Namaste Therapy Journey Crew
Welcome aboard the Namaste Journey, you made it through your first session! Well done! Enjoy the journey into yourself, it all starts here, checking one item off the list at a time.
Welcome aboard the Namaste Journey, you made it through your first session! Well done! Enjoy the journey into yourself, it all starts here, checking one item off the list at a time.
Awards . Cards . Namaste Notes . Numerology . SoulWork Sunday . Therapy Journeys . Tributes . Wheel of the Year
Thank you so much for joining me at Namaste's Beach House, I'm so honoured that I get to sail along side you in this journey into yourself! Well done on making it through our first BIG hours of waves. By now you should be experiencing some detox symptoms, headache, tension, anxiety, fatigue, sudden energy burst, needing to sleep, nausea, crying, sick, tummy stuff. All totally normal when your brain learns valuable information to itself, it will begin to release a lot of things it doesn't need anymore and just knowing what you now KNOW is enough for it to start unloading years of trauma, judgement, pain and toxin because it now understands. Your trinity has just spent their first nights together KNOWING about each other and being AWARE of each other and they've been processing like crazy whilst you've been sleeping.
Homework is not like in school, it's about Your HOME: Your Trinity: Your Body, Brain, Soul and Earth.
Everyone gets similar work to do, which you will find on here and then all your homework that is personal for YOU, based on what you've already uncovered about yourself as well as your numerology, will be sent to you privately. It will be a lot. If you do not complete it, you are the only one who is not benefiting. You've got decades of knowing yourself to catch up on you and learning never stops, so whilst there is no time limit on this, the sooner you get through it, the sooner you will program yourself to be on the top of your game. Homework is more important than the sessions we do together, it is your alone time with your Posse and Trinity where y'all come up with answers and connections, so not doing your homework is only hurting you.
So welcome to The Game of Life. This is the first day of the rest of your new life. Make your homework FUN, do it in a way that you can add to it for your whole life. Your trinity is in the process of INTEGRATING what you've learned, so you need to build on that momentum. Become very observant now, more than you talk. Listen to your 3 voices. Notice how Posse. Communicate with them and yourself. Dedicate a 3rd of your day to researching yourself and experimenting. Follow all the steps, try everything, leave no wave unsurfed.
Every session you have with me gets you a month of WhatsApp support for free where I will be checking in on you regularly. You are paying me to guide you and I'm no nonsense about this journey as well as our time and our energy. If I see you are not doing your homework a little bit everyday, ignoring assignments, making excuses for not finding time for yourself, blue ticking NTJ messages, pop quizzes, not engaging and not reading things properly, I will move you from the Journey Crew into Adhoc Crew, which means I will only connect with you if you connect with me and the NTJ Support Group falls away because we can only have Crew who are consistently investing in themselves on the group. In other words, only active and participating crew will be allowed all access as these are the crew who are dedicated to healing, riding the waves together. If you were lost at sea for a while and are ready to come back and commence your homework again, please join the group again and lets have a refresher, everything is all about the right timing. We miss the sailors who drifted off and we're looking forward to seeing them on a journey again soon.
This journey will be challenging and exciting and you will love and hate me as I push you towards your finish lines that you have spoken and I have witnessed. You will feel my foot up your butt. Know that it comes from a place of doing my job as well as actual experience and believing you can do it. I won't flog a dead horse (or any horse). I pass no judgement at all ever. I've been doing this many years and I am trained to only help those who are helping themselves, so homework evidence is the baseline of self intentions. Many don't make this great voyage across their own oceans, I myself almost drowned a couple times, it's hard work but it's the most rewarding work to play the game well and I'm living proof that it can be done and that we're stronger together because the waves are getting bigger and a village of like-souled humans is golden.
Good luck fellow Sailor, Surfer, Swimmer, see you in the water,
your handler, Cat xxx
Please confirm that you have read up to this point by sending me a WhatsApp letting me know how and what you're feeling, thinking and knowing?
Homework is not like in school, it's about Your HOME: Your Trinity: Your Body, Brain, Soul and Earth.
