Free Self Therapy Suggestions
Warning: There is a LOT to take in on this page, if you are looking for something specific, I suggest doing a word search otherwise skim read through the the headings and stop on the ones that are resonating with you.
If you are in a toxic or downward spiral, play these and add them to you daily brain vitamin playlist & find your own videos that uplift you
Disclaimer: The advice given here is a culmination and summary of my own personal experience as well as my clients, over many years of research and physically testing these practices, methods and ideas ourselves. We like to be alone when the sky falls down because all the answers are within - instinctively, you KNOW you got this, it's the bad programming gremlins that comes later in the darkness that fools you into thinking you can't heal yourself, I call this a Soul Virus. If your body can get a virus, so can your brain, a computer and animals get a virus, then why would your soul not be eligible for the same kind of corruption? When you catch a soul virus, your connection with your creator and angels becomes distorted, the signal is being disrupted and you inevitably become wayward. Everything you need is within yourself to mend that connection and the internet is filled with many free lightworkers to follow. This isn't religion. It is the Science of Spirituality. You have a direct link to your creator through your soul. When you feel lost, this means it's time to reinforce the connection with your creator and yourself. This page is a list of all various pathways to accessing your creator with confidence so you can achieve the ultimate goal of life and that is to be authentic. If you are not living your soul mission, like most jobs in life, you will experience all kinds of discomfort, depression or disorders until you align yourself into your purpose and get on with it. That is why you are here, on Earth. You are important. No matter how small you may feel, you are essential to the future for some exciting reason and things will not go your way until you discover this reason. It shouldn't be daunting. This should excite you like a pirate that's just found a new treasure map! Not everyone is a famous star. Some people have a purpose in being invisible like honourably cleaning our streets and planet for us. If you are lost, this means you have not found your place in the Great Eco System... YET! These tools can help to light your way and get you started, so try some that resonate with you, like your life depends on it. Because it does. You're the leading character in your life, no matter what you do, you must own it. It's only wrong if you're hiding it from people you care about. I offer these recommendations to you not as an instruction but suggestions so please check with your medical or healthcare professionals if any recommendations here contraindicates anything in your life. Experiment at your own risk and pleasure and make your own healing routine to suit you. Have fun designing your new perfect healthy life recipe.
Quick Emergency Steps Guide
The Trigger Circuit Breakers If you are triggered into rage or darkness or having a toxic, suicidal, abusive experience or suffering from bereavement, please follow as many of these steps as you can medically and physically do. Details of these short points are below if this is your first time here. This is a quick reference for you to come back to once you've read everything on this page (suggest doing word search to locate): STEP ONE - STOP *Secure your Safety immediately *If you are injured, seek medical assistance *Stop talking, rather write or texting to communicate as your brain may be in trauma *Move into observer position and observe what is happening with you from all sides STEP TWO - BREATHE & BALANCE *Breath Work *Physical Balancing *Non Dominant Hand Activation STEP THREE - SELF ASSESSMENT *F4 Diagnosis (freeze.flight.fight.fawn) *Trinity (body.brain.soul) Investigation STEP FOUR - REDIRECT *Listen to your Theme Song Playlist *Watch your saved Watchlists *Turn all the negatives into positives *Investigate what is the Gift in whichever awful situation is hurting you? STEP FIVE - MAINTAIN *Stay in your truth and keep being observant *Choose natural options over chemicals *Regular nature connection is vital *Journaling exactly what happened is essential for brain health and hindsight wellness |
Emergency Self Assistance Suggestions
We are not always available 24.7 to assist and in a crisis or breakdown, it can feel overwhelming, especially when the attacks and incidents occur outside office hours, That is the very reason Namaste has and always will be big into SELF HELP and here, right now, right here, we can get you started with some great healing and circuit breaker tips to help you out of whatever slump you're in right now. If you are experiencing a toxic or abusive experience right now then read everything on this page and do as many of the suggestions as possible. We are all born with different fingerprints, the same is true for our thoughts, feelings, energy, perception, purpose and medicine cocktails.
We have PLENTY natural self assistance tips that WILL definitely get you going in a healthy direction almost immediately. If you're not, then you haven't physically tried everything on this page. Perhaps you've been lead to believe you need other people to fix you? You don't. What you need is to educate yourself and thanks to YouTube and Google, enlightenment is only a search engine away. Knowledge heals you from the inside out. Knowing and labelling things correctly by understanding exact definitions of things, helps your brain to understand and function better for your highest good. Your memory allows you to evolve from this point. If you are or have experienced trauma, you will be no doubt in brain trauma and this affects your memory and other vital abilities. When your brain is in trauma, it doesn't matter how cool or intelligent you are, you can short circuit and if you don't learn how to help yourself through a short circuit in your brain function, then you are a danger to yourself and others. So number one priority is to ensure maximum brain and mental health. This doesn't affect some people, it affects and applies to every living thing that is born to earth with a brain.
When you are in trauma, your brain will become a merry-go-round and replay those tapes on repeat until it's made sense of it. If you ignore this function, you will become anxious, angry and explode. If you do this repeatedly, you will become bipolar and probably suffer from all sorts of disorders both mentally and physically. This function must happen, so when this happens, the only thing to stop that merry-go-round of hell is new information. So feed your brain with everything on this page and integrate it into your daily life from this moment forward. Save this link or these tips to your phone and assess them anytime you feel you need help or you find yourself in a toxic or stagnant situation.
We are not always available 24.7 to assist and in a crisis or breakdown, it can feel overwhelming, especially when the attacks and incidents occur outside office hours, That is the very reason Namaste has and always will be big into SELF HELP and here, right now, right here, we can get you started with some great healing and circuit breaker tips to help you out of whatever slump you're in right now. If you are experiencing a toxic or abusive experience right now then read everything on this page and do as many of the suggestions as possible. We are all born with different fingerprints, the same is true for our thoughts, feelings, energy, perception, purpose and medicine cocktails.
We have PLENTY natural self assistance tips that WILL definitely get you going in a healthy direction almost immediately. If you're not, then you haven't physically tried everything on this page. Perhaps you've been lead to believe you need other people to fix you? You don't. What you need is to educate yourself and thanks to YouTube and Google, enlightenment is only a search engine away. Knowledge heals you from the inside out. Knowing and labelling things correctly by understanding exact definitions of things, helps your brain to understand and function better for your highest good. Your memory allows you to evolve from this point. If you are or have experienced trauma, you will be no doubt in brain trauma and this affects your memory and other vital abilities. When your brain is in trauma, it doesn't matter how cool or intelligent you are, you can short circuit and if you don't learn how to help yourself through a short circuit in your brain function, then you are a danger to yourself and others. So number one priority is to ensure maximum brain and mental health. This doesn't affect some people, it affects and applies to every living thing that is born to earth with a brain.
When you are in trauma, your brain will become a merry-go-round and replay those tapes on repeat until it's made sense of it. If you ignore this function, you will become anxious, angry and explode. If you do this repeatedly, you will become bipolar and probably suffer from all sorts of disorders both mentally and physically. This function must happen, so when this happens, the only thing to stop that merry-go-round of hell is new information. So feed your brain with everything on this page and integrate it into your daily life from this moment forward. Save this link or these tips to your phone and assess them anytime you feel you need help or you find yourself in a toxic or stagnant situation.
The Corner Stone of YOUR Wellbeing
Your Mental Health depends on your comprehension of these TWO fundamental dynamics (UnitA1&2) of the Human Experience and how you perceive yourself in relation to others. Understanding them (Unit B) is a vital step in your Trinity Healing which is your entire Body, Brain and Soul Eco System. No matter what your reason is for being here right now, whether you are currently in trauma or bereavement or if it's an old wound, or if you're just reading to try understand and help someone else. Read this slowly and then over again, then conduct your own research into your specific experience and share the knowledge of your healing with everyone you know. Healing is as contagious as any virus and it is anciently recorded that the knowledge isn't yours until you teach it to someone else, so you are serving yourself and the greater good if you learn and then share it. There is a lot to unpack here, so I suggest getting a cup of your favourite drink and get comfy with a pen and paper or your device notes to jot down the things that you HEAR or FEEL that PING in your body or brain or soul. This list you make will be your soul's way of communicating with you which things are your starting point. You could do this all in one sitting if you're like me and your brain is thirsty to know everything, or you could do it in chunks. Some days I'm too emotional to push on, and so I will feel a click, a little bit like the auto stop at the gas station when filling your car, that's my que that I must stop there and go digest the notes I've made so far before continuing. I encourage you to honour yourself when you feel that, and you will. There is no point in pushing on, just to get through it. You ideally need to give yourself the opportunity to integrate this information. This is YEEEEAAAARS of summarising into a nutshell and a very fruitful bowl of self help it is indeed, if I do say so myself *cheeky proud little blushing smile*...
