The story of how Numbers came into being
"Numbers are the Universal language offered by the Deity to humans as confirmation of the truth."
St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430)
"Numbers are the Universal language offered by the Deity to humans as confirmation of the truth."
St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430)
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So once upon a time...
There was nothing.
Then Creation Happened!
There was nothing.
Then Creation Happened!
Have you ever wondered if there was a story behind the numbers in their creation? Are they random? This is their story, as is easiest for me to understand from my teachings with Richard Higgins: As in the Fibonacci Sequence, in nature, when one thing starts it begins where the last one left off, and not entirely from the beginning. This is evident in raising children for example, because they learn from what you already know, and do not need to learn it all for themselves. This sequence is everywhere in Nature. The same is true for numbers, building on the number/s before it. I heard this story from Richard Higgins, who is a master in the numerology field and I loved it so much, that I wanted to share it with you! |
First Trimester
In the beginning, One was created. He has a Masculine God Yang Energy and being on his own, he considers himself the Centre of the World. He is the first born, original, alpha vibration number. Because he is the first, he was gifted enough to see all the other numbers born after him, he’s lucky to watch them grow and develop as they evolve into the world and because of this, he makes all the rules and sets the pace for all. He is rewarded by being accepted as the leader of the pack and the others are happy to follow him to the ends of the earth. In the beginning, he was alone for the longest time, so he doesn’t feel the need to talk about his feelings, he is content to travel around waving his Excalibur around, keeping himself busy with starting things, often being a pioneer, doing what he likes to do. Even though One is totally comfortable being alone, being independent and courageous, at one point he became lonely. There is only so much that can be done alone and so the Universe gave him a gift… His Goddess, the number TWO!
Beautiful number Two was created as the total opposite to One in an attempt to compliment him. She is the Feminine Goddess Yin Energy, who is literally God’s Divine Gift. Because she is the second in creation, she only knows him and he knows so much. He’s been around the block and she learns everything from him, so she can be clingy and needy at times. She only has eyes for his magnificence because he has imprinted on her. But she is his consort, and naturally aligned with balancing One out and so she nurtures him, in so doing polarity and partnership was formed in the world. Whilst One is off doing things in the world, Two is emotional, feeling alone at home pondering the meaning of life. After some time, One understands that for him to have space and for his Goddess to be happy, she needs something else to nurture. One and Two hook up and decide to procreate… Their baby, number Three is born
Three is the child of One and Two, created out of the fires of their passion, which is why he is a Masculine Yang Energy. He becomes one of most the important numbers to carry the next line of numbers into the future, even though he doesn’t realise it. He would grow up to be the original creative doer and the real reason that LIFE and the infamous Trilogy began in the world. He is, and forever will be, stuck in duality - the opposition and/or contrast between two concepts, his father One and his mother Two, and then there is also his own way of doing it all. Think about the triangles that you have seen in shape, maths, life, relationships etc… It is the pivotal cause of action. Because Three can run around all over the show like a spoilt brat causing havoc, the world needed a little bit more stability and so, the second trimester began with the transformation… The number Four.
Second Trimester
Four is a complex vibration with the evening out of the volatile three corners, into a square, which created balance and structure in the world, this is evident in the Pyramids for example in their Ancient Wisdom and Technology. Fun Police Four can punctually show up and ruin all the fun by reminding everyone that life is serious and needs structure, balance and security by building a solid foundation. Four is a genius really, the practical Master Builder, who built a castle for the God and Goddess and their baby, so even though she's not really a part of the family, is an integral part of their evolution process. This is the paradox that was formed into the world, the birth of Four, because although it exhibits very masculine traits, she is in fact a very Feminine Earthy Energy, and this would account for its mood disorders and seem bipolar at times. So whilst Four is a rigid pain the butt, she is your go-to-gal to get things done properly, as she is the only one with so much trust, dependability, real life wisdom, reliability and integrity. Since the world seems to become a little too serious, it needed to be shook up a bit… And so, Evolution truly began and Five was created with a boom.