Everyone gets similar work to do, which you will find on here and then all your homework that is personal for YOU, based on what you've already uncovered about yourself as well as your numerology, will be sent to you privately. It will be a lot. If you do not complete it, you are the only one who is not benefiting. You've got decades of knowing yourself to catch up on you and learning never stops, so whilst there is no time limit on this, the sooner you get through it, the sooner you will program yourself to be on the top of your game. Homework is more important than the sessions we do together, it is your alone time with your Posse and Trinity where y'all come up with answers and connections, so not doing your homework is only hurting you.
So welcome to The Game of Life. This is the first day of the rest of your new life. Make your homework FUN, do it in a way that you can add to it for your whole life. Your trinity is in the process of INTEGRATING what you've learned, so you need to build on that momentum. Become very observant now, more than you talk. Listen to your 3 voices. Notice how Posse. Communicate with them and yourself. Dedicate a 3rd of your day to researching yourself and experimenting. Follow all the steps, try everything, leave no wave unsurfed.
Every session you have with me gets you a month of WhatsApp support for free where I will be checking in on you regularly. You are paying me to guide you and I'm no nonsense about this journey as well as our time and our energy. If I see you are not doing your homework a little bit everyday, ignoring assignments, making excuses for not finding time for yourself, blue ticking NTJ messages, pop quizzes, not engaging and not reading things properly, I will move you from the Journey Crew into Adhoc Crew, which means I will only connect with you if you connect with me and the NTJ Support Group falls away because we can only have Crew who are consistently investing in themselves on the group. In other words, only active and participating crew will be allowed all access as these are the crew who are dedicated to healing, riding the waves together. If you were lost at sea for a while and are ready to come back and commence your homework again, please join the group again and lets have a refresher, everything is all about the right timing. We miss the sailors who drifted off and we're looking forward to seeing them on a journey again soon.
This journey will be challenging and exciting and you will love and hate me as I push you towards your finish lines that you have spoken and I have witnessed. You will feel my foot up your butt. Know that it comes from a place of doing my job as well as actual experience and believing you can do it. I won't flog a dead horse (or any horse). I pass no judgement at all ever. I've been doing this many years and I am trained to only help those who are helping themselves, so homework evidence is the baseline of self intentions. Many don't make this great voyage across their own oceans, I myself almost drowned a couple times, it's hard work but it's the most rewarding work to play the game well and I'm living proof that it can be done and that we're stronger together because the waves are getting bigger and a village of like-souled humans is golden.
Good luck fellow Sailor, Surfer, Swimmer, see you in the water,
your handler, Cat xxx
Please confirm that you have read up to this point by sending me a WhatsApp letting me know how and what you're feeling, thinking and knowing?
To get more out of your journey, you must be a member of the NTJ Facebook Group
If you do not have a Facebook account, please consider creating one, you don't need to add any friends to have an account and view all the necessary updates. Please go through everything to make sure that you have completed all the challenges and know that I am here if you need to cross check anything. Enjoy the surf!
Tap to JOIN Cat Haliwell on Skype
Tap here to access your progress chart
If you do not have a Facebook account, please consider creating one, you don't need to add any friends to have an account and view all the necessary updates. Please go through everything to make sure that you have completed all the challenges and know that I am here if you need to cross check anything. Enjoy the surf!
Tap to JOIN Cat Haliwell on Skype
Tap here to access your progress chart
Journey Homework
The only way for you to get to know yourself is to go through all these waves listed below. There is no time limit however, the faster you learn about yourself, the more unstoppable and unstuck and brighter you will become. So the question is how much do you want that for yourself?
You cannot do anything without energy. Three things need to be addressed to increase your energy
Meaning you need to eat and drink healthy, you need to pick 3 movements and you need to prioritise your to do lists!
Daily Mandatory Activities
from now until forever non negotiable
Juicing . Breathing . Trinity Talk . Stretching . Non dominant hand training
Challenge 1: Join the Therapy Journey Support Group - Requirement: You must do your homework, pay your account and participate to be able to stay on the support group. It is a protected group of like souled humans who are all at different stages of their journeys and all supporting one another. It is on Facebook, so if you do not have an account, please create one and join us (with a fake name if you don't want people to see you online).