Your Mental Health depends on your comprehension of these TWO fundamental dynamics (UnitA1&2) of the Human Experience and how you perceive yourself in relation to others. Understanding them (Unit B) is a vital step in your Trinity Healing which is your entire Body, Brain and Soul Eco System. No matter what your reason is for being here right now, whether you are currently in trauma or bereavement or if it's an old wound, or if you're just reading to try understand and help someone else. Read this slowly and then over again, then conduct your own research into your specific experience and share the knowledge of your healing with everyone you know. Healing is as contagious as any virus and it is anciently recorded that the knowledge isn't yours until you teach it to someone else, so you are serving yourself and the greater good if you learn and then share it. There is a lot to unpack here, so I suggest getting a cup of your favourite drink and get comfy with a pen and paper or your device notes to jot down the things that you HEAR or FEEL that PING in your body or brain or soul. This list you make will be your soul's way of communicating with you which things are your starting point. You could do this all in one sitting if you're like me and your brain is thirsty to know everything, or you could do it in chunks. Some days I'm too emotional to push on, and so I will feel a click, a little bit like the auto stop at the gas station when filling your car, that's my que that I must stop there and go digest the notes I've made so far before continuing. I encourage you to honour yourself when you feel that, and you will. There is no point in pushing on, just to get through it. You ideally need to give yourself the opportunity to integrate this information. This is YEEEEAAAARS of summarising into a nutshell and a very fruitful bowl of self help it is indeed, if I do say so myself *cheeky proud little blushing smile*...
"Find out who you are and do it on purpose!" ~Dolly Parton
Unit A - The FIRST step is Understanding
1. Your Holy Trinity
2. Your own Empathy and Narcissism as well as the other Empaths and Narcissists out there
Unit B - The SECOND step is manifesting your Therapy into Tools, Armour & Weapons
Breathing . Balancing . Non dominant hand coordination . Movement . Music . Trinity inspiration, winder and awe . Planets . Mental health and medicine . Subscribe to your mental health . Research and investigation . Natural food medicines . Routine, recipes and repetition . Laughter . Series list . Audio book list . Animals . Skill building . Detoxing your life . Practicing gratitude . Using social media correctly . Meditation and brain programming . Nature . Trinity investigation . Self assessment . F4 Responses . Journaling and notes . Hobbies, arts and crafts . Outings . Pendulum work . Chakra and body assessment . Hope vs. Faith . Compromise vs. the Win-Win-Win . Crystals . Invisibility cloak . Self Defense . Numerology . Finding the Gift in your Trauma
Unit A - The FIRST step is Understanding
1. Your Holy Trinity
2. Your own Empathy and Narcissism as well as the other Empaths and Narcissists out there
Unit B - The SECOND step is manifesting your Therapy into Tools, Armour & Weapons
Breathing . Balancing . Non dominant hand coordination . Movement . Music . Trinity inspiration, winder and awe . Planets . Mental health and medicine . Subscribe to your mental health . Research and investigation . Natural food medicines . Routine, recipes and repetition . Laughter . Series list . Audio book list . Animals . Skill building . Detoxing your life . Practicing gratitude . Using social media correctly . Meditation and brain programming . Nature . Trinity investigation . Self assessment . F4 Responses . Journaling and notes . Hobbies, arts and crafts . Outings . Pendulum work . Chakra and body assessment . Hope vs. Faith . Compromise vs. the Win-Win-Win . Crystals . Invisibility cloak . Self Defense . Numerology . Finding the Gift in your Trauma
Understanding Yourself, Others & the Words you use
Understanding Yourself, Others & the Words you use
1. Understanding your Holy Trinity
It may sound completely bizarre that understanding how your body brain and soul integrate will solve all your problems, but I assure you, it does as if by magick. Knowledge is the greatest fuel source for your trinity, it helps it to be it's best and for that, it needs to be fed wholesome, updated information. Somethings don't need to be fully comprehended to be able to know that it is so. Like the internet, it is a wonder of the world how it all works and our devices are so smart and how does a phone call carry your voice through thin air into another device a million miles away? You don't need to know how it works to use it, you just need to know that it does work to be able to experience it's effects. This is the case with your Holy Trinity. If you don't know that there are three of you inside yourself, then this is your first unhealthy root. You may have been lead to believe that you are one being, but you are not. You are in fact three, a body, a brain and a soul. Your SOUL is your pilot and it is old, from many lived lifetimes, it is smart and it knows the way and it is your direct communication link to your creator. That soul has a name, a different one to yours now. That soul is born into a human BODY that is a brand new and fresh vehicle on this earth which is built to experience life through physical senses. All of the senses, sight, sound, touch, esp, taste and smell that manifest together into emotions and action to live a spiritual purpose. Your body's name is what you were named at birth, your current name as everyone knows you. The soul and the body are a mere shell prepared for a possible life on earth, they go nowhere without the engine, which is your BRAIN. Your brain is one of the truly awe inspiring things that exist in the universe. It is the smartest computer on earth and it's expansion capability is based on what it is exposed to via your senses. As amazing as this brain is, it also operates at the energy level of a 5 year old. It is programmed this way for survival and it is thirsty and hungry like a 5 year old. These three siblings must learn how to navigate life with each other, just as brothers and sisters learn to grow up together. The correct order of the trinity is Soul, then Body and then Brain. However through 4000 years of corrupt schooling has brought us into the slave nation by putting our brains first, only exercising one side of the brain, instead of both equally and disabling and ignoring the fact that there is even a body or a soul. This was thought to be hippie woo woo talk. It's not. It was propaganda so that you never develop both sides of your brain, which actually retards it, which is abusive and very lucrative because it stops your 5 year old brain from knowing that anything is possible. This inevitably creates an invisible self imprisonment and gives the person no need to access things like purpose, mission and soul goals. It sees zero point in nature or it's human position in the eco-system. It is a crime against mother nature to not see your trinity and develop all three equally. All three of yourselves are very different, they may be masculine or feminine or androgynous or all three. This is why we have so much gender and sexual identity changes today, so many transgender or gender neutral folks, because it is so. They aren't freaks, they are living honestly and figuring themselves out. The average is usually 2 of one and 1 of the other for example, my body and soul are feminine, but my brain is masculine and the reason why my alpha and I argue a lot in our marriage and why fights between us can be catastrophic. Many relationship dynamics could be resolved by investigating this and comparing the dynamics, because once you have a label on it, you know what to do with it and plans and agreements can be made for healthier boundaries. One of the first exercises you must undertake is to get to know your trinity better than those manipulating you into unhealthy states. Many of them are your trusted people and suppliers, so constant research is essential for you to stay awake and actually protect your trinity. You don't feed your body once in your life and then it's done. You must eat everyday, sometimes several times a day and drink water to stay alive and maintain your body. You wouldn't drink bleach for fun or because someone told you to. You wouldn't walk around all day with the same shoes you stepped in shit with, you would clean it. We have not been taught well, because they were also mislead by toxic leaders. Our brains and soul must also be nourished with healthy, fresh substance. It is extremely vital to feed yourself everyday, several times a day with healthy, constructive, nutritious food, water, information, words, thoughts, feelings, visuals, sounds, emotions, medicine and environments. Anything else is self abuse and a crime against mother nature because you are here to be your best, otherwise you wouldn't have come so if you're not your best, then this is where you begin today. If you're still doubting yourself that you have three selves, then answer these honestly: Have you ever contradicted yourself? Have you ever betrayed yourself? Have you ever liked complete opposite things? Do you do things that you regret? Do you speak out loud to yourself? Do you ever feel like there is a gremlin inside you criticising or analysing what you have done? Do you feel like there is an angel on your shoulder giving you the right advice at the right time? Do you ever feel your stomach turning when making decisions? Have you ever felt conflicted with choices? I'm sure you've said yes to most of these because it's not possible to not. This is all evidence of an unrecognised trinity. You start by naming your soul and your brain. The brain uses talking verbally to communicate, your vehicle uses body language and chemistry to swap information and the soul writes and scribes. This is why it is important to stop talking when you are in trauma and also why you shouldn't ask a traumatised person any questions. The brain will keep short circuiting, agitating the problem. The Holy Trinity only recognises something as important if you write is and speak it because the brain must record the new instruction through sound and sight, which is why we have verbal and written comms. One isn't enough, it must be a unanimous decision. This is why schools used to make children repeat punishment, eg writing lines, this was them trying to program the stubborn brain. It takes the trinity 4000 repetitions to master anything, so the faster you get the 4000, the faster you master something. A year from now, you will wish you started today. Remember the order of Healthy Holy Trinity Connection: Your Creator connects with your Soul and then your soul connect with your body using your brain. The brain is a terrible master and a very obedient servant. Signs that your brain is in the driver seat you will experience a merry-go-round of unpleasantries, like any 5 year old who doesn't know what's best for them and will come out in ways like when you cannot sleep or you're replaying things in your mind over and over or you are exhibiting self destructive or sabotaging beahviours or obsessing or in pain. All signs to get yourself into alignment making use of the siggestions below. |
2. Understanding your own Empathy and Narcissism as well as the other Empaths and Narcissists out there
