Hello #JoinInJuly #Community #Collaboration Awareness Month as well as appreciating and honouring #Cows for the sacred beings they are y'all, so celebrate by not eating cows but rather things we will kill ourselves and also by listening to country music for #CountryMusic month! Prepare for a time of GROWTH y'all! July is a spiritual period that evolves us within our tribes and community, so we have decided to also make it #CountryMusic month! Mini series in a song! No one does that better than #Country #NamasteMusic Whoop Whoop!
LISTEN TO SOME OF NAMASTE'S FAVOURITES! July has a lot of important days to recognise in a few short 31 days so we want to experience July as an opportunity to join in different community projects www.namaste.co.za/sr because #WeAreOne July is the 7th month, which is definitely going to have us connecting spiritually with others as well as throwing the baby out with the bath water. Applying self care and finding your soul tribe, is on the agenda. The theme is keeping our hearts warm during a freeze and cooling it down when we're overwhelmed by the heat of things.
#July brings us the blessings from #Larkspur with their powerful meanings of positivity, dignity and grace. An open heart, happiness and delight. Being witty, wise and loyal. This month's flower is all about togetherness, tribe, love and helping each other. How pretty are their flowers The Stone to use this season is #Ruby The #JulyColours this season are #Red #NamasteNails
Moons . Cosmos . Seasons
🌌 02 Neptune Retrograde 🌑 05 New Moon in Cancer 🌕 21 Full Moon in Capricorn (North Buck/South Wolf) 🦁 23 Leo Season 🌌 26 Chiron Retrograde 🦁 26 Lions Gate Opens ☄️ 28-29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower 🌌 31 Lammas Begins (Nature) Planets Retrograde Chiron Saturn Neptune Pluto Spiritual Days 07 Hindu Puri Rath Yatra 07 Islam Hijra – New Year 15 Jesus Saint Vladimir 16 Islam Day of Ashura – Muharram 18 Nelson Mandela Day 21 Buddhist Asala – Dharma Day 21 Hindu Guru Purnima 25 Jesus St. James the Great Day 30 Friendship Day The Whole Month *Community Collaboration Awareness Month *Country Music Month *Chocolate Month *Pasta Variety Menu & Recipe Month *Plastic Free Awareness *Joke Month *Bank Account Bonus Month (definitely Joke month LOLsies) *World Watercolour Month *Sarcoma Awareness Month *Picnic Month (Northern) *Device Courtesy Month *Independent Retailer Month – We are hit hard now *Horseradish Month *Ice Cream Month (Northern) *Group B Strep Support GBSS Awareness Month *Global Enterprise Month *Talk to Us Samaritan Month *Good Care Month Weeks *Clean Beaches Week *Plastic Free Week *Deaf Blind Awareness *Children’s Art Weeks *Barbecue Week BBQ *Blueberry Week *Great British Pea Week *Hygiene Week *Moth Week *Friendship Week Days *Clean Beaches Week *Deaf Blind Awareness *Plastic Free Week *Barbecue Week BBQ *Children’s Art Weeks 01 Second Half of the Year Day 01 Canada Day 01 Joke Day 01 Plastic Free Day 01 Ginger Snaps & Biscuit Day 01 Creative Ice Cream Flavour Day 01 Reggae Day 01 Postal Worker Day 01 Zip Code Day 02 Sports Journalist Day 02 Aniseed Day (Anisette) 02 UFO Day 02 I Forgot Day 03 Chocolate Wafer Day 03 Aircon Day 03 Bereaved Parents Day 03 Eat Beans Day 03 Chocolate Wafer Day 03 Disobedience Day 03 Plastic Bag Free Day 03 Compliment Your Mirror Day 03 Hop a Park 03 Stay out of the Sun Day 04 Country Music Day or Month why not yáll? 04 Independence from Meat Day 04 JackFruit Day 04 Caesar Salad Day 04 Barbecue & SpareRib Day 04 Build a ScareCrow Day 04 Sidewalk Egg Frying Day (Northern) 04 Tom Sawyer Day 04 American Independence Day *Great British Pea Week *Hygiene Week *Barbecue Week BBQ *Blueberry Week *Children’s Art Weeks 05 Apple Turnover Day 05 Bikini Day (Northern because it’s freezing here!) 05 Workaholic Day 05 Mechanical