Challenge 2: Begin a journal, diary, vision board, file, box, whatever you like to hold all your notes from journey and all the things you will come to learn about yourself. Decorate it the way you like it. You're going to have this around for the rest of your life learning all there is to know about you.
Challenge 3: Begin your mandatory non negotiables: Juicing, breathing, meditating and stretching routine. If you do not know how to do these correctly, please ask so you can start your foundations properly.
Challenge 4: Non dominant hand training from now until forever.
Challenge 5: Pick 3 movements from this list, ideally do all of them to start and see which ones resonate most and give you the best peaceful energy boost: QiGong, Yoga, Tapping, Biokinetics, Dancing, Walking in nature or any other ambidextrous activity. Report back with which are your top 3.
Challenge 6: Book your journey check in sessions with Cat (usually 30min every second week or 1 hour every month or 2 hours every second month, one you start going over 2 months, you forget to tell me things that have happened and updated learning on the go is lost).
Challenge 7: Juice & Supplements - Nutrition: Research them, buy them. Start taking them, everyday forever and extra when you're not well.
The only way for you to get to know yourself is to go through all these waves listed below. There is no time limit however, the faster you learn about yourself, the more unstoppable and unstuck and brighter you will become. So the question is how much do you want that for yourself?
You cannot do anything without energy. Three things need to be addressed to increase your energy
Meaning you need to eat and drink healthy, you need to pick 3 movements and you need to prioritise your to do lists!
Daily Mandatory Activities
from now until forever non negotiable
Juicing . Breathing . Trinity Talk . Stretching . Non dominant hand training
Challenge 1: Join the Therapy Journey Support Group - Requirement: You must do your homework, pay your account and participate to be able to stay on the support group. It is a protected group of like souled humans who are all at different stages of their journeys and all supporting one another. It is on Facebook, so if you do not have an account, please create one and join us (with a fake name if you don't want people to see you online).
Challenge 2: Begin a journal, diary, vision board, file, box, whatever you like to hold all your notes from journey and all the things you will come to learn about yourself. Decorate it the way you like it. You're going to have this around for the rest of your life learning all there is to know about you.
Challenge 3: Begin your mandatory non negotiables: Juicing, breathing, meditating and stretching routine. If you do not know how to do these correctly, please ask so you can start your foundations properly.
Challenge 4: Non dominant hand training from now until forever.
Challenge 5: Pick 3 movements from this list, ideally do all of them to start and see which ones resonate most and give you the best peaceful energy boost: QiGong, Yoga, Tapping, Biokinetics, Dancing, Walking in nature or any other ambidextrous activity. Report back with which are your top 3.
Challenge 6: Book your journey check in sessions with Cat (usually 30min every second week or 1 hour every month or 2 hours every second month, one you start going over 2 months, you forget to tell me things that have happened and updated learning on the go is lost).
Challenge 7: Juice & Supplements - Nutrition: Research them, buy them. Start taking them, everyday forever and extra when you're not well.
I highly recommend all of these, they are expensive to buy all in one go, so budget for it and get one a month at least, then don't take everyday, split it up so it lasts longer until you can afford more regulalry, then you can increase. It is better to have a little than nothing at all. Feed your brain the info on all of these, so it can learn what it needs to program you with when it is lacking one of these.
Challenge 1: You will be sent assignments specific to your level of healing and needs
Challenge 2: Watch a video on why you volunteered to come to earth
Challenge 3: Click on this link to the Journey Music Library and add it to your own Youtube Library, listen to it when you need to and then create your very own THEME SONG PLAYLIST that has your own pick me up songs on it,
Challenge 4: Click on this link to the Journey Homework Library, save it to your YouTube Library and make your way through all the videos and then follow your own searches
Challenge 1: You will be sent assignments specific to your level of healing and needs
Challenge 2: Watch a video on why you volunteered to come to earth
Challenge 3: Click on this link to the Journey Music Library and add it to your own Youtube Library, listen to it when you need to and then create your very own THEME SONG PLAYLIST that has your own pick me up songs on it,
Challenge 4: Click on this link to the Journey Homework Library, save it to your YouTube Library and make your way through all the videos and then follow your own searches
Challenge 5: Research the health benefits and effects of the following. You can hand write or type or create a project, whatever is comfortable for you.