Empathy is the ability to perceive someone else's emotions as well as your own in relation to it's existence on earth and Narcissism is the ability to only be able to perceive your own self and you're in it to win it at all costs. One is a web of connection of all possibilities in the flow of earth and the other a narrow road with structured goals and focus. Both are capable of being healthy and toxic and neither is only good or bad. We are born with the ability for both, tools to navigate Earth. We need both. If we are experiencing love, we must be open to that experience and reciprocate with love, that takes empathy. When we are being attacked, we must protect ourselves and we absolutely need our narcissism for that. You can't care that your attacker has a family, you must preserve your safety and so your empathy will be turned all the way down and your inner warrior will surface. It is healthy to bounce between these dynamics of yourself. In the case of someone who repeatedly experiences trauma, their balance dial will generally get stuck on one side because coming back to normal is too painful or they just learn that that is how life is and that is their new normal and they will become a toxic narcissist or a toxic empath to self preserve and then they become boundary violators themselves, not comprehending their collateral damage ever and this is where "ignorance is bliss" stems from. They can also be on a merry-go-round of extremes and become bipolar or develop a personality disorder totally unaware that they aren't the problem. They aren't sick, they have someone constantly hurting them of which medicine is never going to fix because if you have a cut and you stick your finger in that cut everyday, it just can't heal, no matter how much medicine you take orally, someone is still sticking their finger in that hole. Everyday. So what's the answer? You have to stop allowing your wounds to be poked anymore and this means removing what is doing that. This could be another person or it can be your own bad programming which is as easily rectified as any computer with old programming, you update and upgrade and evolve. Narcs behave like weeds and empaths behave like plants. Weeds have a one way system, they are designed to take what they need to grow taller, fuller and faster in a shorter time frame with a very short root system, which is why weeds have no trouble at all growing anywhere, even in scarcity, with very little on offer, because everything it touches, it will take. It's not an asshole weed. It's just made that way, it can never be a plant. This doesn't make weeds bad at all in fact, cannabis and dandelions are used for healing across the globe. Plants on the other hand grow slowly, because they wont grow up if they haven't secure at the bottom in the roots. They have a two ways system, they plug into their underground neighbourhood and they touch roots share water, nutrients and neighbourhood information. Not all plants are great, some are very destructive or attract unwanted visitors. This is the same with people in the narc and empath dynamic, so try notice these behaviours in people. Then you get people who are pathologically and know all of this about themselves and use it to their advantage of their position. Empaths can do this too. Narcs aren't bad, we just put them in the wrong places. We need narcissists for jobs like morticians, doctors, lawyers, dustbin or roadkill collection etc are all jobs that emotions and senses interfere with. People evolve faster when they don't have families to take care of or feelings to nurture, they can work 24.7 and make the world a better place, because they live in their brains and they have extensive brain networking function that is go go go all the time, making them very shit at relationships. This isn't because they are an asshole, their design isn't your design and that is ok. There is a reason good cop, bad copy exists, because we need the balance of both perspectives at all times and sometimes we need two different people for that. Narcs are like vampires, they will take every last drop of energy from you, but they also can't come in uninvited and they also are very easily controlled when you know what you're dealing with. They are experts at mind control and will use it every chance they get unless you inoculate your trinity against them. In the movies and books they use garlic and vervain, but in reality you need information, the correct diet and courage to enforce your boundaries. Empaths can also overstep and often do, they can mean well and interfere and cause all kinds of problems. Empaths work well where you need to involve their senses. The difference between a Psycopath and a Sociopath is that they are essentially wired the same and will behave the same however, the psycho has a high cognitive function and can connect all the elaborate details whether true or false and usually fools everyone with facades so will have a bigger social circle and the socio has less cognitive function and is easily spotted as a weirdo, so they prefer the confines of their homes, both will like to have a hidden space from the world to be who they really are away from everyone else who shames them for being who they are (usually a basement, storage or local hang out).. You must bare in mind that a back in the day, a psychopath of the village was celebrated as hero warrior who protects the people from outsiders and is able to kill animals for the tribe for food. Today doesn't cater for a natural warrior, so we end up with unhealthy ones like serial killers and trophy hunters. If you have been exposed to the toxic anticts of a psycopath, narccisst or sociopath, it means your brain IS compromised. Not maybe, it DEFINITELY will have corrupted your programming and it will manifest into mental disorders like anxiety, insomnia, bipolar, personality disorders and rage. Stop silencing your alarm bells with medicine and EVICT the virus from your programming, just like you would a computer, you need an anti virus protection in order the hack into your brain and restore it to a healthy level and all the mental disorders WILL vanish. You will never find a cheaper anti virus program than Meredith Miller's 12 Week Program from Inner Integration. She is a master guru on the socio and psycho and this is a course you do by yourself, in your own space, in your own time, whenever you feel like it and you can do it over and over - I did, I found I needed to do it four times and every time I learned something I missed the time before, it was a such a soul gift and I referred many to her, who also are healed or currently healing. That is why it's so affordable and really, it's all you need to get control of your own brain again. I personally think everyone should do her course because it's valuable even if you've never come across a toxic person before, you will and this will give you great tools for that day. Your body will follow suit when your brain learns. Your body is sick because it refuses to do what you're allowing anymore and it is debilitating you so you will stop your unaware self abuse. If you have the money and can afford a couple thousand for hands on training, then Lisa A. Romano offers that with her amazing hands on 12 Week Program, which she holds at scheduled times, about three times throughout the year, every year. It's an online class with her and you'll get time with the others in her class of that time and you will personally work with her. You could do both of these courses as well if you like, but do the one that FEELS right for you, that fits in with you, because you want the healing to stick. They are both very active on social media and YouTube and following them is your brain's daily multi vitamin. I always start my mornings off with their dose of wisdom, first thing when I open my eyes, so my brain remembers everything I've ever learned from them, to set myself to have a powerful day. These ladies are the real deal. They have been through it ALL, if not with themselves, with their clients. They really care about lighting everyone's dim soul light, as am I. It's hard. I know. I had to repeat four times and it's on my agenda for once a year as a top up. I wish you so much love and healing and embracing who you really are before the world told you who you should be. |
3. Understanding Toxic shows in both Empaths & Narcs
Narc shaming, psycho and socio shaming seems to be all the new rage these days. To shame that is to shame yourself. We are all made up of both Narc and Empath. If someone comes to kill you, you are not going to tune into your Empath or you will die. You will be dialling into your Narc, who will fight however it must to save itself. Somehow this has become lost in translation and all narcs, socios and psychos are now just automatically assumed to be toxic. No no no. Toxic means damaging to the self or others. I know many empaths who have interfered to help and caused more mess because they have no boundaries. I know plenty narcs who are essential to the wellbeing of their circles. We need both narc and empath abilities to be balanced. This is our light and dark aspects. Narcissism has someone been labelled bad and Empath good?
No again. Someone stabbing someone repeatedly is usually an empath whose been pushed too far, many shooting up schools, also mostly empaths on overload with no possible way to fix the problem so they take matters into their own hands. Your inner narc is your instincts. Your empath is your intuition. To be a successful human you need to use both. Back in the village days, we used to call them Hunters & Berry Pickers. We tend to lean more to one side by choice. I personally wouldn't be the narc hunter, I don't have the stomach for it. I would probably be the berry picker taking care of the village. The narc hunters were the heroes of the village, bringing food and protecting the tribe. We've turned them all into evil people with our incorrect labels. Empaths have stronger intuition and don't need to be told not to hurt something. Narcs have stronger instincts connected to survival, mother nature and need to be taught a code of what is acceptable and not. Both can be healthy or toxic. When a person is abused whether they are narc or empath, they run the risk of becoming toxic and hurting themselves or others. The opposite of toxic is HEALTHY. It is important to put things where they belong with the right labels. Everyone and everything on earth needs suitable conditions in order to grow and thrive and not just survive. It starts by opening your brain to updated information.
Narc shaming, psycho and socio shaming seems to be all the new rage these days. To shame that is to shame yourself. We are all made up of both Narc and Empath. If someone comes to kill you, you are not going to tune into your Empath or you will die. You will be dialling into your Narc, who will fight however it must to save itself. Somehow this has become lost in translation and all narcs, socios and psychos are now just automatically assumed to be toxic. No no no. Toxic means damaging to the self or others. I know many empaths who have interfered to help and caused more mess because they have no boundaries. I know plenty narcs who are essential to the wellbeing of their circles. We need both narc and empath abilities to be balanced. This is our light and dark aspects. Narcissism has someone been labelled bad and Empath good?
