ALL feel the energy of the Season, which is all about things getting a bit weird y'all See how in the Zodiac links below. We are opening up to new ways of exploring and expressing ourselves. Tap here to get a clue how to handle this season. This season is of Masculine Air which means expect an overhaul in your brain, mind, thinking, thoughts, processing, dreams and visions. What you buried must be acknowledged, addressed, assessed and then used for adjustment before dropping it like it's HOT. How it was is OVER. The new world is HERE! Remember to always remain PRO CHOICE! Otherwise you must give up all your other choices. Stay awake, stay alert, stay ALIVE to THRIVE y'all!
"I am courageous when I embrace my unique gifts and express myself in new ways. I understand it's important to explore all aspects of myself to indulge in my highest good. I attract more of my true tribe as I become more authentically me. I learn my lessons and adjust as I grow into my bigger picture self because I believe that there is always more to learn about myself and the world and that includes healing all that is hidden. I am brave enough to be me, to see and to be free!" |
Sign: Water Bearer Season: Summer (South) . Winter (North) Key: Friends . Connections Time: Day Chakra: Ankles (Root) Cards: #Swords Spades #TheStar Element & Quality: Active Fixed Masculine Air Colours: Blue, Turquoise, Violet Ruling Planet: Uranus Planets Retrograde: Venus and Mercury Meditation: Flower: #Spikenard for your #Awakening, used by Mary Magdalena for Jesus feet for healing of physical, mental and emotional as well as relaxation and spiritual connection. #Orchid for luck, independence, healthy rebellion and curiosity. Crystals: Rhodonite to open the heart, Clear quartz to master your positives and neutralise energy, Yellow Jasper for sunshine and happiness, Black Onyx to kick ass, Moonstone to balance and Amethyst to explore your real God given gifts... SELF CARE QUIZ
JOURNAL PROMPTS Answer these questions to yourself. Spend time really thinking, feeling and knowing the answers. If you're stuck or need confirmation of your answers, I'm happy to pull some additional guidance. Definitely listen to all the vital video and info links below and scroll through the images for more free guidance. You owe I to yourself to tie up those painful lose ends and overhaul your boundaries and beliefs that no longer serve you so you can embrace what's best for you... 1. Show me how to better express myself? 2. What are my unique gifts this season? 3. Where can I become more authentic? 4. Show me my true tribe for my highest good? 5. How can I adjust the weirdness for my highest good? 6. Why am I learning this lesson right now? 7. What is hidden that must be healed now? 8. Show me a little of my bigger picture? 9. What is keeping me from my highest good? 10. How can I feel more courage to do what's right? WhatsApp now to order your Reading |
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