1. Beetroot 2. Carrot 3. Pineapple 4. Apple 5. Celery 6. Cucumber 7. Lemon 8. Kale 9. Spinach 10. Ginger 11. Garlic 12. Moringa 13. Chlorophyll 14. Turmeric 15. Magnesium 16. Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) 17. Medical mushrooms 18. Milk thistle 19. Colloidal Silver 20. Activated Charcoal 21. Alkaline Powder. 22. Iron. 23. Dangers of fluoride toothpaste. Once you're done, read it out loud to yourself, like you are teaching yourself. Feel free to teach anyone you know about it as well. There it's a famous saying that goes: The knowledge isn't yours until you teach or share it. Meaning, if you teach it, you integrate your holy trinity faster into your routine because you are talking about stuff you really believe in. This helps with the 4,500 times reprogramming your brain needs. Also, it's good for everyone. There is no time limit, but ove-yous-ly the sooner you do it, the better. This exercise will now program your brain to comprehend what your body is experiencing every morning when you get up and take the juice and supplements. This way, every time you consume them, your brain will automatically allocate the information you will now research to that activity. The brain will turn understand how beneficial that action is to your body and itself and it will operate at its best and also start to crave it. It will know that anytime you feel shit or drained or weak, it will show you a picture of these juices in your mind, like a warning light that your tank is low. You can have this juice any time and as much as you like. It is fuel for your body and brain and allows the messages from your soul to flow more easily because your body doesn't have to struggle so much anymore, it has all it needs to restore, recover, release and renew. If you have children, do this project with them - the sooner they learn this the better.
Challenge 6: If you want to really understand your bloodline and ancestral roots, then do your DNA testing. Here are the top 3 choices (I used Family Tree DNA) and then upload your data to GED Match, it cross references everyone who has chosen to share their results, it can connect you to your relatives.
1. Beetroot 2. Carrot 3. Pineapple 4. Apple 5. Celery 6. Cucumber 7. Lemon 8. Kale 9. Spinach 10. Ginger 11. Garlic 12. Moringa 13. Chlorophyll 14. Turmeric 15. Magnesium 16. Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) 17. Medical mushrooms 18. Milk thistle 19. Colloidal Silver 20. Activated Charcoal 21. Alkaline Powder. 22. Iron. 23. Dangers of fluoride toothpaste. Once you're done, read it out loud to yourself, like you are teaching yourself. Feel free to teach anyone you know about it as well. There it's a famous saying that goes: The knowledge isn't yours until you teach or share it. Meaning, if you teach it, you integrate your holy trinity faster into your routine because you are talking about stuff you really believe in. This helps with the 4,500 times reprogramming your brain needs. Also, it's good for everyone. There is no time limit, but ove-yous-ly the sooner you do it, the better. This exercise will now program your brain to comprehend what your body is experiencing every morning when you get up and take the juice and supplements. This way, every time you consume them, your brain will automatically allocate the information you will now research to that activity. The brain will turn understand how beneficial that action is to your body and itself and it will operate at its best and also start to crave it. It will know that anytime you feel shit or drained or weak, it will show you a picture of these juices in your mind, like a warning light that your tank is low. You can have this juice any time and as much as you like. It is fuel for your body and brain and allows the messages from your soul to flow more easily because your body doesn't have to struggle so much anymore, it has all it needs to restore, recover, release and renew. If you have children, do this project with them - the sooner they learn this the better.
Challenge 6: If you want to really understand your bloodline and ancestral roots, then do your DNA testing. Here are the top 3 choices (I used Family Tree DNA) and then upload your data to GED Match, it cross references everyone who has chosen to share their results, it can connect you to your relatives.