No again. Someone stabbing someone repeatedly is usually an empath whose been pushed too far, many shooting up schools, also mostly empaths on overload with no possible way to fix the problem so they take matters into their own hands. Your inner narc is your instincts. Your empath is your intuition. To be a successful human you need to use both. Back in the village days, we used to call them Hunters & Berry Pickers. We tend to lean more to one side by choice. I personally wouldn't be the narc hunter, I don't have the stomach for it. I would probably be the berry picker taking care of the village. The narc hunters were the heroes of the village, bringing food and protecting the tribe. We've turned them all into evil people with our incorrect labels. Empaths have stronger intuition and don't need to be told not to hurt something. Narcs have stronger instincts connected to survival, mother nature and need to be taught a code of what is acceptable and not. Both can be healthy or toxic. When a person is abused whether they are narc or empath, they run the risk of becoming toxic and hurting themselves or others. The opposite of toxic is HEALTHY. It is important to put things where they belong with the right labels. Everyone and everything on earth needs suitable conditions in order to grow and thrive and not just survive. It starts by opening your brain to updated information.
Teaching Yourself
Teaching Yourself
Ideas that have worked for me, a lot of my clients and other Gurus worldwide
Tap on the links to my suggestions and then create your own schedules, routines and rituals. They must work for you, so spend time tailor making these and as I said, try everything before saying no to anything. Saying no without trying something healthy for the first time is self sabotage. If you need assistance with integrating any of these into your life, then contact me for a session and let's investigate and dissect it so that it works for you. These are my favourite go to's, please create your own YouTube albums and start saving the videos that help you. Remember, your brain needs to learn it 4000 times, so don't just save them, visit them regularly, every day or at least once a week. Anything less and you're starving yourself. For me personally, YouTube membership is an absolute must, it means no adverts and you can listen to your stuff offline when you aren't connected to the internet, this is important when you don't have connectivity, you can still access your stuff. Also, you can log in from anywhere and your stuff is all there. I pay my YouTube account before I eat because it's that important to my life. It is my best friend, my therapist, my mother and my career assistant. When I have a melt down at 03h00, I can go to my YouTube and find whatever I need to soothe my concerns and I have access to all my Gurus all day, everyday, when I need them and not when they have time to see me. It has been an incredible healing tool and I hope that it will work as well for you.
Tap on the links to my suggestions and then create your own schedules, routines and rituals. They must work for you, so spend time tailor making these and as I said, try everything before saying no to anything. Saying no without trying something healthy for the first time is self sabotage. If you need assistance with integrating any of these into your life, then contact me for a session and let's investigate and dissect it so that it works for you. These are my favourite go to's, please create your own YouTube albums and start saving the videos that help you. Remember, your brain needs to learn it 4000 times, so don't just save them, visit them regularly, every day or at least once a week. Anything less and you're starving yourself. For me personally, YouTube membership is an absolute must, it means no adverts and you can listen to your stuff offline when you aren't connected to the internet, this is important when you don't have connectivity, you can still access your stuff. Also, you can log in from anywhere and your stuff is all there. I pay my YouTube account before I eat because it's that important to my life. It is my best friend, my therapist, my mother and my career assistant. When I have a melt down at 03h00, I can go to my YouTube and find whatever I need to soothe my concerns and I have access to all my Gurus all day, everyday, when I need them and not when they have time to see me. It has been an incredible healing tool and I hope that it will work as well for you.
This is an essential part of calming yourself. The breath work allows your body to cool down from the attack, trauma or incident and the forced breathing intervals interrupts the brain from spiraling which is the number one focus. We have been breathing wrong since the Victorian era, where they dangerously reprogrammed us to breathe into our top chest cavity instead of into the middle abdomen. It is really important to learn more about conscious breath work so you can help undo centuries of this cruel programming. If you practice this three times a day everyday to get your trinity to write this as an automatic program which will become instinctual with practice, it will take you 1333 days, so to get this down to a year you would need to consciously breath like this 11 times per day, which is absolutely do able and a small price to pay for doing it wrong for however old you are. Deep breathing, in deeply and slowly until you can't breathe in anymore, filling yourself from the bottom of your toes to the top of your crown and then breathe out until you can't breathe out anymore, consciously feeling your upper tummy expand outward rather than your shoulders moving up or your chest expanding. You will find that you will automatically default to breathing into your chest, when you recognise this, repeat the new programming. Keep at this long term as well as using it as a circuit breaker. Balancing
Sounds really dumb, but you just simply cannot have a freak out when you are forced to walk a tight rope, your brain goes into serious protection mode and it focuses on balancing. You don't need to walk a tight rope, you can simply just balance on one leg whilst breathing deeply. This will immediately cut the toxic spiral circuit and redirect it. This is fabulous if you are freaking out before something important, like an interview or when you've messed up or a proposal or you can't stop crying or your anxiety is all over the place. This is a fabulous little trick that you can do anywhere.
Non Dominant Hand Coordination
VERY IMPORTANT This is the exact same principle as balancing, you cannot lose your mind when you have to concentrate. The brain is operating at 5 years old and it simply isn't able to multitask. Your dominant hand has been trained for however many years old you are right now. Your non dominate side has been neglected or as I like to correctly label it, a crime against yourself and mother nature. For your brain to be healthy, it must develop equally. If you want to test how stunted your brain really is, try do something you regularly do with your non dominant side. Both sides of your body are equally as capable as each other. They are not different yet, they have been trained this way. We are all meant to be ambidextrous and balanced. Many of the world's evolutionaries and visionaries are ambidextrous and they are seen as gifted however, it's definitely NOT coincidence and it's a natural gift that we are all born with and taught to retard it over time. So whether you are having an episode or not, this must now become one of your number one activity on the top of your daily to do list. Brushing your teeth must now no longer ever be done with your dominant hand and notice how many times the dominant hand tries to take over unconsciously from the non dominant side. This will be your indication of how compromised your brain is. There is absolutely NO reason why your one side can't do what the other side does. There is also no reason your body can't do what another body is doing, it is capable of all things, but is dependent on the pilot and that's you! It has just been locked in a dungeon, not allowed to come out and play for however old you are right now, it just needs to be let out and exercised. Test yourself everyday. I started painting my clients nails with both hands, it is a challenge, but they are making a remarkable improvement. Also try using your other hand for crafts, writing, brushing your hair, needle work, cooking, opening things, unlocking doors and colouring in books, please don't be embarrassed if you need a kids colouring in book to start, because your non dominant hand needs to build that skill and it will. Movement
VERY IMPORTANT Don't believe the people that tell you exercise must be in a gym. Most of the activities in the gym are body abuse and causes needless over eating. I won't lie, out of EVERYTHING on this page, THIS is my toughest challenge... Staying active on a regular basis. I am super shit at it and it's a cause of MANY of my health issues. Our bodies and brains are like rubber, if you don't use it, it breaks - you can't store rubber. If you've never seen what happens to unused rubber, then you obviously never kept your raving Buffalos, so check out this video. You're only meant to be body building if you are the Vikings of the tribe, defending the boundaries and protecting your people. If not, then regular every day exercise is best for you. It is important to build it around your own habits and lifestyle or it wont work. My videos are saved according to my capabilities with my problem areas in mind, you should also consider yours when selecting videos. Don't choose things that are suitable, keep searching for the best suited instructors for you. Fun fact: Dancing everyday in your own space y yourself is one of the most effective ways to detox the toxin from your trinity, it's call the win-win-win because it's Trinity Trifecta, the music restores the brain waves and the movement balances the body out. When you're alone, you're less concerned about what others may think of your dance style, so you really let loose, which is where the soul ignites. It is a winning formula and I went from 93kgs to 65kgs by including this into my daily routine. I highly recommend doing this at cooking time. Food usually take 15 to 60 min to prepare usually and in that time, I play my music loud and dance and do my biokinetics stretches whilst I cook. This is also interestingly enough why people thirst for raves and open air festivals, because it refreshes your trinity to do all those things at once and also why the world is like it is now because, especially in South Africa, there is not really any place like that anymore and also why overseas raves are always fully booked. There is a soul need for this to happen and it shouldn't be happening once a year, it should be happening everyday. My brother and I have regular raves at each others places or over video call by ourselves or with each other and we obviously attend as many open air festivals we can afford to go to. We heal way more people on the dance floor than we heal in a scheduled appointment. There is a reason for that. That's why we created the Butabi Brothers and began planning the Gypsy Journeys. Take a look at some of my movement choices: Music
VERY IMPORTANT Music is at the top of my circuit breaker list. Music is vibration and one thing the brain can't do is freak out and listen to your favourite songs at the same time. It is as important as underwear for you to have your own Theme Song album which is made up of those songs that truly motivate you. The ones that make your foot or fingers start tapping or it makes you want to get up and shake your tail feathers. These songs that do this to you are what your brain is incapable of saying no to. It is your brain's get up and go multivitamin recipe. It is also important to research Solfeggio Frequencies and Binaural Beats because our brains are affected by frequency and not all are audible (eg: radio) and there are many great playlists tailored to your specific problem, just search for your condition with Binaural or Solfeggio or Hz after it and see what comes up. Listen to a couple of mine and then make your own. Trinity Inspiration, Wonder & Awe