Pencil Day 05 Graham Cracker Day 06 International Kissing Day 06 Fried Chicken Day 06 Air Traffic Control Day 06 Virtual Hug & Virtual Assistant Day 06 Umbrella Cover Day 06 Take your Webmaster to Lunch Day 07 Chocolate Day 07 Macaroni Day 07 Strawberry Sundae Day 07 Global Forgiveness Day 07 Tell the Truth Day 08 Math 2.0 Day 08 Video Game Day 08 Scud Day 08 Chocolate with Almonds Day 08 Blueberry Day 09 Kebab Day 09 Chicken Day 09 Sugar Cookie Day 10 New Moon in Cancer 10 Mercuri BoJangles Day 10 Pina Colada Day 10 Kitten Day 10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day 10 Don’t Step on a Bee Day 10 Clerihew Day 11 Cheer up the Lonely Day 11 World Population Day 11 Swimming pool Day (Northern) 11 Blueberry Muffin Day 11 Slurpee Day 11 Mojito Day Children’s Art Weeks 12 Puri Rath Yatra (Hindu) 12 Etch a Sketch Day 12 New Conversations Day 12 Simplicity Day aka KISS Day 12 Pecan Pie Day 12 Different Colour Eyes Day 12 Town Criers Day 13 French Fries Day 13 Cow Appreciation Day 13 Beef Tallow Day 13 Day of Rock ‘n Roll 13 International Rock Day 13 Embrace your Geekiness Day 14 Shark Awareness Day 14 Mac & Cheese Day 14 Grand Marnier Day 14 Pandemonium Day 15 Gummi Worm Day 15 Hot Dog Day 15 Orange Chicken Day 15 World Youth Skills Day 15 Animal Fire Safety Day 15 Tapioca Pudding Day 16 I Love Horses Day 16 Guinea Pig Appreciation Day 16 Corn Fritters Day 16 Fresh Spinach Day 16 World Snake Day 17 World Emoji Day 17 Peach Ice Cream Day 17 Tattoo Day 17 Yellow Pig Day 17 Lottery Day 18 Tishá BÁv (Jewish) 8 Caviar Day 18 Insurance Nerd Day 18 Nelson Mandela Day 18 Ice Cream Day 18 Sour Candy Day *Moth Week 19 Waqf al Arafa – Hajj (Islam) 19 Daiquari Day 19 Stick your Tongue out Day 19 Get out of the Dog House Day 20 Eid-al-Adha (Islam) 20 Moon Day 20 Cake Day 20 International Chess Day 20 World Jump Day 20 Space Exploration Day 20 Lollipop Day 21 Junk Food Day 21 No Selling Pets and Animal Trafficking Day 21 Lamington Day 22 Leo Season 22 Hammock Day 22 Summer Leisure Day (Northern) 22 Crème Brulee Day 22 Mango Day 22 Pi Approximation Day 22 Penuche Fudge Day 23 Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day 23 Sprinkle Day 23 Mozzie Day (Northern) 23 International Yada yada yada yada Day 23 Gorgeous Grandma Day 23 Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24 Guru Purnima (Hindu) 24 Asala – Dharma Day (Buddhist) 24 Full Moon in Aquarius 24 Tequila Day 24 Cousin Day 24 YOLO Day You Only Live Once 24 Drive-Thru Day 24 Pioneer Day 24 Cousins Day 24 Tell a Joke Day 25 Saint James the Great Day (Jesus) 25 Wine & Cheese Day 25 Parent’s Day 25 Carousel Day 25 Culinarian Day 25 Hot Fudge Sundae Day 25 Thread the Needle Day *Friendship Week 26 Cool Aunty & Uncle Day 26 FBI Day 26 Coffee Milkshake Day aka Freezachino Day 26 Holistic Therapy Day 26 Bagelfest Day 26 All or Nothing Day 26 One Voice Day 27 Nina’s Birthday <3 Happy 43rd My Bestie 27 Walk on Stilts Day 27 Norfolk Day 27 New Jersey Day 27 Chicken Finger Day 27 Scotch Whisky Day 27 Take your Houseplant for a Walk Day, some say Pants? 27 Gary Gygax Day 28 Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower 28 Nature Conservation Day 28 Milk Chocolate Day 28 World Hepatitis Day 29 Chili Dog Day 29 International Tiger Day 29 Rain Day (Northern) 29 Lipstick Day 29 Intern Day 29 International Chicken Wing Day 29 Lasagna Day 30 Cheesecake Day 30 Friendship Day 30 Talk in the Elevator Day 30 Paperback Book Day 30 International Day of Friendship 30 Share a Hug Day 30 Father-in-Law Day 30 System Administration Day 30 World Day against Trafficking in Persons 31 Raspberry Cake Day 31 Uncommon Music Instrument Awareness Day 31 World Ranger Day 31 Shredded Wheat Day 31 Jump for Jelly Beans Day 31 Lammas /Imbolc begins |
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