It is important to see the professionals that I network with. They are essential to getting a full picture on your Trinity Well being. You do not need to see them all at once, it is an expensive exercise, however, these are essential to helping you further along your journey. I could not be where I am today if it were not for them, so please connect with them to dive deeper into yourself, ask them for prices, and then budget for it and set the appointment. If you are struggling, ask them what they have to offer as payment plan or trade. After you have done your appointment, please ask them for a written report so that I can file it in your file, if you are happy sharing that information. Please check OUR HEALING HIVE as we all work together and are on the same page with our flients as well as focus on being as natural as possible and futureproofing wellness for all. These are the teachers we recommend you start with, they are in no particular order, start with what you feel you need most, but these teachers are the ones who will help you get across that finish line: |
* Chantal . Face Repair
There is no one better to take care of your face.
* Kerry . Biokinetics
For those of you with a weak core or constant pain, please book an urgent assessment with her so we can really target strengthening you.
*Janita . Naturall Touch
Massaging and Reflexology with Reiki
* Maggie . Daimoku
Reiki Trinity Check in. 6 to 12 times a year and anytime you need to see what is happening with your trinity.
* Michel . Alternate Choices
Paradigm Shifting & Brain Alignment. 6 sessions to reprogram your brain.
* Taryn . GoldFlower HeartSense Healing
Akashic records and deleting of old contracts. A least once and then monthly is amazing!
* Tracy . Soul Stars
Trinity Healing, Connection & Alignment of all dimensions, all bodies and all times. Once a year and anytime you're unwell.
* Vince . Self Defense
Defense isn't attack and everyone from little should know how to defend themselves.
* Chantal . Face Repair
There is no one better to take care of your face.
* Kerry . Biokinetics
For those of you with a weak core or constant pain, please book an urgent assessment with her so we can really target strengthening you.
*Janita . Naturall Touch
Massaging and Reflexology with Reiki
* Maggie . Daimoku
Reiki Trinity Check in. 6 to 12 times a year and anytime you need to see what is happening with your trinity.
* Michel . Alternate Choices
Paradigm Shifting & Brain Alignment. 6 sessions to reprogram your brain.
* Taryn . GoldFlower HeartSense Healing
Akashic records and deleting of old contracts. A least once and then monthly is amazing!
* Tracy . Soul Stars
Trinity Healing, Connection & Alignment of all dimensions, all bodies and all times. Once a year and anytime you're unwell.
* Vince . Self Defense
Defense isn't attack and everyone from little should know how to defend themselves.
1. Journey Docs, Forms & Files
All the docs, forms and files you need to map your future. Let me know if you would like something that you don't see here.
All the docs, forms and files you need to map your future. Let me know if you would like something that you don't see here.
Downloadable Detailed Docs
2. Journey Gurus
I will always recommend the Gurus who helped me along my path. Feel free to share yours
I will always recommend the Gurus who helped me along my path. Feel free to share yours
4. Journey Music & Frequency
Listen to music with meaningful messages
Find out more about frequency and Binaural Beats
Listen to music with meaningful messages
Find out more about frequency and Binaural Beats
5. Journey Movies
Take a look at some films that are also trying to wake us up
Take a look at some films that are also trying to wake us up
6. Journey Series
Some useful shows to watch with great inspiration
Some useful shows to watch with great inspiration
7. Journey Apps
Download ALL these apps and customise them to suit your lifestyle
Download ALL these apps and customise them to suit your lifestyle
8. Journey Self Tests
Valuable tests for understanding yourself
*What is your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign?
What is your personality type and how do you work with it?
Valuable tests for understanding yourself
*What is your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign?
What is your personality type and how do you work with it?
9. Journey Notes
These are food for thought memes that we've all shared that meant something to us. Use the hashtag #NTJNotes when loading your own so they also come up in searches.
These are food for thought memes that we've all shared that meant something to us. Use the hashtag #NTJNotes when loading your own so they also come up in searches.
10. More about the Posse
See what Posse we all have in common!
See what Posse we all have in common!
Please note some links can be Facebook broken (when they change things), if you experience this, please WhatsApp so I can create a new link.