VERY IMPORTANT When we are at the ends of our tethers and life just isn't making sense anymore, this is probably because we are lacking purpose, or our purpose was suddenly taken from us or we've lost faith and hope in humanity. Sometimes they all happen in one go. When this happens, it is a sign to feed your brain with possibility. I always play "Wins" on YouTube because it doesn't only explode my brain on how incredible humans are, it shows you God is real and so are angels. A brain in trauma is boxed in and can't move, like a pinging pin ball in a small box, bouncing around uncontrollably. The only way to stop it is to amaze it with what is actually possible and Wins will always show you that and there are endless videos on it. I also find that learning about spirituality and religion history is very helpful in this regard too, to see where we come from in relation to where we are now. It gives you an appreciation for our ancestors, no matter how messed up it's been. The Planets
Every now and then you will experience unexplained things at certain times that you can't quite piece together, chances are that our solar system neighbours are seeing some action. It always helps to cross reference what you are feeling with what is happening on the planet calendar because you may find that you are experiencing a collective download for your reprogramming and it's not anything you have to resolve unless it persists after the time frame on the calendar. Mental Health & Meds
VERY IMPORTANT Conditions such as anxiety, bipolar, personality disorders, rage, fibromyalgia and the likes have been shoved down our throats (literally) as a disease or an imbalance however, that's just a lie we're being fed. They are in fact SYMPTOMS. It is vital to comprehend this because any awake, aware, healthy doctor will not just treat symptoms, they will investigate to find the root cause and treat that. Labelling these conditions as something you "just get" that can be fixed with medicine is very lucrative. This way you have to take three different drugs t counter act the one you have to take that causes three other new problems. In fact, I challenge anyone out there to prove me wrong on this theory. When you accept the lie, it immediately disables you, you think, oh well, that's me, I'm pretty fkd now, I have this incurable thing that I have to take medicine forever for and that it that and you learn to live in agony everyday only feeling some sort of relief because you've numbed yourself to the hilt. Your poor body! By consuming many pharmaceuticals over a lengthy period, your body and brain's wires get so messed up that your trinity has no shot at healing itself because it's constantly trying to push that drug from your system, so anything you're meant to be doing can't happen. Your body is your vehicle, like your car, if you're privileged enough to have one, and it needs to be taken care of. If you run out of petrol, you need petrol and not a coco cola. If you run out of water, it needs water, not a cup of sugar. If you put anything else in your car but what it runs on, it will break down further or have an accident. That's just a fact and your body is no different. These conditions are in fact EVIDENCE!!! This means when you see someone exhibiting these behaviours or they tell you their doctor diagnosed them with one of these mental disorders, you can 100% KNOW for a fact that, this person has been or is being abused or both. This is where I would ask my clients, "What traumas have you suffered from birth up to now and who of those people who did that to you, are still active in your life right now?". Mental disorders are the bodies way of screaming for assistance. So now you have three independent selves in your trinity that are at war with each other, fighting like siblings fight. Imagine you live in a house with 2 other people and one person borrows your clothes without asking and ruins them. They all get in a fight because the one is defending the other one. Your parents come home to the choas and they send you all to your separate rooms. The parents are happy because the shouting has stopped. But there is a toxic vibe now in the house that is so thick you could cut it with a knife because all of them are in trouble because one of them was the asshole, now they are all punished and now they are hating on each other. Fuming in each others rooms. The situation isn't resolved, it's just broken up. What do you imagine will happen when they are allowed out again? Move on like it never happened? Start it up all over again? Do something to the other to get back at them? Anything but resolving the matter. A healthy parent would've sat them all down and questioned them each and then given them assistance in conflict resolution, allowed them the opportunity to understand each other's points of view, the one who did wrong would apologise and the other two would mend the fences, because they now have a common understanding of how to not allow that to happen again. Pharmaceuticals are like that toxic parent whose only concern is to quiet the place so they aren't affected. The healthy parent is YOU. You must sit your three selves down. Your body, brain and soul and you will ask each one what happened. Just try it. You will definitely surprise yourself because you will hear three different responses, perhaps even with different voices, instead of trying to understand three different screaming voices at once. Pharmaceuticals disconnect the sound of the alarm and not the actual alarm, which is why you will always have that uneasy feeling, that's your body still signaling for assistance but the sound has been muted. It is time for you to become your own healthy parents and get your three kids under control by teaching your three selves to live with each other in a wholesome way, where you embrace all three parts of yourself as individual and stop forcing yourself to fit into one being. You're NOT. Your brain and body are new to earth, but your soul is ancient and futuristic and it needs to be in charge. Allow yourself the opportunity to feel what you feel like connected to your body, brain and soul. You will be so pleasantly surprise about how proud you can be of yourself. It's incredible and I am living proof because it's coming from the horses mouth here. I'm not saying go off your meds, because the mere suggestion of that to me before I found cannabis and the internet was a total trigger. My doctors had me so dependent on my cocktail of pharmaceuticals, the mere thought of going off them was simply to imagine death itself. Honest. My turning point was when my life shattered and nothing I had done before medicine wise helped and that is when I met my therapists, Meredith Miller from Mexico and Lisa A. Romano from Boston respectively and they were the ones who said to clean my trinity so I could begin with a clean canvas and I did. I went cold turkey. This is what was best for me, even though it was dangerous and irresponsible to not wean off them, but I had had enough. I just couldn't anymore and I didn't care if it killed me, to me, that would be doing me a favour. I traded my pharma in for nature and now I have clarity beyond compare. It was the gutter for me and my turn point. You have to do what you feel guided to do by yourself and your creator, not what you're told to do by other people, not even me. If I say something that goes against your stuff, that's perfectly acceptable and ok. We were born with different fingerprints and the same is true for our personalities, our destinies and the way we think. Not one of us on earth thinks the same as the other, not one. You can see the evidence from your own history with anyone you ever had a disagreement with. We don't think the same. We may come to understandings, we even get on the same page with some, but we do not perceive the same. What worked for me may not work for another. That's why I have SO many suggestions on here for you. Some of things that worked for some of my clients, didn't work for me. I'm only writing about what I know here. It is your responsibility to take this relay baton from my hand and RUN with it to win your race. And you can. Just take a look at my old pill box... If you zoom in on those labels, you'll see what I was on. Some labels have come off. It's now my sewing kit because I don't need any of that stuff because I don't have any of those conditions anymore. I have one thing, Fibromyalgia which mimics most those conditions and illnesses in your neurosystem from repeated and/or current shock abuse to the system experienced. There is no real way to treat it yet because it's only being comprehended well now, and the people who have it are starting to talk about it. For now, when our kind flare up, we can take pain killers to numb the system and then also try understand what triggered it and ensure we don't allow that collection of things to happen at once again. Our healing is in our own hands. I also still take Compral for my head aches, which is the only real painkiller that works for me. Because of the 10 year long detour in my life where the darkness almost won by me poisoning myself to death on pharmaceuticals to solve my problems, where the doctors incorrectly treated me, with a whole host of chemicals, my body has built an extremely high tolerance and that is mostly thanks to a legal opiate, prescribed by my doctors, that I got completely addicted to and popped like smarties. They worked too well Luckily, I met my therapists
Subscribe to your Mental Health
Our brains are like computers, even more amazing than computers, it's a wonder of the world with what it can do, it's so smart and it can do anything any other brain of it's species can do. Just like your phone or your computer is a shell capable of doing a lot, it will only end up doing what you know how to do on it or what programs it has installed on it. So if you wanted to now buy something from a shop, you would download their app and now your phone can get stuff delivered to you from there. This is the same with your brain. It can only do new things if you install new programs and make sure you update them to integrate better into the world that is constantly evolving. Subscribe to new, fresh gurus that speak your language. Your body language, your soul language and your brain language. Understand if you're visual or audio or both and look for those gurus who ignite you, motivate you. You could definitely follow me on social media, I am always summarising all my Gurus stuff every week in a nutshell and advertising anything new relating to body, brain and soul integration so follow me and then follow anyone that you find spark the light in you and absolutely try out The Pattern it is an absolute must to get to know yourself well and it tells you when you are going into new cycles and it also assists with your friendships and relationship matches with great advice and it's free, it is an incredibly valuable healing tool. |
Research & Investigation
This is one of the most important things you will ever accomplish and it is the most important of life's work, to really know yourself. You will be doing yourself and injustice not becoming your own doctor and healer. You just can't know yourself if you don't know how your brain works mechanically, how your body functions in relation to earth and stimulus nor if you are unaware or blocked from hearing your soul. These are all recipes for disaster, designed to disable you. Contrary to popular belief, education is free. It's provided by Earth and everyone and everything you encounter. Our ancestors used to get away with proclaiming ignorance. This is not a viable reason any longer. This is the information age where Google and YouTube are your best friends. You need to get onto these two platforms and search for any word associated with your condition whether mental or physical or spiritual. Allow your brain to soak in information. Don't just believe the first thing your read or watch, the healthy rule of thumb is ten different articles on the same matter. It is important to understand the difference between the two conditions when diagnosing yourself: PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and this is when you have one traumatic incident happen that you need to overcome and heal those variables to keep you from triggering back into that incident and reliving the trauma. C-PTSD is Complex PTSD which is when you have repeat trauma happen that is learned as normal behaviours like when your violations are as frequent as brushing your teeth and this needs different healing all together because this requires in-depth rewiring and understanding. It is also important to note that I have personally identified that almost all of my abused clients suffer from many medical issues like auto immune or fibromyalgia, so it is important to learn what this condition is because if you are a survivor, this could be how it manifested in the body masquerading as something else, especially if your medication isn't working to fix this problem. This was the case with me, I thought I had several serious medical conditions such as back pain, nerve damage, endometriosis, aches and pains all over, diaphragm spasms, headaches, chronic fatigue and of course depression. It also exacerbates any other condition or weakness in my body, so do have a look into this. It's not something that can be tested for, it can only be diagnosed through an elimination of the other things that it's presenting as and also I'm pretty sure that the fibromyalgia doctors aren't looking into childhood trauma as a root cause which is why it's not spoken about more and the professionals will tell you themselves they don't know why it happens - I believe it's trauma. That isn't to say that all fibro sufferers were abused, but in my experience, my abused clients also show significant fibro signs - it is known as invisible and overlaps with many conditions which can be life threatening so it's important to narrow this down. Natural & Food Medicine
