The Purpose & Power of Prayer
Orders & Programming
Namaste . Amen . A'ho . Ntsh'Allah . Skål . So it is
Orders & Programming
Namaste . Amen . A'ho . Ntsh'Allah . Skål . So it is
Take note of every automated word you use and ask yourself if you are 100% behind the things that are coming out of your mouth? For example, there are many ways to skin a cat. Question yourself, are there many ways to skin cats and would I skin a cat even one way? Most of us don't even like visualising it, but we have no problem letting that roll out of our mouths. Same for stoning birds. If you find you are not resonating with some of your auto programming, then flip the script, for example, there are in fact many ways to peel potatoes and we can feed many birds with one scone. What we say and do more than 4,500 times, writes our internal programming, becomes our coding, so it is our responsibility to check in with ourselves and our words regularly because if these two examples resonate with us, then chances are our programming is doing it in other areas of our lives.
If we don't know our prayers, mantras, affirmations, commands, goals by heart, we haven't said them out loud enough. Repeat 4,500 times to write the program!
Praying is not only a spiritual practice, it is also a practical one. It's a form of meditating and connecting with ourselves and our Creator by programming ourselves, just as easily as we program our phone or computer to give us the results we need and want. It also acts like running an anti virus scan on our holy trinity (body brain soul) and removes what doesn't belong, cleaning our slate so that we can go into the world, each day, fresh and light, standing in our power and confidence. Meaningful prayer is not just a conversation with our Angels and Creator, it is communication with the self for insight and evolution.
Here's an example and mashup of our favourite, most useful prayers together that we have learned from all masters across all time. Make use of these and create your own that truly resonates with your path and who you want to become and what you want to achieve. Your Posse (spiritual team eg: Creator, Angels, Ancestors, Animals, Guides) can only align us and our path when we are giving clear instructions as the Alpha of our life and future and not begging over and over like a child might. Like a parent or a boss, they respond better to planned proposals over annoying pleading on repeat. It's about getting real with ourselves and then listening to our Trinity and Posse when they speak. View Mantras |
Why 4,500 times?
How many times have you thought about killing someone? How many times have you felt like killing someone? Remember how powerful those thoughts and emotions were about that person or situation? How many times have you actually killed someone? How does your Trinity know the difference between that toxic want, thought and feeling versus the ones you have about healthy wants, thoughts and feelings like being happy, healthy and successful? Answer: It doesn't. It learns quickly that we do not ACT ON EVERYTHING we want, think and feel. Our Trinity KNOWS to ACT on something as a new program to run with when we have thought, felt, spoken, planned something 4,500 times, it then becomes an automated function. It's not magick, it's just brain coding. This is why most affirmations cannot work without the correct mathematics attached to it. |
Understanding the 4,500 Maths
In other words, doing what it takes! If you're going to do anything once a day, you will take 4,500 days to do it. That's over 12 years before your Trinity knows you're serious. Are you that patient? How fast do you want to experience results? If you want to achieve or reprogram or manifest in 1 week, you will need to say it 642 times a day. That is achievable for some things like short prayers or saying "I don't smoke" to stop smoking, but not so healthy to try do that many squats or crunches in a day to tone your body. If you want to program yourself in a month, you need to say or repeat the exercise 150 times a day. Really all depends on YOU! What you commit to and how much patience you have or what your deadline is? Think about the time you learned to type or drive or learn a new skill from someone or the lyrics to a song? Think about how you had to focus so hard in the beginning and how automated and fast it is now? It's why teachers made us write lines! Time yourself with how long it takes you to say one of these prayers and see how much time you have to say it. So if you have 15 minutes a day and it takes you about 2 minutes to say, then you can get it in about 7 times a day, that prayer will become a program in 642 days (1.5 years). Most people like to achieve things in a month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months, so work your maths back to a date you want it to be automated by. Better to say it 6 times a session, 3 times a day = 18 times a day = Programmed in 9 months, then there after, only once a day to keep it fresh in your trinity so you can use the prayer anytime a situation calls for it. |
We say "us" and "we" opposed to "I" and "me" because we are communicating with all parts of ourselves: Our Trinity and Posse.
Namaste's Nourishing Prayer
Being disconnected from what we are consuming is the fastest way for it to not work for us. Get Connected!
Being disconnected from what we are consuming is the fastest way for it to not work for us. Get Connected!
Thank you (enter what you are about to drink or eat: water, veg, grain, chicken) for your life. May you have lived your life's purpose in wellness before you have come to our plates to sustain our lives. Thank you for giving us the energy we need to live another day on earth. May your wisdom and life giving force show us and teach us a better way to live in the highest good of all. May you flush my body of illness and build my cells with wellness. Bless ourselves and our clients/company who provide the means for us to be healthy, happy and safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Namaste, Amen, A'ho, Ntsh'Allah, Skal and so it is.
Namaste's Manifesting Tesla Prayer
Say 6 times a day at 06h00, 09h00, 12h00, 15h00, 18h00 and 21h00 for at least 27 days if it's for a specific manifestation, but forever is even better if we want to stay in a constant flow of manifesting. Best to set alarms for this one or it's easily missed.
