Welcome Namaste Guinea-Pig and Thank you for joining in on this exciting experimental treatment.
Introducing our latest blend of Ouchie Ointment which is an incredibly wonderful bacterial and fungal neutriliser.
Healing and Minor Wound Care
Available in Plastic Dropper Bottle to easily apply to your affected area. Polish bottle not recommended for treatment of nail fungus. So after all these years of trying to treat fungal, bacterial and general wounds, I have found that this combination of ingredients work the absolute best. You can make it up yourself or you can get a bottle from us. It is a natural healing blend of ingredients that assist in minor wound sterilising and accelerated healing...
Things to note about using this Ointment?
I formulated this blend especially for pimples and NAIL FUNGUS because it kicks fungus butt!!! If you're going to use it for other bacterial or fungal infections, please perform a skin patch test on your regular skin first before attempting anything on an actual wound. It can feel like it's burning the wound when you first apply, as it is doing it's job with wound entry. Check with your doctor for confirmation if you're concerned about anything as they can be abrasive and isn't for sissies, but it's an excellent cleanser and healer. Must be used for at last 3 months everyday twice a day for nail fungus treatment. We are currently in test trials for the treatment of acne.
Test Participation
Please sign the consent form to initiate testing and to receive your free samples of Ouchie Ointment. Please download the Excel document and keep it up to date with information. Comprehensive participation means you get another bottle for free. If you don't participate, I will know you no longer want to be part of the study. If the product is not working for you, please say so. All your feedback is essential. Please follow the instructions correctly otherwise we won't get correct results and I can't tweak the product in the way that you need. Please check that you do not have a sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
Warning: Essential Oils - Hydrogen Peroxide, Epsom Salts, Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf, Lavender Oil, Sunflower Oil, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Surgical Spirits, Tea Tree Oil.
Introducing our latest blend of Ouchie Ointment which is an incredibly wonderful bacterial and fungal neutriliser.
Healing and Minor Wound Care
Available in Plastic Dropper Bottle to easily apply to your affected area. Polish bottle not recommended for treatment of nail fungus. So after all these years of trying to treat fungal, bacterial and general wounds, I have found that this combination of ingredients work the absolute best. You can make it up yourself or you can get a bottle from us. It is a natural healing blend of ingredients that assist in minor wound sterilising and accelerated healing...
Things to note about using this Ointment?
I formulated this blend especially for pimples and NAIL FUNGUS because it kicks fungus butt!!! If you're going to use it for other bacterial or fungal infections, please perform a skin patch test on your regular skin first before attempting anything on an actual wound. It can feel like it's burning the wound when you first apply, as it is doing it's job with wound entry. Check with your doctor for confirmation if you're concerned about anything as they can be abrasive and isn't for sissies, but it's an excellent cleanser and healer. Must be used for at last 3 months everyday twice a day for nail fungus treatment. We are currently in test trials for the treatment of acne.
Test Participation
Please sign the consent form to initiate testing and to receive your free samples of Ouchie Ointment. Please download the Excel document and keep it up to date with information. Comprehensive participation means you get another bottle for free. If you don't participate, I will know you no longer want to be part of the study. If the product is not working for you, please say so. All your feedback is essential. Please follow the instructions correctly otherwise we won't get correct results and I can't tweak the product in the way that you need. Please check that you do not have a sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
Warning: Essential Oils - Hydrogen Peroxide, Epsom Salts, Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf, Lavender Oil, Sunflower Oil, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Surgical Spirits, Tea Tree Oil.
Ointment Trials for Acne
Important Reminder: Your skin takes 2 weeks to react to new treatment and then another 2 weeks to settle into something new. Which is why we need to give 4 to 6 weeks to see if the treatment is suitable for you. During that period, you may experience a flare up, this is normal. If your skin is still reacting after 8 weeks, then your skin doesn't like the treatment. Fingers crossed for everyone.
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