We've come to rely way too much on chemicals to resolve our problems. Some doctors prescribe medicines to counteract other medicines. People are being bogged down by chemical poisons where the body and the brain are struggling to function in healthy ways. When I met my Gurus who helped me to self heal, they wouldn't work with me without a clean slate, a blank canvas. This means clean trinity, body, brain and soul free of anything that wasn't natural. It was hard. Back then I was diagnosed bipolar, thinking it was an imbalance that couldn't be healed without pharmaceuticals and I gained several other health problems because of it, like the very common excruciatingly painful endometriosis, which is pretty much a side effect of all bipolar drugs. Ten years of poisons in my body was torture and I honestly thought my therapists were crazy. I was terrified. Until I went cold turkey and cleaned myself. Got onto the natural stuff all round and I've never looked back. As soon as you start adding in anything processed, you can't tell what has been put in it to make you sick or controlled. The fresher the better, from the ground. It is important to understand where humans are in the eco system because I found that most people don't. It's very simple, on earth, you are designed to eat what you can kill and prepare with your own hands, without a weapon. Think about that for a moment. Really think about it. Would you kill a cow with your bare hands? No, it's not natural and I don't know anyone who can. Would you go chase a chicken and break it's neck, strip it and cut it up? Many would, but how often would you be able to do that? Everyday? It's not natural. Because of industry preparing our food for us, we are totally oblivious to what is natural and ethical and balanced, so it's time to understand what you are putting in your body and what effects it has on you. Your body is a science lab. You put things in it and it creates an output of some sort. Spend time learning about where food comes from, the eco system and where you fit into it. The general rule from Mother Nature is that you are allowed to eat what you can kill or prepare with your own hands without a weapon. This your natural state. What does that mean? Could you kill a cow with your bare hands? I imagine this would be traumatic for all concerned. Could you break a coconut open with your bare hands? Yes. Could you kills a chicken? I could definitely, especially if I was starving, but could I kill a chicken everyday? Nope, definitely not. Make sure you're experimenting in healthy ways. I would like to underscore the importance of cannabis as a healing method. No one in the history of the world has ever died from a cannabis overdose. It is NOT a gateway drug to other drugs, it's a gateway drug to your healing and that is in fact the only reason people have died from cannabis has been the governments and pharmaceuticals war on drugs because they are against making people healthy. Cannabis is an extremely effective circuit breaker for trauma because when your brain is on that merry-go-round playing old tapes, it puts a wedge in the merry-go-wound and stops it from building momentum. It is not for everyone because some people are just lazy on it, for me personally it has been a LIFE SAVER and it's the only reason I'm here today writing this to you. I spent 10 years on several different pharmaceuticals which never helped my problem and only gave me several others. Marijuana, also known as Mary-Jane (MJ) is an all in one medicine and not like pharmaceuticals which treat specific things. MJ is like consuming a doctor and nurse and they go into your body detecting where you're weakest and they start to repair your broken cells. In the beginning, for the first few weeks you'll feel like absolute shit because it has to detox your body before it can start repairing it. Like if you had an accident on your bike, the doctor would need to remove the tiny bits of dirt from your wound before they stich you up right? They not gonna just leave all the crap in there, you'll get a worse infection. So that's what it does. The sicker you feel, is your gauge on how loaded with toxin you are. Soon after that hell, you will notice how you are feeling lighter, brighter, healthier, glowier, happier and much much much less angry and hurt by things. This is my personal experience and I only WISH I never Routine . Recipe . Repetition
This gets it's own section because of how important it is. Time to create yours and it must begin with these essential items to mend the inside and outside of your body. Speak to your doctor about adding mushrooms and cannabis to your daily regimen. They are natural and there is NO better product to heal your body than something straight from mother nature, both are legal and can be prescribed for you, so chat to your medical team. Rework your daily routine to work for you and be realistic so that you don't end up not sticking with it. The below has been my daily routine since 2017, everyday. Your body and brain needs these supplements and these juices everyday first thing in the morning, like your car needs petrol and water. A reminder that repetition is vital because the brain needs to be introduced to something 4000 times before it understands a new pattern, just like you will listen to your favourite song a million times over and over to learn the lyrics and sing and dance to it, just like a jevenile child likes to watch a program it's seen ten times in one day without getting tired of it. This is how the brain learns. Repetition in your routine and recipe is key for success. Laughter
It is honestly the best medicine so when you find yourself in any kind of toxic situation, especially if you are freaking out, having an attack, building anxiety or having dark thoughts, it's wise to try some of these videos to stop that downward spiral from going into dangerous depths. Laughing offsets damage so it's important to hang out with people who make you laugh and if you don't have a choice, then there is always oceans of fun videos to watch. Series
Binge watching series is a great way to get your brain stuck into something that isn't your problems. I definitely don't recommend this ongoing, but to break a toxic spiral, it's pretty effective. You can watch anything you like, but it does pay to choose things that make your brain think in new ways, so like a thriller or educational about something you're interested in or updated history or the planet. Audible
This is one of my favourite ways to read all the books I have to read because I'm more audio than visual so using my eyes to ready is a challenge, my eyes get tired very fast so I prefer to do my reading with my ears. Your first book is free so go ahead and try it. I've also listed a couple of the books that helped me to heal if you would like a suggestion: Animals
No one is more connected to this planet than animals. They are not bogged down with life or calculated emotions like us. They are one with nature and their instincts. I definitely recommend hanging out with animals and loving them, let them love you back. Volunteer at different animal places to see which are your favourites. Cats are my go to! They always make me laugh and give me such a soft cuddle. If you don't have your own, ask a friend with a cat or dog if you could come visit or babysit. Take a look at my favourites and the charities I support, they all need volunteers and funding so take a drive out there or watch some videos about the animals you are attracted to. Skill Building
When you are down in the dumps, that is literally your soul begging you to learn a new skill or master your current ones. A toxic person believes there is nothing left to learn. A healthy person thirsts to feed their trinity a new or improved skill. YouTube is filled with limitless ways and ideas to improve yourself and it's free, so take full advantage. I chose guitar because it was a skill that needed to use both hands and would exercise both sides of my brain and body. This is something you should also use as a benchmark when building yourself up. Detox your Life Regularly
When you are healing, you can't get better around the people who made you sick to begin with. So ideally start right away with detoxing your life and building a strong and wholesome network that you can trust in order to future proof yourself. This means being VERY strict about spring cleaning your life and being brutally honest with yourself. Sentimentality is fine, hording of possessions and emotions is toxic. Plants are amazing but if not pruned can overgrow and become heavy and hurt itself and it's neighbours, the same is true for us. This means a total overhaul of your:
For inside your body Topical
For outside of your body If you have outer wounds to heal, then these guys will heal it, make your own or get some from me: Olive Oil . Hydrogen Peroxide . Epsom Salts . Surgical Spirits . Colloidal Silver . Apple Cider Vinegar . Oils: Olive . Lavender . Jojoba . Macadamia . Sun Flower . Tea Tree
Practice Gratitude
VERY IMPORTANT It is very difficult to practice gratitude when you are falling on your face everyday or when you have suffered something dreadful. But let me explain privilege: Back in ancient times, we would be like birds or any other creature that would wake up everyday, to seek nourishment and water and all before the sun goes down to be safe in your bed because the night brought danger that you couldn't see. You would do this everyday for the rest of your life, everyday. If you didn't, your life would be threatened. When we are able to do something like work seven days to be off two days, this is a privilege, If you've even gone one day without worrying or working for your food, water or shelter, you are in fact privileged. if you have water near you or a flushing toilet, this is especially privileged. If you don't need to worry about where you food is coming from today, that's privilege. There are still people TODAY who live like that. 783 million to be exact, who don't have access to water at all. 1 in 3 people don't have sanitation facilities. Some people walk 5km everyday to get water and carry it back. Even back in the day, when I was homeless with a baby, I had access to public facilities and even in my destitution and utter aloneness, I didn't have that struggle. It is very easy to loose sight of what's important when we are overwhelmed and gratitude is the anchor that brings you back home to yourself and your creator. I call this thankful practice in my home, Gratitude Grace and I say it every night at dinner and thank the food that is on my plate, for the animal or plant that lived and died so that I can go into the world tomorrow and do honourable deeds with their energy and I thank my creator for the ability to experience life another day. It keeps you honest and grounded to Mother Nature and conscious about what you're putting in your body and acknowledging that as a wonderful privilege and I of course support charities and volunteer for fundraisers because that is also why we are here, to pay things forward when we can.
