Cat's Hood Timeline
My Screenplay Scrapbook
My Screenplay Scrapbook
Purpose Hood
ill never live long enough to learn all the things I want to learn in this life, so I just keep soaking in as much as I can. Every single day I'm learning about something new and everyday, that gets me up, excited at how my body brain and soul will grow from the new knowledge. Feeding your trinity with information is addictive in all the right ways. What a wild ride this life has been. I can only imagine what wonders tomorrow will reveal. What an incredible time to be alive and bare witness to it all! Namaste Amen A'ho Intsh'Allah Skal and So it is xoxo
Travelling through the Hoods
in order from first to latest
in order from first to latest
TwinFlame Hood
Chris and Cat aka King Krutch & Kitty Kat #KK4KK4EVA… fell in love under a full moon once upon a time in another time and dimension in a land far far away. They lived many lives together as many different things to each other, doing all sorts of things to each other forging their love into the woven fabric of the cosmos, binding them as twin flames for all eternity. Cursed and blessed to either help each other constantly burn or to rise from the ashes… This time around, under this Southern African full moon February night, they were gifted to be the grandest kind of love and finally they battled their challenges together in stead of battling each other and together they put on their boots and went on an adventure together dreaming their absolute impossible dreams together…
Chris is an alternative lifestyle artist specialising in photography, human and motoring behaviour, writing, editing, racing, riding and being a good friend, connection, dad and husband. He’s got so many loves like the people in his life, the English language, a good story or photo that tells a story, cars, bikes, caps, animals, music, tattoos, technology and just life! He is the relaxed, good instinct, reactive, all seeing eye, sponge of knowledge who attracts everyone including old ladies and the gay community (we think it’s his jerseys). Cat is that paradoxical BoHo Babe. The the fun, free, tree hugging dreamer, artist, lover, friend, companion, caregiver, nurturer who is able to switch to philosopher, theorist, investigator, interrogator, research queen, bargain hunter that you confusingly don’t want to mess with but want a hug from. Both of them together are a powerhouse of love and fun, their experiences apart and combined have made them caring, understanding, non judgemental and easily approachable. They are bonded by “Who done it’s” and their love for family, animals and community. If you are around them, they can make you nauseous and scream out “Get a room!”, which they hear often. But like all twin flames, these two are hot for each other in all ways so as much as they are besotted with one another, they are also what happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object (thanks Batman and Joker), so usually that’s quite entertaining to watch and has been destructive before. It has been said that they are the resource material for a comedy drama in some other dimension. Chris and Cat run their own small home businesses where they manage their office together part time since 2010 and full time since 2014. Check out their individual pages to see what they are up to when they are leading professional lives. They believe in paying it forward in your own community, and are always encouraging as man as possible to get involved in their own communities, especially some sort of plastic initiative whether local or international or both, so be sure to check out their Social Responsibility pages to get an idea of what can be done. They are together for as long LOVE lasts and is so long as it is enough. So far in Cat’s experience, LOVE has never been enough and often has to be silenced for survival, we’ve had everything thrown at us and we’ve managed to get to 21 years xoxo See us in some of our past lives: |
Sister Hood
How I became a #Charmed Sister
The Power of Three will set you Free, learning about my Trinity and Mother Nature with these girls who showing me the way, I became a Haliwell with a different spelling because I'm a numerologist of course and every letter matters and I needed 3 not 4 L's. An it harm none… something Haliwell this way comes… so mote it be… by the power of three, root and tree… awaken us all to see… thank you for setting us free xoxo #PowerOfThree
The Power of Three will set you Free, learning about my Trinity and Mother Nature with these girls who showing me the way, I became a Haliwell with a different spelling because I'm a numerologist of course and every letter matters and I needed 3 not 4 L's. An it harm none… something Haliwell this way comes… so mote it be… by the power of three, root and tree… awaken us all to see… thank you for setting us free xoxo #PowerOfThree
Mamma Hood
1995 – 2021
1995 – 2021
My kiddies are a lot more reserved than I am and like to keep their lives private so I won't say much about them online. However, it's hard for me to not say stuff, so I will say what these two have in common! My two likkle people (not so little anymore, but will always be my babies #BeverleyGoldberg) taught me the most about love and devastation. They are incredibly amazing humans who have brought out the very best of me! They are so powerful of heart, so brave in their independence, so fierce in their defense of earth, so inspiring with the way they create in this life, so soul intelligent, so masterful in their passions, so wise beyond their years. It's been a fascinating journey to witness them grow. Such an honour and a privilege to have known them, never mind the gift of growing them. They're pretty amazing and thank my lucky stars for my rising sunshine and my shining star! Two complete opposites who make a whole. They are the most fun I have ever had and everyday without them is really hard, but that's the name of the game right!? We don't get to hang onto them, we all leave our parents to go make our own life and live our own adventure with our lovers and friends and passions and so I cherish the 26 years of hands on helicopter parenting I was gifted. It is truly one of the most awful and wonderful adventures of life...
NightJob Hood
Modeling Hood
Been modeling since 1992 and got my teachers certificate in 1999 but then MammaHood took priority, taking a 26 year backseat until 2021 when I started having fun with it again. My photographers:
CW Media
Calendar Events
CW Media
Calendar Events
Animal Hood
What would life be without our animal friends. Cartoons for the animals before we could afford cameras. They were the first ones to teach me what LOVE was. I am in love with all creatures of earth, even the insects, but Cats are definitely my familiar of choice. How lucky I have been to have had these incredible masters teach me so many lessons about connection and communication without words. How truly blessed I have been! Namaste Amen A'ho Intsh'Allah Skal and So it is xoxo
Child Hood into young Adult Hood
1978 - 1995
1978 - 1995
Wow! I really got an education in the real world here! Almost everything you can think of happening to a person, happened to me or around me. As a child growing up, it felt devastating, lonely and personal , drowning in a mixture of truly inspired fkd up shit and equally truly fantastical things. Healed hindsight showed that I needed crash courses in angels and demon, bring me so low that I would have a conversation with my Creator, so that I could one day be who I am right now. Because of my super dysfunctional, ostracised and incredibly enlightening upbringing, interacting with the most fascinating of people, I have a special set of ears and a special set of eyes and special set of every sense, because when you are raised in darkness, you grow different senses #QueenOfTheInvisiBelles In universal talk, the Creator would say, the end justifies the means and they will use anyone near me weak enough to teach me that lesson. It takes real true strength to love people who feed on you. There are so many people to thank for the good time, because without those, I wouldn't have known goodness or love was possible and also to thank the villains, who I now match their cruelty with kindness and knowledge and helping the unseen and the unheard and the unfelt find their way. #UnoProOmnes! Hooponopono Y'all!
Extended Family
Ancestor Hood
...from long long ago...we still hear their stories...
...from long long ago...we still hear their stories...
It's one heck of a story, our family tree, all the way into BC!!! We cannot wait to share their stories with y'all!