Thank you for taking the time to assess your therapist who has been personally trained by Cat at Namaste's Academy. We are excited to hear about their progress with you. We will share your information with them after they have been marked. We trust you enjoyed your treatment with your therapist, please kindly fill in the form. Please fill in one submission per treatment, so if you've had more than one treatment, please fill in another time. We look forward to hearing from you again soon. See the testimonials at the end of this page for reference.
Please answer all questions well or they cannot be used toward their certification
Our Current Therapists in Training
Guinea-Pig Testimonials for Current Trainees
Please feel free to take a look at what some of their clients had to say...
Please feel free to take a look at what some of their clients had to say...
Alec Morningstar . Massage
Alec has completed his initial training and is certified having done his 50 test guests, but will only qualify after completing his exams. |
Maggie Kruger . Nails
Mags has completed her training and is practicing. She still needs to be certified and then will qualify after exams. |