Trouble maker Five shows up loud and proud, with immense flare and grabs the attention of all the numbers. Five’s Masculine Yang Air Energy comes in and stirs the pot because it’s the same energy as centre of the World - One. So you can only imagine how that has turned things upside down, for all the good and all the bad. He really didn’t realise that he was going to be stepping on toes. He was just born awesome and an upgraded version of the number One, so his total aim in life is to be bigger and better and definitely more interesting! So this little rebel with or without a cause starts his mission travelling the world questioning every single little thing it comes across and experiments with everything he can find, loving the freedom and ruffling feathers. Five knows he should stay and behave, but he is always raring to go. Now with all this commotion going on, the world thought: "Woah, let’s calm this picture down a little bit" and created the end of the second trimester with something to balance the contradictions between Four and Five… and so, the counselor was created. The number Six.
Feminine Yin Water Energy Six comes into the picture like a real little hippie, driving her 1978 Volskie bus with the peace signs on the side, wearing flowers in her hair, shouting out the window, “Love is the answer!”. Six, bless its cotton socks, is the number who wants all the numbers to get together and love each other and so Unity was born into the world. Six uses her total peaceful nature energy to get all the numbers to connect and really understand one another, including their own emotions. She doesn’t want or need for anything, her payment is seeing everyone love each other and getting along. She is all about community and is very selfless to her own detriment. Sixes love to indulge in the sensory arts, so she teaches all the numbers about love, sex, drugs, music, people, animals… to feel, to be, to love, to be free. With two trimesters down, the world was still incomplete, and the picture was almost perfect, so they sent in the unexpected… Seven was born and Consciousness exploded.
Final Trimester
Seven is a Masculine Yang Fire Energy, so it arrives with a bang in all its wonder. He is a spiritually evolved number and he looks at the other numbers with a bored ADHD attitude, saying “Been there, done that, what’s next?”. There is very little that challenges him because he is a specialised master, so all that is really left for him to do is channel all the energy from the other numbers through the Cosmos, and this is how Consciousness was born into the world. Seven often finds himself not opposed, but not interested either, and you know what they say about idle hands. He is the most misunderstood number of the lot because he is terrible at representing himself well at all, because he doesn’t feel that he needs to. He would much prefer to avoid all of it and become a recluse as he is much happier in his own space. Because he channels all the other number energies when he is out and about, he is a fire starter. He connects in a mysteriously wonderful way with others. He is interesting and mutable with a flair for the arts. When he allows his potential to be seen by others, they are amazed and attracted. Because he is so eccentric, he is a tortured number, not feeling like he fits anywhere. So with all this in place, the world was nearing completion and needing a way for it to continue… Infinite Eight was born.
Feminine Earthy Eight was tasked with looping the numbers until forever and it was evident in her two circles together, turned sideways and represents infinity. With all her Yin energy, she is the educated judge and jury over all the numbers. She links the worlds and the places in between and then karma was also created, cause and effect, and she was saddled with creating the laws of attraction and so she is involved with all connections between numbers. Her main concern is to finish all her tasks with everyone’s best interests at heart, so she can be very black or white when it is needed. No one messes with her authority over them all. So with all the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted, the world seemed wonderful, all that was left was to tie up those last few ends… Nine was created.
Nine is the Alpha and Omega and wraps up the cycle for everything and everyone. It is neither male or female, nor any element, but rather, everything. Nine is Quantum! The amount of energy regarded as a Unit. It is the transformer, also known as Mandela Energy. Because of this, it is the androgynous disco ball on the dance floor of life, living it up while its chips of mirrors reflect all the energy from the other numbers back at themselves. The Nine is the end of the cycle and has no need to learn anything specific, but has learned everything, so it can do whatever it pleases. Mostly all that’s left to do is play, which is why it can appear to be childlike and unpredictable with all that all over the place energy, but Nine also has child-like temper tantrums and unconditional love. But that is because Nine’s final job as guardian is to make sure that any lessons that slipped through the cracks are learned and transformation is achieved to the next level, which is why it was gifted with being psychic and often involves pain - it’s always darkest before the dawn.