Use Social Media Correctly
If social media is depressing you or upsetting you, you're doing it wrong. This means you are comparing yourself and this means you are stuck in the lack matrix. To find out more about this, take a look at these:
Social media is a platform to connect you. If you're experiencing a tough time with it bringing you happiness, then you need to customise your settings, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. You are missing out on a lot of good out there. My accounts are all about me, it's not a window shop for the world, it's a place to be authentic and share your experiences with others and learn from their experiences. It connects us globally. For the last couple thousands of years, the bad guys have been in charge of Earth, but that is changing. The internet has gotten as bad as corporate with all the empaths have left from being chased away and there are almost just narcs left running the show. If you're one of those people who like their privacy, then that is your decision but I was a private investigator for several year starting in 1999 and in my opinion, anyone with a device doesn't have privacy from any of the deviants on the net and that was a long time ago, things have evolved since then. Which means you don't want to share yourself and you don't want people to know what you doing. You could also not like it because you don't understand how it works. It's been such a gift for me. I get to be connected with my tribe and it's constantly fueling my dreams and vision board. To see your previous years, with how much you've grown and blossomed... You get to see how little you were and it gives people out there a chance to connect with you. The future isn't what it used to be. Social media is one of the greatest gifts to humans because we are meant to connect and explore. We're not meant to be hiding. Just remember, our philosophy is, it's only wrong if you're hiding it. I'm constantly being told that my social media is TMI, but I don't care, it's my journal and it's a blessing to be able to connection with my tribe. Your accounts should always be private and not open so that you don't have strangers and conmen contacting you or your friends or your family, I have a personal rule that I add friends with people I have met. I also avoid public group discussions because those things are filled with internet trolls who only want to suck your energy dry. Block anything you don't want to see. Customise it until it WORKS for you! |
Meditation & Brain Programming
Remember, your brain is 5 years old. It wants to sit still as much as a 5 year old wants to sit still or nap. It needs discipline and enforced boundaries to get anywhere with a 5 year old. It actually shows huge brain trauma when you say things like I've tried and can't. Meditation is a natural state to connect with your creator so when you can't, this is a redflag that you shouldn't be okay brushing off as new age. It's as old as breath itself, not new. War, industry and tyrannical leaders have lead you to poo poo such essential focus because it works in their favour. Try a couple of my tricks and then definitely find your own Gurus who speak your brain language. You will know when you have found the right programmers because they will ignite your soul, you will feel a piece of a missing puzzle slot into your brain, you will try their methods and you will see improvement whether immediate or over time. Mine make my heart and brain tick and creates and insatiable want to know and feel more, you shouldn't stop searching until you find your programming and meditation Gurus. Scroll through my Gurus, they have so much valuable and effective free content for days that you will never need an appointment. You can do this yourself, you've just got to know yourself. Nature
Mother Nature invented this place so when you are out of whack, it makes sense to go back to your mother who created you to help untangle the mess you've found yourself in. Take a safe walk near trees, in the wild where you can just let go of the concrete jungle and just observe how incredible nature is. If you cannot get out, then you need to close your eyes and get into a visualisation in your favourite nature setting and at the very least breathe fresh air deeply and connect that way. Tree hugging is obviously the best. Walking, chewing and running allows your jaw bone to empty your trinity trash from the brain and doing it in nature ensures you will be downloading your shit at the same time as uploading clean fresh energy from mother nature. Do conscious deep breaths that feel like it's flushing your system. Stick your feet in the sand or grass or ocean and allow your body to just connect with it's mother. Some ideas are
Trinity Investigation
Self Assessment F4 Responses Journal & Notes This is where you will need to get honest with yourself and where journaling really does a lot of benefit. Recording your episodes and influences gives you a bird's eye view on your situation and behaviours and patterns which is an essential key to changing anything. You need data to be able to make any sense of anything and traumatised brains have a lot of memory troubles. As we now know, the soul talks by writing and that is why it is vital for you to write. You may not like to keep a journal for fear of someone reading it, but then you can write down your concerns, trauma or wishes on paper and burn it. It is important that it comes from your hand. It is always very helpful to keep a record of yourself because your brain isn't able to in this day and age and you can only see yourself clearly on paper by your own hand. I have made use of these apps since 2018 and now years in, I can see very clear patterns and almost no one can pull the wool over my eyes or tell me anything about myself to manipulate my memories. I have clear records and when I am in doubt, I refer back to them. Your F4 response is how your body will choose to deal with your trauma. The usual 4 options are Freeze, Fight, Flight or Fawn (also known as f*ck) or all of these. You don't really get to decide which one you will use, your body does decide because every situation is different. It is important to start noting which one you are doing in which situation to start pin pointing what is toxic for you. Your F4 will definitely reveal these to you. These are some great apps that are backed up, some are free and others at a nominal fee. A lot of educators leave out the fourth reaction because of it's sexual nature however, this is a very common one to experience and is the cause of a lot of trauma bonds: This is what we look like from the outside. This is how easily we are conditioned. So? What's holding you back? What excuses have you been programmed to say? What self deception do you rely on to keep you stuck this way? You are a child of mother nature, just like these creatures, a powerful one and if you are unhappy, this is what someone has done to you. The only way to free that animal is to teach it. They don't have devices and access to knowledge to help themselves. You do. The answer is to MOVE, just do it. Start to become conscious of what your pegs and chairs are.
