Aries Season
1st House . Identity
21 Mar – 20 Apr
Indicators: Ambition, Career, Intelligence, the Need to, Libido
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1st House . Identity
21 Mar – 20 Apr
Indicators: Ambition, Career, Intelligence, the Need to, Libido
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Welcome #AriesSeason So we're officially into the new year now having just left the last sign of the Zodiac and beginning the new cycle. World events yet again controlling and dominating a large mass of energy to crack open our eyes more so that we can awaken to what's shifting in the world so the shift from relaxed, reserved and romantic but militantly confusing Pisces into bossy but exciting actioning Aries will no doubt have us all on tenterhooks. So anytime y'all are feeling the crushing weight of the world, play this song Thanks to the woke artists of my generation for this beauty... GOOSEBUMPS!!!
No matter what star sign you are, we ALL feel the shift of moving through #Aries and tis the season for enthusiasm, every and NEW things but of course a happy happy to the #Rams of the Universe, its no doubt going to be an exciting unpredictable month. Fires WILL be lit, so make sure that passion is being ignited for warmth, joy and happiness to futureproof your life and NOT for total annihilation, like some world leaders. The idea is to have fun and continue to complete your challenges with a winners attitude despite the tough exterior conditions. If you haven't yet tied up those loose ends, this month could bite you in the butt, so get to it y'all. More glow, less destruction. The Ram's energy is ALL about working hard and playing hard and they know how to balance that. There's a reason the Sun, Mars, the Emperor and Diamonds are it's correspondences y'all! It's intense immense fkn pressure to extract our best! What are you made of? #FireSigns... get ready for some extra juice in your energy tanks to get you going! For everyone on earth, you should all be suffering with ascension symptoms for the last couple years and it should be pretty much off the charts as you begin to start enjoying the new YOU! If you're a late bloomer at this party, don't worry... your turn is coming.
No matter what star sign you are, we ALL feel the shift of moving through #Aries and tis the season for enthusiasm, every and NEW things but of course a happy happy to the #Rams of the Universe, its no doubt going to be an exciting unpredictable month. Fires WILL be lit, so make sure that passion is being ignited for warmth, joy and happiness to futureproof your life and NOT for total annihilation, like some world leaders. The idea is to have fun and continue to complete your challenges with a winners attitude despite the tough exterior conditions. If you haven't yet tied up those loose ends, this month could bite you in the butt, so get to it y'all. More glow, less destruction. The Ram's energy is ALL about working hard and playing hard and they know how to balance that. There's a reason the Sun, Mars, the Emperor and Diamonds are it's correspondences y'all! It's intense immense fkn pressure to extract our best! What are you made of? #FireSigns... get ready for some extra juice in your energy tanks to get you going! For everyone on earth, you should all be suffering with ascension symptoms for the last couple years and it should be pretty much off the charts as you begin to start enjoying the new YOU! If you're a late bloomer at this party, don't worry... your turn is coming.
"I channel all my fire and passion for the highest good of all as I cultivate brand new creativity that sparks adventure, freedom and independence whilst remaining cool, calm and collected in all ways. I awaken what was sleeping so I can dive into my purpose. I do what it takes to keep up as rest the world catapults in fast forward." |
Sign: Ram Season: Autumn (South) & Spring (North) Key: Self Time: Day Chakra: Head (Crown) & Face (3rd Eye) Cards: Clubs #Wands #TheEmperor & #TheFool Element & Quality: Active Cardinal Masculine Fire Colours: Red, Yellow & Purple Ruling Planet: #Mars #Sun #Pluto Planets Retrograde: None Meditation: Flower: #AloeVera, probably for that Aries burn!!! Healing energy and medicinal for energy, upliftment, protection and luck #SweetPea for being frisky and daring Crystals: #Diamond to deliver our gifts through immense pressure #Carnelian for protection with new beginnings #Amethyst for spiritual guidance #RoseQuartz for living connections #Pyrite for persistent willpower #Adventurine for abundance #BloodStone for energising your purpose SELF CARE QUIZ
JOURNAL PROMPTS Answer these questions to yourself. Spend time really thinking, feeling and knowing the answers. If you're stuck or need confirmation of your answers, I'm happy to pull some additional guidance. Definitely listen to all the vital video and info links below and scroll through the images for more free guidance. You owe I to yourself to tie up those painful lose ends and overhaul your boundaries and beliefs that no longer serve you so you can embrace what's best for you... 1. Who am I when I channel my passion for my highest good? 2. What makes me positively glow? 3. Where do I need to cool my jets? 4. When should I use my fire? 5. How can I cultivate my freedom and independence? 6. Why am I going through this lesson right now? 7. Where can I spark creativity in my life? 8. Give me clues into my purpose? 9. Where is my next great adventure? 10. What still needs to awaken in me? WhatsApp now to order your Reading |
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