Say 6 times a day at 06h00, 09h00, 12h00, 15h00, 18h00 and 21h00 for at least 27 days if it's for a specific manifestation, but forever is even better if we want to stay in a constant flow of manifesting. Best to set alarms for this one or it's easily missed.
"Gratitude, Money, Love, Health, Support and Protection flow easily into our life. We're enjoying attracting large sums of Gratitude, Money, Love, Health, Support and Protection. Gratitude, Money, Love, Health, Support and Protection come quickly and without effort always. Show us more Gratitude, Money, Love, Health, Support and Protection and use us. Namaste, Amen, A'ho, Ntsh'Allah, Skal and so it is." |
Namaste's Crisis Prayer
Whenever we are feeling weak, down, scared, depressed, anxious.
Whenever we are feeling weak, down, scared, depressed, anxious.
"We embody our highest timeline of freedom and abundance now. Our filter is set to love, evolution, gratitude and appreciation and that's all we experience. We know that what is meant for us will come in it's own Divine timing. We release what we cannot control and give it to our Posse who will show us a healthier way. We embrace the highest version of ourselves and deeply trust that everything is always working out for our highest good of all by learning from this moment on how to futureproof our life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Namaste, Amen, A'ho, Ntsh'Allah, Skal and so it is."
Namaste's Attraction Prayer
Attracting something.
Attracting something.
"We are grateful for (use the name of what you are grateful for, never use a persons name ever, use describing words, like: this job, my one true love, that dress, this project, that house) for the highest good of all. We know that it is already ours. We are open to receiving it in any way, shape, or form. This or something better manifests for us now. Namaste, Amen, A'ho, Ntsh'Allah, Skal and so it is."
Namaste's Serenity Prayer
When you are confused about what is yours and what is the Creators
When you are confused about what is yours and what is the Creators
"Oh Great Spirit, grant us the serenity and the knowledge to accept the things we cannot change, the courage, connections, tools and protection to change the things we can as well as wisdom with clarity we need to know the difference."
Namaste's InterFaith Trinity Power Prayer
Daily and when showering or bathing or cleansing.
Daily and when showering or bathing or cleansing.
"Oh Great Spirit, make us a channel for your peace. Grant us this day/cleansing/union/month/year/celebration in the Highest Good of all. Relieve us of our bond of toxic self so we may better serve your will. Your will be done through us. Show us how to serve and let there only be light. Ho'oponopono to (say the persons name you have conflict with, even if it is yourself), we forgive ourselves, we love you, we are sorry and thank you.
Everything we need is within ourselves. Love is infinite and unlimited. We are fully responsible for everything in our lives. We can have feelings, thoughts, needs and perceptions about reality without feeling guilt or shame. Loving ourselves is easy. We are enough. We are worthy. All things are possible. Happiness is our first priority as we triumph over tragedy. We turn all negatives into a positive. This or something better manifests for us now. Oh Great Spirit, grant us the serenity and the knowledge to accept the things we cannot change, the courage, connections, tools and protection to change the things we can and wisdom with clarity we need to know the difference. We are healthy, wealthy and wise. We are aware, kind, peaceful and loving. We intend to inspire, educate and love to create balance and harmony by doing our part in bringing Heaven to Earth. This is our vision and those are our values. We are ready to receive the miracles set aside for us. We give ourselves to our Great Spirit. Show us the next right action always and bring us our tribe to knit us together for the Highest Good of all. Gratitude, love, money, health, support and protection use us and show us how to create our new world. From this moment on, we promise to stay aware as possible of our unconscious belief systems as well as being aware of our trinity... our body, our brain and our soul having a say and making decisions together. We honour our holy trinity always before all else. We are committed to resetting our vibrational set points so we can heal them and create, new more healthy sustainable points. We are the power we need to change our lives. It is within us. We believe it is possible to change and heal. We are regardless of what we have done in the past or have experienced. We are worthy of abundance in all matters of life. We are connected to all that was and is. It is our intent to move beyond any ideas that we are in any way a victim. We are more than what we used to be programmed to believe in. We are co-creators of earth and we are here to follow our purpose. Today, we make it our primary goal to stay awake from each moment to moment and from this moment on, we take ownership over our minds, our conscious belief systems, our awareness and our futureproof goals. We take our time and allow our projects to create themselves and out Posse space to align. We have all the time we need. We move slower and work smarter for the Win-Win-Win. We increase momentum slow and steady and successfully manage all healthy opportunities. We no longer use taking care of others to manipulate them or ourselves to see the worth in us. From this day forward, we love and accept of ourselves and others unconditionally and place them where their actions say we should. We surrender to any notion that anyone owes us anything. We are the masters of our own destiny and we are here to lead because we are the Alpha of our life. Namaste, Amen, A'ho, Ntsh'Allah, Skal and so it is." |
What would you like your daily programming to be? Use any of these on this page and construct your own that resonates with your trinity.
If we don't know it by heart, we haven't said it enough. 4,500 times to write the program.
Amplifying Aura Quartz
Nordic Prayers