Hobbies, Arts & Crafts
Giving yourself something to do that doesn't involve your device, family or income is vital for your trinity wellbeing. You need to do this because you want to do it and your body enjoys the creative or expressive time. These are mine, I'm sure you have your own to explore. If you have craft equipment and don't know how to use it, YouTube will show you how. Outings
If you are triggered then crowds are not a good idea. If you are triggered this means you are in a sensitive state and any wrong stimulus could set you off however, if your trigger is in the house or you have been indoors too long, then outings are essential for your wellbeing. It would be vital to go to a place in nature with big spaces and then take yourself out to your favourite place for some unwinding. Pendulum Work
Chakra & Body Assessment This might be considered woo woo for a lot of folks however it is just a tool that when held over certain places, it will move according to the energy that is surrounding it. It's not a demon moving it. It is your energy radiating from your body and you can't see it with your eyes, just like you can't see air, but you know it's there because you see the trees moving in the wind. We also breathe that invisibility into our bodies and it's the very thing that keeps us alive. So it's not evil, it's just science and nature. A pendulum is something that swings from a single point. You can use an actual pendulum (which you can purchase from me) or you can make your own with a long strand of hair or cotton with a weighed object like a ring. Lie down on your back and hold your pendulum about 3cm above your chakra points, holding for about a minute on each and say "Show Me" at each chakra and wait to see what direction your pendulum is moving in. Ideally all your points should be spinning in a circle in the SAME direction. The one that is doing something different is the problem area and in need of repair. Please don't try move it with your mind because then it will just stand still. You just want your body to show you what your chakras look like and let yourself view the story. These are your seven main chakra points, begin your self diagnosis in this order and record your findings regularly. Repeat this with all sorts of emotions healthy and toxic:
This will now give you information into which area has been damaged by your current situation. Use this as a guide to repair yourself immediately by YouTubing your chakra area with the word "Hz" on the end of it to bring up healing meditations and music with binaural beats or solfeggio frequencies in it which will instantly plug any holes you have that are leaking energy and cut off any energy vampires that have connected to you through the day. If you would like hands on training, then book a therapy session with me, otherwise check out some of these masters: Here's an example of what you are going through unaware on a daily basis:
Hope vs. Faith
Yáll, this is why I called my brain Hope because she gets me into trouble when she decides things with the best of intentions. Hope is a toxic because it is a combination of a desire for something and the expectations of receiving it with the idea that the divine union will result in your happiness. Expectations are toxic and they will slap you in the face. Expecting a certain outcome when you're not in control of the whole world is irresponsible because there are other people in it and ultimately to be healthy you must release any attachment to outcomes. Our creators are in charge of that. Hope is dangerous because it's stronger than fear and it will lead you blindly into trusting the wrong things. Fear is not the enemy. Our fear lets us know what is important and what's at stake. It shouldn't be overridden by hope. Hope is a lie you tell yourself. Hoping for the best relinquishes your responsibility to your faith and ultimately you essential connection to your creator. Faith is a function of your intellect and knowingness that your creator has your back whilst hope is reminisce of your will, an unthought out wish. Meet your fears that have your best interest at heart with your faith index and commune with your trinity for the way forward that is in your highest good. Compromise vs. The Win-Win-Win
Compromise is toxic because both people don't get what they want. It's an agreement where both people have to settle, otherwise one wins because the other feels defeated. It's counterproductive and will fester. The only solution is the Win-Win-Win, this doesn't mean win at all costs, it means in an agreement, there is always three things. All roads lead to the trinity. There is you, them and the thing that you're discussing. The healthy way to come to agreements is to calculate what is the win for you, what is the win for them and what is the win for the future goal? If you come up with plans that don't benefit all three then it's simply a no go. This doesn't mean you must pack it in, it means you don't stop searching for the answers. Only once you've reached the Win-Win-Win, then you may continue forward with confidence that the karma you are earning from that transaction will be good and wholesome. You can never go wrong with this trinity calculation. If you have trouble with this, please contact me for a therapy session and we can sit together and work it out. Crystals
These are natural stones that mother nature creates for, it's the most beautiful and useful tool to have on you, born straight from the Earth herself. I use rose quartz for heart related matters, tourmaline and obsidian for protection and amethyst for my healing and gifts plus a plethora of others. learn more about crystals with Maggie from Daimoku. I make a gorgeous Sleep Mask, with a 3rd eye pocket to slip your crystal into whilst you sleep or meditate. These are the shops that I frequent: Accepting Your Invisibility Cloak
This one is not for everyone, but there are a select few who will resonate with this. If you're one of those people who feels invisible, it's not a punishment, there isn't anything wrong with you. It's actually your super power that you don't know how to use yet. If you often try speak in a group and no one hears you or you do things for others and it goes completely unnoticed, if you have entered into competitions or challenges and get zero recognition, if you're being glossed over like no one cares for you, this is actually your invisibility cloak. It's on. If you want to be noticed, you have to be less loud and more magickal about it. Some really successful bad guys have an invisibility cloak, like the conmen who disappear as fast as they swooped in and get away with it. They learned early on in their lives that there was this thing and they learned to develop it for bad. The good guys just feel ostracised and alone and hate on themselves. I bring your attention to the horse and the elephant again. So I'm definitely not saying use this gift for bad. I'm just saying, you could be that successful doing good for yourself and others... Ultimately you were given this gift for your protection and to use it to cultivate a healthy, safe, fun life, for example, if you go out and there is a robbery, your cloak will let them see you last, so the next time you feel unseen or unheard, you can thank your creator for the gift and stop labelling it a curse. This does not apply to shitty partners and friends ignoring you. Because when it comes to your tribe and your circle of connection, the people who SEE you and HEAR you are in fact YOUR TRIBE! The Universe gives you this gift to weed out the ones you need protection from and you shouldn't be hanging out with them anyway. That's not to say that everyone who sees you in your tribe is your friend. Conmen with this cloak can see anyone with a cloak and they know the ones who don't know how to use their are easy targets for them because they fill your need to be heard and seen, so you do still have to apply your trinity here and ask all three about how they feel about every new connection you make. ALWAYS remember that where there is desperation, there is a conman or career narcissist, they have a bloodhound nose for you. Self Defense
If you have been violated, this is especially important to check off your list. In actual fact, if you live in one of the worlds highest and most violent crime countries, like South Africa most certainly is, then it's irresponsible of you to not teach yourself how to defend yourself. If you were an ancient tribe living in the jungle, you would need to learn as a child already how to defend yourself against snakes, tigers, insects and other dangerous things that live in the jungle. High crime is the same scenario. Feeding your trinity information on how to survive everyday life is actually in your best interest because once your brain knows what to do and your body has practiced it, then if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, you can get yourself out of it with confidence. Confidence comes with knowledge combined with repetition. I personally loved my training and you will surprise yourself with what you can do and achieve with small, quick movements and learning how to do prevention and disabling instead of getting into a fight. Feel free to source your own instructor, I will list the one I personally train with. His sessions aren't free but you can start looking on YouTube for a style of protection you would like to learn until you can afford lessons. Vince usually runs two for one specials so link up: Numerology
It is highly advisable to get your numerology chart done because it is like a google search engine on yourself to assist you with anything you need to know about yourself. You are capable of so much and it helps to have a life map when you're travelling on Earth. Find out more about this on my numerology page. This isn't a free service however all the information about it is advisable to read into, so you can understand your position on Earth as a human on a mission to gain perspective before you order a chart that's right for you. You can also calculate your own number and read up about yourself for free on any search engine. Finding the Gift from your Trauma
I left this one until last because it was the most triggering one for me to work through and also one of the most essential for your healing because it can't conclude if you don't have this cherry to put on top of it as the finishing touch. I almost slapped my therapist who used this technique on me. She uses interrogation as a method because when you experience a trauma or a loss, the last thing you want to acknowledge is why that was a good thing. Are you kidding!? Unfortunately not. Just like a 5 year old can't understand why it's parent is not allowing it to have the sweet it wants, we can't understand why bad things are happening to us, we don't have the birds eye view for it like our creator does. We must make piece with why we have been denied our candy that we want so much. In my case, I was interrogated to find the gift in losing my daughter. What eventually came out in an absolute rage was the fact that I have the freedom to be who I need to be, who I was always meant to be before I became a mother. It as like chewing on glass to get that out of my mouth but it was true. It was hard and emotional and devastating but she made me understand that all dark clouds do have that silver lining. The flood storms wash away what isn't strong enough to stand against it and it also comes with nourishment. Fires leave nothing in it's wake, but new growth flourishes soon after, better than before. When it's something easy like having a minor car accident, the bad feeling is the accident but the gift is that you are okay and you're being gifted a new car or perhaps you meet the love of your life in the emergency room. I'm glad I didn't kill my therapist that day, because it turns out, she was right. Since I saw her in 2018 and she helped me to unwrap that gift that I didn't want to unwrap, I have flourished in my field, I started my art again, I started dancing and designing. I began to have fun discovering who I would've been. I realised that I was so serious about being a mother to my kids that nothing else mattered and I do believe the universe took her from me to show me how codependent I was and how far I had lost myself labelling myself a mom. It honestly was what I lived for. I had such a terrible childhood example that I swore I would do my best to be the total opposite and in so doing, I lost sight of me keeping that promise and obviously, no good creator or parent would allow that kind of self abuse to continue and so I understood. I discovered that my gift for being repeatedly violated as a young girl in the safety of my home that developed a "sense" for this kind of creature, I can feel them walk past me even if I'm not looking. I can also spot an abused child very easily, they behave like I did, so as a healer, that would be important for me to know. When my son's father died, I almost instantly knew the gift was that he was not living in torture anymore and that provided relief for me. I never got over my best friend dying. She was a light in this world, a little Princess Diana in the making and I think that's why I am still sour over it because I don't know the gift that came from that. The gift I received from my mother's absence and everyone that left with her is that I have a healthy trinity because I don't have her playing games or using me as a pawn anymore in her master plan anymore. I gained my mental freedom. Basically, the message is clear and strong, when we are given a painful situation, the only way to the other side is to find your gift in your trauma and the sooner you will get to the next level in the video game of your life #ChallengeAccepted If you would like assistance with this, I can help your interrogation with my therapy sessions. |
A reminder that these are all my personal recommendations that have helped me and my clients in the past and have been learned from many Gurus and Professionals across the globe. This is just to get you started, the idea is that you create your own healing libraries so that you can ALWAYS go back to them, because you will need to because remember, it's like eating, you don't do it once, you do it everyday to stay healthy and alive. Be gentle and kind with yourself and your deserving others. Enjoy some of my inspirational memes and let me know which of these worked for you.
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Please note that this is only checked during office hours. If you have an emergency, please contact the officials, we will be in touch as soon as possible. Thank you for messaging and well done on taking care of yourself. Stay safe and remember to do as many of the above exercises as much as you possibly can. Your mental health success is dependent on the repetition of the things that work. Remember to copy your message before sending just in case your page refreshes and you need to paste it.
Please note that this is only checked during office hours. If you have an emergency, please contact the officials, we will be in touch as soon as possible. Thank you for messaging and well done on taking care of yourself. Stay safe and remember to do as many of the above exercises as much as you possibly can. Your mental health success is dependent on the repetition of the things that work. Remember to copy your message before sending just in case your page refreshes and you need to paste it.